Integrative Learning
Daniel Blackshields
Not Available
Sustaining Mobile Learning
Therese M University of New South Wales and 1 more
Academic Governance
Jenny Lewis
Developing Creativities in Higher Music Education
Pamela Burnard
Experiencing Master's Supervision
Nigel University of Sheffield and 2 more
Understanding HIV and STI Prevention for College Students
Leo Binghamton University and 4 more
Refocusing the Self in Higher Education
Glen Sherman
From Vocational to Professional Education
JensChristian Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences and 1 more
Academic Bildung in Net-based Higher Education
Trine The Arctic University of Norway and 1 more
The Politics of Widening Participation and University Access for Young People
Valerie Harwood and 5 more
Activity Theory, Authentic Learning and Emerging Technologies
Vivienne Bozalek
University Access and Success
Merridy University of the Free State and 1 more
Globally Networked Teaching in the Humanities
Alexandra Schultheis Moore
Higher Education Access and Choice for Latino Students
Patricia Perez
Experiences of Immigrant Professors
Charles B Hutchison
The Working Classes and Higher Education
Amy E University at Buffalo Stich
Art and Design Pedagogy in Higher Education
Susan University of the Arts London and 3 more
English Studies Beyond the 'Center'
Myles Nihon University and 1 more
Crossing Boundaries and Weaving Intercultural Work, Life, and Scholarship in Globalizing Universities
Adam Reitaku University and 1 more
Reconsidering English Studies in Indian Higher Education
Suman The Open University and 4 more
Wan University of New South Wales and 1 more
Cosmopolitan Learning for a Global Era
Sarah Richardson
Narratives of Doctoral Studies in Science Education
Shirley Simon
The Experiences of Black and Minority Ethnic Academics
Kalwant Bhopal
Working With Underachieving Students in Higher Education
Maria Francesca Freda and 2 more
Nigel Harwood and 1 more
Global Mobility and Higher Learning
Anatoly V Oleksiyenko
Transnational Education Crossing 'Asia' and 'the West'
LeHa The University of Hawaii at Manoa and 1 more
Graduate Education at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs)
Robert T Palmer
Valerie Harwood and 3 more
Narratives of Marginalized Identities in Higher Education
Santosh California State University and 2 more
Higher Education and the Student
Robert Troschitz
Conversations on Embodiment Across Higher Education
Jennifer Leigh
Virtue and the Quiet Art of Scholarship
Anne Pirrie
Data for Continuous Programmatic Improvement
Ellen Beth Mandinach and 1 more
Grounding Education in Environmental Humanities
Lucas F Johnston and 1 more
The Minoritisation of Higher Education Students
Ruth University of Derby and 1 more
Academics Engaging with Student Writing
Jackie The Open University and 1 more
The Tenure-Track Process for Chicana and Latina Faculty
Patricia A Perez
The Design of the University
HeinzDieter State University of New York at Albany Meyer
Narrative, Identity, and Academic Community in Higher Education
Brian Attebery
Revolutionizing Global Higher Education Policy
Joseph Piro
Anatoly Oleksiyenko
Articulating Asia in Japanese Higher Education
Jeremy Monash University and 1 more
The Doctorate as Experience in Europe and Beyond
Michael Byram and 1 more
The Learning Community Experience in Higher Education
Susan Mary Paige and 3 more
Professional Education at Historically Black Colleges and Universities
Tiffany Fountaine Boykin
Graduate Research Supervision in the Developing World
Erik Blair and 2 more
Universities and the Occult Rituals of the Corporate World
Felicity Wood
Improving Opportunities to Engage in Learning
Nalita James and 3 more
Graduate Careers in Context
Ciaran Burke
Critical Religious Pluralism in Higher Education
Jenny L Small
Collective Goods and Higher Education Research
Roger Benjamin
Jennifer University of Kent and 1 more
Anne University of the West of Scotland and 1 more
Santosh Khadka and 2 more
Ellen B Mandinach
Lucas Johnston
Global Perspectives on International Student Experiences in Higher Education
Krishna Bista
Fostering Imagination in Higher Education
Joy Monash University and 1 more
Exploring Institutional Logics for Technology-Mediated Higher Education
