Nancy Cartwright’s Philosophy of Science
Luc London School of Economics and 2 more
Not Available
Evolution, Rationality and Cognition
Antonio Zilhao
Fictions in Science
Mauricio Suárez
Kuhn’s The Structure of Scientific Revolutions Revisited
Vasso Kindi
Emergence in Science and Philosophy
Antonella Corradini
Popper's Critical Rationalism
Darrell Rowbottom
Contemporary Philosophical Naturalism and Its Implications
Bana Bashour
Platonism, Naturalism, and Mathematical Knowledge
James Robert Brown
Causation, Evidence, and Inference
Julian London School of Economics London School of Economics and 1 more
Thought Experiments in Science, Philosophy, and the Arts
Melanie Frappier
Kuhn's The Structure of Scientific Revolutions Revisited
Vaso Kinte and 1 more
Bana Bashour and 1 more
Conceptual Systems
Harold I Brown
Science after the Practice Turn in the Philosophy, History, and Social Studies of Science
Léna Soler
Neo-Aristotelian Perspectives on Contemporary Science
William MR Simpson
Models, Simulations, and Representations
Paul Humphreys
Conservative Reductionism
Michael Esfeld and 1 more
Julian Reiss
Conceptual Change and the Philosophy of Science
David J Stump
William MR Simpson and 2 more
The Aesthetics of Science
Steven French and 1 more
Logical Empiricism and the Physical Sciences
Sebastian Lutz
The Instrument of Science
Darrell P Rowbottom
Understanding Perspectivism
Michela Massimi
Essence in the Age of Evolution
Christopher J Austin
The Tools of Neuroscience Experiment
John Bickle
Milena Ivanova and 1 more
Scientific Challenges to Common Sense Philosophy
Rik Peels
Structure, Evidence, and Heuristic
Armin W Schulz
The Internet and Philosophy of Science
Wenceslao J University of A Coruña and 2 more
Evidence Contestation
Karin Zachmann
Science, Freedom, Democracy
Péter Hartl and 1 more
Sebastian Lutz and 1 more
John Bickle and 2 more
The Explanatory Autonomy of the Biological Sciences
Wei Fang
Scientific Explanation, Causality, and Agency
Majid D Beni
New Philosophical Perspectives on Scientific Progress
Yafeng Shan
Wenceslao J Gonzalez
Karin Zachmann and 3 more
Understanding and Conscious Experience
Andrei Ionut Marasoiu and 1 more
Conjunctive Explanations
Jonah N Schupbach and 1 more
The Aesthetics of Scientific Experiments
Modeling the Possible
Tarja Knuuttila and 3 more
António Zilhão
Michela Massimi and 1 more
Nancy Cartwright's Philosophy of Science
Stephan Hartmann and 2 more
Karl Popper's Philosophy of Science
Stefano Gattei