Pleasure, Knowledge, and Being
Cynthia M Hampton
Not Available
Cynthia Hampton
Two Studies in the Early Academy
R M Dancy
Aristotle's Physics and Its Medieval Varieties
Helen S Lang
Rhetoric and Reality in Plato's "Phaedrus"
David A White
The Masks of Dionysos
Daniel E Anderson
The Symposium and the Phaedrus
The Political Dimensions of Aristotle's Ethics
Richard Bodéüs
Richard Bodeus
Aristotle's Philosophy of Friendship
Suzanne SternGillet
Inventing the Universe
Luc Brisson and 1 more
Finitude and Transcendence in the Platonic Dialogues
Drew A Hyland
Aristotle's Theory of Actuality
Z Bechler
Plato's Craft of Justice
Richard D Parry
Analysis and Science in Aristotle
Patrick H Byrne
Plato's Charmides and the Socratic Ideal of Rationality
W Thomas Schmid
Walter T Schmid
Action and Contemplation
Robert C Bartlett and 1 more
Aristotle on Artifacts
Errol G Katayama
Aristotle and the Theology of the Living Immortals
Plato's Socrates as Educator
Gary Alan Scott
Anaximander and the Architects
Robert Hahn
The Wisdom of Aristotle
Carlo Natali
Ontology and the Art of Tragedy
Martha Husain
Cognition of Value in Aristotle's Ethics
Deborah Achtenberg
Anaximander in Context
Dirk L Couprie and 2 more
Otfried Höffe
The Ethics of Ontology
Christopher P Long
Plotinus and the Presocratics
Giannis Stamatellos
Eric D Perl
Aristotle's Politics Today
Lenn Evan Goodman and 1 more
Erotic Wisdom
Gary Alan Scott and 1 more
Logos and Muthos
William Robert Wians
Aristotle's Concept of Chance
John Dudley
Eros and the Intoxications of Enlightenment
Steven Berg
Archaeology and the Origins of Philosophy
Retrieving Aristotle in an Age of Crisis
David Roochnik
Ancient and Medieval Concepts of Friendship
Suzanne SternGillet and 1 more
Topography and Deep Structure in Plato
Clinton DeBevoise Corcoran
Contemplating Friendship in Aristotle's Ethics
Ann Ward
The Metaphysics of the Pythagorean Theorem
The Parthenon and Liberal Education
Geoff Lehman
Plato's Laughter
Sonja Tanner
Aristotle on God's Life-Generating Power and on Pneuma as Its Vehicle
A P Bos
Geoff Lehman and 1 more
Logoi and Muthoi
Plato and the Body
Coleen P Zoller
Conflict in Aristotle's Political Philosophy
Steven Skultety
Being Measured
Mark Richard Wheeler
Steven C Skultety
On the Good Life
Cristina Ionescu
Mark R Wheeler
Image and Argument in Plato's Republic
Marina McCoy
Marina Berzins McCoy
Endangered Excellence
Pierre Pellegrin
Seeing With Free Eyes
Marlene K Sokolon
One Over Many
Necip Fikri Alican
Opining Beauty Itself
Naomi Reshotko
The Relay Race of Virtue
William H F Altman
Plato's Reasons
Christopher W Tindale
Aristotle's Quarrel With Socrates
John Boersma
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