French Foreign and Defence Policy, 1918-1940
Robert Boyce
Not Available
The Politics of Culture in Liberal Italy
Axel Körner
War, Agriculture, and Food
Paul Brassley
German Colonialism, Visual Culture, and Modern Memory
Volker Langbehn
The Russian Revolution of 1905
Anthony J Heywood
The Nazi Party and the German Foreign Office
HansAdolph Jacobsen and 1 more
Stormtroopers and Crisis in the Nazi Movement
Thomas D Grant
European Border Regions in Comparison
Katarzyna University of Southern Denmark Stokosa
Facing Fascism
Nick University of Birmingham and 1 more
History, Memory, and Trans-European Identity
Aline Maastricht University Sierp
Racial Theories in Fascist Italy
Aaron Gillette
Violence, Memory and History
Colin McCullough and 1 more
Weimar Cities
John Dalhousie University and 1 more
From Slave Trade to Empire
Olivier PétréGrenouilleau
German Colonialism and National Identity
Michael Perraudin
Totalitarian Dictatorship
Daniela Baratieri
Alan S. Milward and Contemporary European History
Fernando University of Pompeu Fabra and 2 more
British Foreign Policy 1874-1914
Sneh Indraprastha College for Women and 1 more
Britain and the Problem of International Disarmament
Carolyn Kitching
The Problem of Democracy in Postwar Europe
Pepijn University of Groningen and 1 more
Meanings and Values of Water in Russian Culture
Jane Bates College and 1 more
(Re)Constructing Communities in Europe, 1918-1968
Stefan University of Groningen and 1 more
Franco-Israeli Relations, 1958-1967
Gadi Hebrew University of Jerusalem and 1 more
Constructing a German Diaspora
Stefan Manz
Alan S. Milward and a Century of European Change
Paul Brassley and 2 more
Aline Sierp
Propaganda, Persuasion and the Great War
Pier Paolo Perdrini
Governing the Rural in Interwar Europe
Liesbeth Utrecht University and 1 more
Hitler's Brudervolk
Geraldien von Frijtag Drabbe Künzel
Shaping the International Relations of the Netherlands, 1815-2000
Ruud University of Amsterdam and 1 more
Legacies of Violence in Contemporary Spain
Ofelia Ferrán
Order and Insecurity in Germany and Turkey
Emre Sencer
Jane T Costlow and 1 more
Pepijn Corduwener
Italy and Its Eastern Border, 1866-2016
Marina Cattaruzza
Resistance Heroism and the End of Empire
Keren Chiaroni
Violence, Memory, and History
Colin McCullough
Bringing Cold War Democracy to West Berlin
Scott University of North Carolina Chapel Hill and 1 more
The Mediterranean Double-Cross System, 1941-1945
Brett Lintott
Green Landscapes in the European City, 1750–2010
Peter University of Helsinki and 1 more
National indifference and the History of Nationalism in Modern Europe
Maarten University of Antwerp and 1 more
Mobility in the Russian, Central and East European Past
Róisín National University of Ireland and 1 more
German Reunification
Joyce E Bromley
1916 in Global Context
Enrico Dal Lago and 2 more
Liesbeth van de Grift and 1 more
Orphans and Abandoned Children in European History
Nicoleta Roman
The History of the European Migration Regime
Emmanuel Comte
The Age of Anniversaries
T G Otte
Allies of Yesterday
Andrew Webster
Protecting Democracy from Dissent
Shannon Monaghan
Britain and the Cyprus Crisis of 1974
John Burke
Margins for Manoeuvre in Cold War Europe
Laurien Utrecht University and 1 more
Free Trade and Social Welfare in Europe
Lucia Coppolaro and 1 more
Immigrants and Foreigners in Central and Eastern Europe during the Twentieth Century
Wodzimierz Borodziej
Interwar East Central Europe, 1918-1941
Sabrina Ramet
The Peace Discourse in Europe, 1900-1945
Alberto Castelli
Greeks without Greece
Huw Halstead
Scott H Krause
Brett E Lintott
Pier Paolo Pedrini
Liberalism in Pre-Revolutionary Russia
Susanna RabowEdling
Ethnic Cleansing During the Cold War
Tomasz Kamusella
Child Migration and Biopolitics
Beatrice Scutaru
Italy Before Italy
Marco University of Milan Soresina
Ruud van Dijk and 3 more
Fernando Guirao and 1 more
Refugees, Human Rights and Realpolitik
Daphna Sharfman
Food and Age in Europe, 1800-2000
Tenna Jensen
Utopia and Dissent in West Germany
Mia Lee
National Indifference and the History of Nationalism in Modern Europe
Maarten Van Ginderachter and 1 more
Garibaldi’s Radical Legacy
Enrico Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata and 1 more
Róisín Healy
Fighting the Cold War in Post-Blockade, Pre-Wall Berlin
Mark Fenemore
Circles of the Russian Revolution
ukasz Adamski
Strange Allies
Andrew Murdoch University and 1 more
1989 and the West
Eleni Utrecht University and 1 more
Fascism and Ideology
Salvatore Garau
Ireland's Great Famine and Popular Politics
