Cultures of Post-War British Fascism
Nigel Copsey
Not Available
Nigel Copsey and 1 more
France and Fascism
Brian Jenkins and 2 more
Searching for Lord Haw-Haw
Colin Holmes
Farming, Fascism and Ecology
Philip M Coupland
The British Extreme Right During World War Two
Richard Griffiths
What Did You Do During the War?
Right-Wing Terrorism in the 21st Century
Daniel GIRDS and 1 more
Anti-Fascism in Britain
Fascist in the Family
Francis Beckett
Corporatism and Fascism
António Costa Pinto
Understanding Racist Activism
Kathleen M Blee
Marketing the Third Reich
Nicholas J OShaughnessy
Russia and the Western Far Right
Anton Shekhovtsov
Tomorrow Belongs to Us
Daniel Koehler
The Portuguese Far Right
Riccardo Marchi
Never Again
Dave Renton
David Independent Scholar and 1 more
Lone Wolf Assassins
Mattias Gardell
Anti-fascism in the Nordic Countries
Kasper Åbo Akademi University and 1 more
Antonio University of Lisbon and 1 more
The Far Right and the Environment
Bernhard Forchtner
Vigilantism Against Migrants and Minorities
Tore Bjørgo and 1 more
Trumping Democracy in the United States
Chip Berlet
Trumping Democracy
Chip Political Research Associates and 1 more
Cumulative Extremism
Alexander J Carter
A.K. Chesterton and the Evolution of Britain’s Extreme Right, 1933-1973
Luke LeCras
Legal Challenges to the Far-Right
Natalie Alkiviadou
A.K. Chesterton and the Evolution of Britain's Extreme Right, 1933-1973
The International Alt-Right
Patrik Hermansson and 3 more
CasaPound Italia
Caterina Froio and 3 more
Caterina Sciences Po and 6 more
Patrick Hermansson and 3 more
Failed Führers
Graham Macklin
White Racial Nationalism in Britain
No Platform
Evan Smith
Evan Flinders University and 1 more
A Fascist Decade of War
Marco Maria Aterrano and 1 more
Reflections on the Extreme Right in Western Europe, 1990–2008
Christopher Husbands
Riccardo Instituto Universitário de Lisboa and 1 more
American Antifa
Stanislav Vysotsky
Lost Imperium
Paul Stocker
Paul University of Northampton and 1 more
The Rise of the Dutch New Right
Merijn University of Amsterdam and 1 more
Hitler Redux
Mikael Nilsson
Anti-Fascism in a Global Perspective
Kasper Braskén and 2 more
The Ku Klux Klan and Freemasonry in 1920S America
Miguel Hernandez
Anti-Fascism in Nordic Countries
The March on Rome
Giulia Albanese
Aurel Kolnai's The War Against the West Reconsidered
Wolfgang Bialas
British Fascism After the Holocaust
Joe Mulhall
Joe HOPE not hate and 1 more
Researching the Far Right
Stephen Ashe and 3 more
Stephen D University of Manchester and 1 more
Conservatives and Right Radicals in Interwar Europe
Marco University of Florence and 1 more
Fascism, Nazism and the Holocaust
Dan Stone
Dan Royal Holloway University of London and 1 more
France's Purveyors of Hatred
Marco Bresciani
The Lives and Afterlives of Enoch Powell
Olivier Esteves and 1 more
Radical Right Populism in Germany
Ralf Havertz
Latin American Dictatorships in the Era of Fascism
No Free Speech for Fascists
Global Resurgence of the Right
Gisela Pereyra National University of Rosario UNR and 1 more
Gisela Pereyra Doval and 1 more
Contemporary Far-Right Thinkers and the Future of Liberal Democracy
A James University of Notre Dame and 1 more
Exposing the Right and Fighting for Democracy
Pam Independent Scholar and 1 more
Marco Maria Aterrano
The Right-Wing Critique of Europe
Joanna Jagiellonian University and 1 more
Imagining Far-Right Terrorism
Josefin Graef
Imagining Far-right Terrorism
Josefin Independent Scholar and 1 more
Merijn Oudenampsen
The Dynamics of Right-Wing Extremism Within German Society
Oliver Decker and 2 more
A Transnational History of Right-Wing Terrorism
Johannes Dafinger and 1 more
Male Supremacism in the United States
Emily K Carian and 2 more
Emily K California State University San Bernardino and 1 more
Fascism in Brazil
Leandro Pereira Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora and 2 more
Leandro Pereira Gonçalves and 1 more
