Developing a Constitution for Europe
Erik Oddvar Eriksen
Not Available
Making The European Polity
Questioning EU Enlargement
Helene Sjursen
The European Union and the Public Sphere
John Erik Fossum
Rethinking Democracy and the European Union
The Politicization of Europe
Paul Statham and 1 more
The New Politics of European Civil Society
Ulrike Liebert
The European Union's Non-Members
Law, Democracy and Solidarity in a Post-national Union
Democratic Decision-Making in the EU
Anne Elizabeth Stie
States of Democracy
Yvonne Galligan
Towards a Segmented European Political Order
Jozef Comenius University and 3 more
Jozef Bátora and 1 more
Expertisation and Democracy in Europe
Magdalena Góra and 2 more
The Accountability of Expertise
Differentiation and Dominance in Europe's Poly-Crises
Erik Oddvar Eriksen and 1 more