Enda Delaney
Laurien Crump and 1 more
Oil Exploration, Diplomacy, and Security in the Early Cold War
Roberto Cantoni
The European Illustrated Press and the Emergence of a Transnational Visual Culture of the News, 1842-1870
Thomas Smits
Lucia University of Padua and 1 more
Immigrants and Foreigners in Central and Eastern Europe During the Twentieth Century
Wlodzimierz Borodziej and 1 more
The Creation of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy
Gábor Central European University and 1 more
Dimitris Keridis
Emotions and Everyday Nationalism in Modern European History
Andreas NISE and 1 more
Europe between Migrations, Decolonization and Integration (1945-1992)
Giuliana University of Bologna and 1 more
Transatlantic Anarchism during the Spanish Civil War and Revolution, 1936-1939
Morris Queens University Belfast Brodie
Black Abolitionists in Ireland
Christine Kinealy
Steamship Nationalism
Mark A Russell
The Legacies of the Roma Genocide in Europe Since 1945
Celia Donert and 1 more
Beatrice Scutaru and 1 more
European Integration and Disintegration
Nick Cohen and 1 more
The Rhine and European Security in the Long Nineteenth Century
Joep Schenk
German Neo-Pietism, the Nation and the Jews
Doron BarIlan University and 1 more
Sinti and Roma in Germany (1871-1933)
Simon University of Wolverhampton and 1 more
Andrew Dowling
Catalonia: A New History
Andrew Cardiff University Dowling
The Laboratory of Progress
Joseph University of Fribourg and 1 more
The Brandt Commission and the Multinationals
Bo University of Helsinki and 1 more
Gábor Gyáni and 2 more
Postwar Continuity and New Challenges in Central Europe, 1918–1923
Tomasz Jagiellonian University and 1 more
The Greek Revolution in the Age of Revolutions (1776-1848)
Paschalis M Kitromilides
Obscene Traffic
Laura University of Padua and 1 more
Mussolini and the Rise of Populism
Spencer University of Massachusetts Boston and 1 more
Britain, France and the Battle for the Leadership of Europe, 1957-2007
Richard Université de BordeauxMontaigne and 1 more
Rethinking the History of Italian Fascism
Giulia Albanese
The End of Ottoman Rule in Bosnia
Hannes Grandits
The Legacies of the Romani Genocide in Europe Since 1945
A British Education Control Officer in Occupied Germany, 1945–1949
David University of Oxford and 1 more
Print and the Celtic Languages
Niall National University of Ireland and 1 more
Deciphering the European Investment Bank
Nick Columbia University and 1 more
Psychiatric Institutions and Society
Stefanie Coché
Black Abolitionists in Ireland. Volume 2
Border Regimes in Twentieth Century Europe
Péter Bencsik
The Laboratory of Progress Volume 2
Joseph Jung
Refugees and Population Transfer Management in Europe, 1914-1920S
Kamil Ruszala
Bo Stråth
Discussing Pax Germanica
Emmanuel Comte and 1 more
Nurses and Midwives in Nazi Germany
Susan Benedict and 1 more
Katarzyna Stoklosa and 1 more
Antifascism After Hitler
Catherine Plum
Turkey and the Rescue of European Jews
I Izzet Bahar
West Germans and the Nazi Legacy
Caroline Sharples
Landscapes of the Western Front
Ross Wilson
The Red Brigades and the Discourse of Violence
Marco Briziarelli
Educational Internationalism in the Cold War
Damiano Matasci and 1 more
Weapons Law in Western Europe, 1550-2020
Gunner Lind
Spencer Di Scala
A Modern History of Andorra
Martyn Lyons
Britain and Ireland from the Treaty to the Troubles
Richard Carr
"Nazi Fantasy"
Amos MorrisReich
The Politics of Famine in European History and Memory
Ingrid de Zwarte and 1 more
The Belgian Revolt of 1830
Nick Ridley
Domestic Surveillance and Social Control in Britain and France During World War I
Gary Girod
Germany, France, and Postwar Democratic Capitalism
François Godard
The United Kingdom and Spain in the Eighteenth Century
ManuelReyes García Hurtado
Building Europe Through Education, Building Education Through Europe
Raphaëlle Ruppen Coutaz and 1 more
The Episteme of the Gallic Past
Lisa Regazzoni
Gender, Emotion, and the Origins of Democracy in July Monarchy France
Jeffrey B Hobbs
The French-German Dynamic in an Age of Conflict, 1925-1963
Elana M Passman
Gadi Heimann
(Re)constructing Communities in Europe, 1918-1968
Stefan Couperus and 1 more
Green Landscapes in the European City, 1750-2010
Peter Clark and 2 more
The Summer Capitals of Europe, 1814-1919
Marina Soroka
Divided Village
Jason B Johnson
The Nationalism of the Rich
Emmanuel Dalle Mulle
Marco Soresina
Israel's Path to Europe
Gadi Heimann and 1 more
Garibaldi's Radical Legacy
Enrico Acciai
The Laboratory of Progress Volume 1
Laura Schettini