Neelam Dwivedi
Success Factors for Minorities in Engineering
Jacqueline Fleming and 1 more
Counternarratives from Women of Color Academics
Manya Catrice Whitaker and 1 more
Working Toward Racial Equity in First-Year Composition
Renee DeLong
Posthuman and Political Care Ethics for Reconfiguring Higher Education Pedagogies
Patricia A Pérez
A Comprehensive Critique of Student Evaluation of Teaching
Dennis E University of Northern Iowa and 1 more
Race, Law, and Higher Education in the Colorblind Era
Hoang Vu Tran
Post-Recession Community College Reform
Chet Jordan and 1 more
Developing Transformative Spaces in Higher Education
Sue Jackson
The Impact of Higher Education Ranking Systems on Universities
Kevin City University of Hong Kong and 2 more
Humanizing Grief in Higher Education
Nicole Sieben and 1 more
Higher Education Hauntologies
Vivienne Bozalek and 3 more
Human Resource Perspectives on Workplace Bullying in Higher Education
Leah P Hollis
Higher Education in Nepal
Building Soft Skills for Employability
Tran Le Huu Nghia
Life for the Academic in the Neoliberal University
Alpesh Maisuria and 1 more
The Thinking University Expanded
Yusef Waghid and 1 more
Michael Byram
Establishing an Experimental Community College in the United States
Chet Jordan
Developing and Utilizing Employability Capitals
Tran Le Huu Nghia and 3 more
The Dispositif of the University Reform
Helena Ostrowicka and 2 more
Teacher Education at Hispanic-Serving Institutions
Janine M Schall
Erik Blair
Jenny L University of Michigan and 1 more
Re-Envisioning the Public Research University
Andrew University of Minnesota and 1 more
Understanding the Work of Student Affairs Professionals at Minority Serving Institutions
Robert T Howard University and 1 more
Navigating Memorialization and Commemoration on U.S. Campuses
Mahauganee D Independent scholar and consultant and 1 more
Gendering the First-in-Family Experience
Garth University of Queensland and 2 more
Title IX and the Protection of Pregnant and Parenting College Students
Catherine L Dpt of Communication and 4 more
Vivienne Bozalek and 2 more
Dennis E Clayson
Community Engagement in Christian Higher Education
P Jesse Rine and 1 more
The Past, Present, and Future of Higher Education in the Arabian Gulf Region
Awad University of Ottawa and 1 more
Management Behaviours in Higher Education
David Dunbar
Higher Education, State Repression, and Neoliberal Reform in Nicaragua
Wendi Universidad Centroamericana UCA and 1 more
Dismantling Constructs of Whiteness in Higher Education
Teresa Y University of New Mexico and 1 more
Enhancing Values of Dignity, Democracy, and Diversity in Higher Education
Tamar Kibbutzim College of Education and 1 more
Cultures and Languages Across the Curriculum in Higher Education
India C Plough
Optimising the Third Space in Higher Education
Natalia James Cook University Veles
Supporting Student and Faculty Wellbeing in Graduate Education
Snežana Brock University and 1 more
Queerness as Being in Higher Education
Antonio Arizona State University Duran
Queerness as Doing in Higher Education
Jesus Cisneros
University Autonomy Decline
Kirsten Central European University and 4 more
The Experience of Examining the PhD
Michael Durham University and 1 more
The Experience of Examining the Ph.D
Kevin Downing and 2 more
Leah P Morgan State University and 2 more
Nicole SUNY College at Old Westbury and 1 more
Chet Greenfield Community College and 1 more
Research Methods in English Medium Instruction
Jack KwokHung Pun and 1 more
Higher Education in the Gulf
Reynaldo Gacho Institute of Science and Technology and 1 more
Arts Methods for the Self-Representation of Undergraduate Students
Miranda Goldsmiths University of London and 1 more
Engaging Faculty in Group-Level Change for Institutional Transformation
J Kasi West Virginia University and 4 more
Campus Service Workers Supporting First-Generation Students
Georgina California State University and 1 more
Doctoral Research Supervision, Pedagogy and the PhD
Bill Charles Sturt University and 4 more
Accommodating Marginalized Students in Higher Education
WP Wahl and 3 more
Emancipatory Human Rights and the University
Felisa Utrecht University and 1 more
The Evolving Nature of Universities
