Ageing and Place
Gavin J Andrews
Not Available
Queering Tourism
Lynda Johnston
World City Syndrome
David A Queens University and 1 more
Spaces of Vernacular Creativity
Tim Edensor
Global Perspectives on Rural Childhood and Youth
Ruth Panelli
Rethinking Maps
Martin University of Wollongong and 1 more
Private Cities
Georg Glasze and 3 more
Climate Change and the Crisis of Capitalism
Mark Pelling
Cross-Continental Agro-Food Chains
Niels Fold and 1 more
The Differentiated Countryside
Philip Lowe and 3 more
The New Regulation and Governance of Food
Terry Marsden and 3 more
Rural Governance
Lynda Cheshire
Cities and Low Carbon Transitions
Harriet University of Durham and 1 more
Producer Services in China
Anthony G O Yeh and 1 more
Whose Urban Renaissance?
Libby Porter
Imagined Regional Communities
James D Sidaway
Landscape and the Ideology of Nature in Exurbia
K Valentine Cadieux
Exploring Post-Development
Aram Ziai
The Spatial Turn
Barney Florida State University Warf
China on the Move
C Cindy Fan
Family Farms: Survival and Prospect
Harold Australia National University Brookfield and 1 more
International Migration and Knowledge
Allan Williams and 1 more
Global Geographies of Post-Socialist Transition
Tassilo Herrschel
Spatial-Economic Metamorphosis of a Nebula City
Abderrahman Free University Amsterdam and 1 more
Learning Transnational Learning
Åge Mariussen
Governance and Planning of Mega-City Regions
Jiang Xu
Critical Reflections on Regional Competitiveness
Gillian Bristow
Rural-Urban Dynamics
Jytte Agergaard
The Globalization of Advertising
James R Faulconbridge and 1 more
Design Economies and the Changing World Economy
John Bryson and 1 more
Sensing Cities
Monica Montserrat Degen
The Politics of Urban Cultural Policy
Carl Grodach
Poverty and the Third Way
Colin C Williams
Performativity, Politics, and the Production of Social Space
Michael R Glass
Releasing the Commons
Ash Amin
Citizenships, Contingency and the Countryside
Gavin Parker
Paul C Adams and 3 more
Island Geographies
Elaine Stratford
Participatory Research in More-than-Human Worlds
Michelle Bastian
Carceral Mobilities
Jennifer Uiversity of Brighton and 1 more
Cultural Production in and Beyond the Recording Studio
Allan Loughborough University and 1 more
Place, Diversity and Solidarity
Stijn University of Antwerp and 1 more
Anthony Yeh
New Economic Spaces in Asian Cities
Peter W Daniels
Ecologies and Politics of Health
Brian King
Locating Right to the City in the Global South
Tony Samara
Cities, Regions and Flows
Peter Hall
Towards a Political Economy of Resource-dependent Regions
Greg University of Northern British Columbia and 3 more
Geographical Gerontology
Mark W Skinner
Transport, Mobility, and the Production of Urban Space
Julie Cidell
Geographies of Entrepreneurship
Elizabeth A Mack and 1 more
Migration, Risk and Uncertainty
Allan M Williams and 1 more
International Perspectives on Age-Friendly Cities
Kelly G Western Kentucky University and 1 more
The Production and Consumption of Music in the Digital Age
Brian J Hracs and 2 more
Access, Property, and American Urban Space
M Gordon Brown
Everyday Globalization
Timothy Shortell
Knowledge and the City
Francisco Javier Carrillo and 3 more
Public Urban Space, Gender and Segregation
Reza Arjmand
Paul C Adams and 4 more
Elaine University of Tasmania and 1 more
Mark Pelling and 2 more
Creative Placemaking
Cara Courage and 1 more
Time Geography
Kajsa Ellegård
Jennifer Turner and 1 more
The Crisis of Global Youth Unemployment
Tamar Mayer and 2 more
Consolationscapes in the Face of Loss
Christoph Jedan and 2 more
Mobilising Design
Justin Spinney
Stijn Oosterlynck and 2 more
Why Guattari? A Liberation of Cartographies, Ecologies and Politics
Thomas Jellis
Object-Oriented Cartography
Tania Università degli Studi di Padova and 1 more
Towards a Political Economy of Resource-Dependent Regions
Greg Halseth and 1 more
Crisis Spaces
Costis Harokopio University and 1 more
Locating Value
Gareth Hoskins and 1 more
Ageing Resource Communities
Mark Skinner
Mark W Skinner and 2 more
Branding the Nation, the Place, the Product
Ulrich Ermann and 1 more
Thinking Time Geography
Kajsa Linköping University and 1 more
Christoph University of Groningen Netherlands Jedan
Living with the Sea
Mike Brown
British Migration
Pauline Leonard
Cara University of Brighton and 1 more
Tamar Middlebury College and 1 more
Geographies of the Internet
Barney University of Kansas and 1 more
Fieldwork in the Global South
Jenny Lunn
The Geography of Names
Gwilym Lucas Royal Holloway University and 1 more
Intergenerational Space
Robert Vanderbeck and 1 more
Time Geography in the Global Context
Global Perspectives on Gender and Space
Ibipo JohnstonAnumonwo
Tania Rossetto
Why Guattari?
Thomas Jellis and 2 more
Samantha Aberystwyth University and 1 more
Human Geography and Professional Mobility
Weronika Kusek
New Geographies of the Globalized World
Marcin Wojciech Solarz
Barney Warf
Research Ethics in Human Geography
Sebastian Jena University and 1 more
Spatialized Islamophobia
Kawtar Najib
Time, Temporality and Motherhood
Rachel Colls and 1 more
Over Researched Places
Cat Button
How Geography and Institutions Shaped the Development of Nations
Irina Busygina
A Geography of Islands
Stephen A Royle
Geographies of Commodity Chains
Alex Hughes and 1 more
Cross-Continental Food Chains
Family Farms
H C Brookfield and 1 more
Participatory Action Research Approches and Methods
Sara Louise Kindon and 2 more
Participatory Action Research Approaches and Methods
Time-Space Compression
Jonathan Murdoch
Tim Edensor and 3 more
Globalization, Modernity, and the City
John R Short
The Human Geography of East Central Europe
David Turnock
Francisco Javier Carrillo
Ash Amin and 1 more
Gwilym Lucas Eades
Participatory Research in More-Than-Human Worlds
Michelle Bastian and 3 more