Economic Growth, Income Distribution and Poverty Reduction in Contemporary China
Shujie University of Nottingham and 1 more
Not Available
The Chinese Communist Party in Reform
Kjeld Erik Brødsgaard and 1 more
Poverty and Inequality among Chinese Minorities
Ajit S former Fellow and 3 more
China Along the Yellow River
Cao Jinqing
Unemployment, Inequality and Poverty in Urban China
Hiroshi Hitotsubashi University and 2 more
China in the Wake of Asia's Financial Crisis
Mengkui Wang
Peasants and Revolution in Rural China
Chang Liu
China's Large Enterprises and the Challenge of Late Industrialisation
Dylan Sutherland
Chinese Citizenship
Vanessa L Fong
Kjeld Erik Brødsgaard
The Chinese Model of Modern Development
Tian Yu Cao
Corporate Governance in China
Jian Chen
Managers and Mandarins in Contemporary China
Jie University of London and 1 more
Economic Convergence in Greater China
Chun Kwok Lei and 2 more
China's Industrial Policies and the Global Business Revolution
Ling Liu
Thirty Years of China's Reform
Wang Mengkui
The Chinese Banking Industry
Yuanyuan Peng
China's Post-Reform Economy - Achieving Harmony, Sustaining Growth
Richard Sanders
The Political Future of Hong Kong
Kit Hong Kong Polytechnic University and 1 more
China's Economic Relations with the West and Japan, 1949-1979
Chad formerly of the School of Oriental and African Studies and 1 more
Shujie Yao
Global Big Business and the Chinese Brewing Industry
Yuantao Guo
Globalization, Competition and Growth in China
Informal Institutions and Rural Development in China
Biliang Hu
China's Development Challenges
Richard Schiere
The Political Economy of the Chinese Coal Industry
Tim Wright
China and the Global Financial Crisis
JeanPierre Cabestan
China's Role in Global Economic Recovery
Xiaolan Fu
Rising China in the Changing World Economy
Liming Wang
China as the Workshop of the World
Yuning Gao
Sustainable Reform and Development in Post-Olympic China
The Theory of the Firm and Chinese Enterprise Reform
Xiao China Merchants Group and 1 more
Chinese Economists on Economic Reform - Collected Works of Xue Muqiao
The China Development Research Foundation
The Growth of Market Relations in Post-Reform Rural China
Hiroshi Sato
China's Development and Harmonization
Bin University of Nottingham and 1 more
China's Rural Financial System
Yuepeng China Banking Regulatory Commission and 1 more
China's Three Decades of Economic Reforms
Xiaohui Liu
Catch-Up and Competitiveness in China
Jin Zhang
The East Asian Computer Chip War
Mingchin Monique University of Southampton and 1 more
China's Economic Dynamics
Jun Li
China in the World Economy
Zhongmin Wu
Chinese Economists on Economic Reform. Collected Works of Li Jiange
Jiange Li
Financial Sector Reform and the International Integration of China
Understanding China
Peter University of Cambridge and 1 more
A New Development Model and China's Future
Deng Yingtao
US-China Relations in the Twenty-First Century
Michael University of Cambridge and 1 more
China's Centralized Industrial Order
Chen University of Cambridge and 1 more
China's New Urbanization Strategy
Zhongguo fa zhan yan jiu ji jin hui
China's Road to Peaceful Rise
Bijian Zheng
China's Exchange Rate Regime
China Development Research Foundation
Demographic Developments in China
China's WTO Accession Reassessed
Wang Luolin
Chinese Economists on Economic Reform - Collected Works of Guo Shuqing
Guo Shuqing
Chinese Economists on Economic Reform - Collected Works of Zhou Xiaochuan
Xiaochuan Zhou
Chinese Economists on Economic Reform - Collected Works of Li Jiange
Chinese Economists on Economic Reform
Hong Ma and 1 more
Chinese Economists on Economic Reform. Collected Works of Wang Mengkui
Mengkui Wang and 1 more
Chinese Economists on Economic Reform. Collected Works of Lou Jiwei
Jiwei Lou
Chinese Economists on Economic Reform. Collected Works of Chen Xiwen
Xiwen Chen
Chinese Economists on Economic Reform. Collected Works of Du Runsheng
Runsheng Du
Being Middle Class in China
Ying Miao
The Evolution of China's Banking System, 1993-2017
Guy Williams
China's Economic Growth
Yanrui Wu
China's Poor Regions
Mei Zhang
Good Governance in China - A Way Towards Social Harmony
The Employment Impact of China's WTO Accession
A S Bhalla and 2 more
Sustaining China's Economic Growth in the Twenty-first Century
Xiaming Aston University Liu
China and the West
Peter Nolan
Wind Power in China
Julia Kirkegaard
The Economic Cycle and the Growth of the Chinese Economy
Li Jianwei
Governing the Commons in China
Yan Zhang
The Chinese Coal Industry
Elspeth Thomson
China's Rural Areas
Reforming China's Healthcare System
The Political Economy of Banking Governance in China
Xuming Yang
Julia Kirch Kirkegaard
The Evolution of China's Banking System, 1993–2017
China's Commercial Health Insurance
Multinationals, Global Value Chains and Governance
Peter Hertenstein
How China Escaped Shock Therapy
Isabella Weber
Chinese Private Manufacturing Firms
Xiao Chen
The Silk Road and the Political Economy of the Mongol Empire
Prajakti Kalra
China's Sustainable Use of Natural Resources
Finance and the Real Economy
Industrial Innovation in China
Zhenyu Fu
Financial Liberalization in China
Hui Feng
Sustaining China's Economic Growth in the Twenty-First Century
Shujie Yao and 1 more
Reorienting Chinese Development in the Twenty-First Century
Chun Lin
A S Bhalla and 1 more
Road Map of China's Rise
Angang Hu
Globalisation and China's Commercial Aircraft Industry
The Chinese Steel Industry
Pei Sun
China's Urbanization in the New Round of Technological Revolution, 2020-2050
Wang Wei
Medicines in China's National Health Insurance System
China's Aging Population
America's Cold War Against China
Petroleum and East Asia, 1880-2008
Chad J Mitcham
Li Shi and 1 more
Globalization, Competition, and Growth in China
Jian Chen and 1 more
Eliminating Poverty Through Development in China
Chinese Economists on Economic Reform. Collected Works of Yu Guangyuan
Guangyuan Yu