Judith Swansea University and 1 more
Andrew Furco and 3 more
Towards a Pedagogy of Higher Education
Gunnlaugur Magnússon and 1 more
Higher Education Policy in Developing and Western Nations
Beverly Lindsay
Navigating Memorialization and Commemoration on US Campuses
Mahauganee D Shaw Bonds
Understanding Individual Experiences of COVID-19 to Inform Policy and Practice in Higher Education
Amy Aldous University of Utah and 1 more
Universities in Times of Crisis and Disruption
Lorraine La Trobe University and 3 more
The Role of University Governing Boards in Canadian Higher Education
Dominik Nicolaus Copernicus University and 4 more
Developing a Model for Culturally Responsive Experiential Education
Elizabeth Laura Pepperdine University and 1 more
Creating Supportive Spaces for Pregnant and Parenting College Students
Catherine L Dpt of Communication and 2 more
Internships, High-Impact Practices, and Provocative Praxis in Higher Education
Beth Manke and 2 more
Gamification and Design Thinking in Higher Education
Carmen Bueno Muñoz and 3 more
Catherine L Riley and 2 more
Student Carers in Higher Education
Genine A Hook and 2 more
Garth Stahl and 1 more
The Impacts of Green Space on Student Experience at an Urban Community College
Vanita Naidoo
A Philosophical Approach to Perceptions of Academic Writing Practices in Higher Education
Amanda French
The Development of Professional Identity in Higher Education
Myint Swe University of Bahrain and 1 more
Street-Level Bureaucracy in Instructional Design
Nirupama Texas AM International University and 1 more
Proofreading and Editing in Student and Research Publication Contexts
Nigel Harwood
An International Approach to Developing Early Career Researchers
Stephen Gorard and 1 more
Identity Construction as a Spatiotemporal Phenomenon Within Doctoral Students' Intellectual and Academic Identities
Rudo F Hwami
India C Plough and 1 more
Kirsten Roberts Lyer and 2 more
Natalia Veles
Jesus Cisneros and 3 more
Antonio Duran and 3 more
Snezana ObradoviÔcRatkoviÔc and 4 more
Student Growth and Development in New Higher Education Learning Spaces
Siok Kuan Tambyah
Tamar Ketko and 2 more
Awad Ibrahim and 1 more
Students' Experiences of Psychosocial Problems in Higher Education
Trine WulfAndersen
Teresa Y Neely and 1 more
The Development of University Teaching Over Time
T A ODonoghue
Advancing School-University Partnerships and Professional Development Schools Through National Research
Joseph R Feinberg and 1 more
The Layered Landscape of Higher Education
Margaret Kumar and 2 more
Experiential Learning and Community Partnerships for Sustainable Development
Mara Huber and 2 more
How Organisational Change Influences Academic Work
Sureetha De Silva and 2 more
Authority, Passion, and Subjected-Centered Teaching
Christopher J Richmann
J Kasi Jackson and 6 more
A Conversation Analytic Approach to Doctoral Supervision
Binh Thanh Ta
Miranda Matthews
Representations of the Academic
Jean McNiff
Philosophical Adventures in African Higher Education
Yusef Waghid
Activism, Burnout, and Community in Higher Education
Cher Weixia Chen and 3 more
Learning Analytics for Achieving Quality Assurance in Higher Learning Institutions
Soo Mang Lim and 1 more
Developing Feedback Literacy for Academic Journal Peer Review
Sin Wang Chong and 1 more
Revolutionizing Women's Education at the University of Oxford
Dennis A Ahlburg
W P Wahl and 1 more
Bill Green and 2 more
Exploring Research Impact in Academia and Why It Matters
Andy Phippen and 1 more
Visioning Higher Education for Contemporary Global Challenges
Peter H Koehn and 2 more
Felisa Tibbitts and 1 more
Judith Lamie and 1 more
Lorraine Ling and 1 more
The Community College Reform Movement
Milton E Clarke
Philosophical, Educational, and Moral Openings in Doctoral Pursuits and Supervision
The Experience of 'Defending' the Doctoral Dissertation
Advances in Interdisciplinary Research
María Soledad Ramírez Montoya and 3 more
Rethinking Multilingual Writers in Higher Education
Qianqian ZhangWu and 4 more
Navigating Academic Motherhood
Elizabeth Bradley and 1 more
Intersectional Perspectives on Equality and Social Justice in Norwegian Higher Education
Vander Tavares
Black Women's College Outcomes
Marybeth Walpole and 3 more
Joseph Martin Piro