Colonialism on the Margins of Africa
Jan University of West Bohemia and 1 more
Not Available
Power, Culture and Modernity in Nigeria
Oluwatoyin Oduntan
African Testimony in the Movement for Congo Reform
Robert M Burroughs
Miscegenation, Identity and Status in Colonial Africa
Lawrence Ezekiel Yona Mbogoni
Displaced Mozambicans in Postcolonial Tanzania
Joanna T Denison University and 1 more
Photography and History in Colonial Southern Africa
Lorena Rizzo
Rethinking White Societies in Southern Africa
Danelle van ZylHermann and 1 more
Oluwatoyin Towson University and 1 more
Robert Leeds Metropolitan University and 1 more
Human Rights in Sierra Leone, 1787-2016
John Idriss Lahai
Joanna T Tague
Lawrence Mbogoni
Linda Piknerová and 1 more
Africans and the Holocaust
Edward Kissi
Women’s Lived Landscapes of War and Liberation in Mozambique
Jonna Katto
Lorena University of Basel Rizzo
Duncan Money
Anti-Colonial Resistance in South Africa and Israel/Palestine
Ran University of the Witwatersrand and 1 more
The Belgian Congo as Developmental State
Emizet F Kisangani
Colonialism, Ethnicity and War in Angola
Vasco University of Coimbra and 1 more
Xenophobia and Nativism in Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean
Sabella O Abidde
Reconsidering Colonial Heritage in West African Cities
Krzysztof Górny
Remembering Colonialism in Zimbabwe
Ivan Marowa and 1 more
Ran Greenstein
The Belgian Congo as a Developmental State
Commercial Banking in Kenya
Christian Velasco
Photographing the Liberation Struggle in Zimbabwe
Lungile Augustine Tshuma
Contested Heritage in Europe and Africa
Marco Zoppi
Sabella O Abidde and 2 more
A History of Rwanda
Klaus Bachmann
Reconsidering the History of South African Journalism
Gawie Botma
Yoruba Names
Taiwo Ehineni
Protest, Resistance and Rebellion in Kenya, 1895-1963
David Anderson