Canadian Multiculturalism and the Far Right
Bàrbara University of Toronto and 1 more
Anti-Fascism, Gender, and International Communism
Jasmine Birkbeck and 2 more
Horatio Bottomley and the Far Right Before Fascism
Nordic Fascism
Nicola Østfold University College and 1 more
Histories of Fascism and Anti-Fascism in Australia
Evan Smith and 2 more
The Fascist Faith of the Legion "Archangel Michael" in Romania, 1927-1941
Constantin Iordachi
The Nazi Party and the German Communities Abroad
João Fábio Universidade Estadual de Maringá and 3 more
Nazi Occultism
Stéphane François
The Rise of the Radical Right in the Global South
Rosana University College Dublin and 1 more
Rosana PinheiroMachado and 1 more
An Authoritarian Third Way in the Era of Fascism
António University of Lisbon and 1 more
The Perennial Conspiracy Theory
Michael Hagemeister
Global Identitarianism
José Pedro Zúquete and 1 more
Love, Hate and the Leader
Trevor Grundy
Trevor Independent Journalist and Author and 1 more
The Right in the Americas
Julián University of Alberta and 1 more
Julián Castro Rea and 1 more
Far-Right Ecologism
Balša Institute for the Study of Societal Issues and 2 more
The Right and the Nation
Toni University of Valencia and 1 more
Joanna SondelCedarmas and 1 more
The Blackshirts' Dictatorship
Matteo Millan
Oliver Decker and 3 more
The Germanic Tribes, the Gods and the German Far Right Today
Georg University of Ss Cyril and Methodius in Trnava and 1 more
Plínio Salgado
João Fábio Universidade Estadual de Maringá and 1 more
Metapolitics, Algorithms and Violence
Ico Maly
Ico Tilburg University and 1 more
James A Aho
James Idaho State University Aho
Argentina’s Right-Wing Universe During the Democratic Period (1983–2023)
Global Heating and the Australian Far Right
Imogen Deakin University and 4 more
Anti-Fascism and Ethnic Minorities
Anders Stockholm University and 1 more
The Politics of Replacement
Sarah Bracke and 1 more
Filipe Ribeiro De Meneses
The Italian Far Right from 1945 to the Russia-Ukraine Conflict
Nicola University of Turku and 1 more
Fascists in Exile
Jayne University of Southern Queensland and 1 more
Jayne Persian
Understanding and Countering Fascist Movements
Joan Braune
Joan Gonzaga University and 2 more
Unorthodox Fascism
Spencer Sunshine
Rise and Fall of the British National Party
Stephen Ashe
Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalists on Emigration
Magdalena University of Wroclaw and 1 more
Christian Nationalism and Anticommunism in Twentieth-Century South Africa
Ruhan Fourie
Fascist Italy in the Age of Corporatism
Alessio Gagliardi
Far-Right Newspeak and the Future of Liberal Democracy
A James McAdams and 1 more
Neo-Nazi Terrorism and Countercultural Fascism
Barbara Molas
Neofascism in Europe (1945-1989)
Matteo Albanese
Jasmine Calver
British Antifascism and the Holocaust, 1945–79
Joshua University of Leicester and 1 more
Anglo-Italian Transnational Fascism
Tamara Colacicco
Inside the Black Box of 'White Backlash'
Olivier Esteves
Nicola Karcher and 1 more
João Fábio Bertonha and 1 more
Imagining Alternative Worlds
Christoffer Kølvraa and 1 more
The Transnational Making of Italian Neofascism
The Politics of Memory in the Italian Populist Radical Right
Marianna Griffini
Frege and Fascism
Stephen DArcy
Memory in Hungarian Fascism
Zoltán Kékesi
Balsa Lubarda
Toni Morant and 2 more
Giving Credit to Dictatorship
Valerio Torreggiani and 1 more
Rethinking Britain's Far-Right
Importing Fascism
Remigio Petrocelli
The Canadian Far-Right and Conspiracy Theories
Ahmed K AlRawi and 4 more
João Fábio Bertonha
How to Talk to Your Son About Fascism
Craig A Johnson
Building Dictatorships Under Axis Rule
António Costa Pinto and 1 more
José Antonio Primo De Rivera in Latin America
Daniel Gunnar Kressel
Antiliberal Internationalism in the Twentieth Century
Matthijs Lok and 4 more
National Socialist Cultural Diplomacy
Frederik Forrai Ørskov