Learning Communities in Education
Barry Cocklin
Not Available
Education and Psychology in Interaction
Brahm University of Exeter and 1 more
Education, Social Justice and Inter-Agency Working
Sheila Riddell
Political Approaches to Educational Administration and Leadership
Eugenie A Samier
Postmodern Picturebooks
Lawrence R University of Pennsylvania University of Pennsylvania University of Illinois and 1 more
Structure and Agency in the Neoliberal University
Joyce E Canaan
Participatory Learning in the Early Years
Donna Queensland University of Technology and 1 more
The Journey for Inclusive Education in the Indian Sub-Continent
Mithu National Resource Centre for Inclusion and 3 more
Gender Inclusive Engineering Education
Julie Mills and 3 more
What’s So Important About Music Education?
J Scott Goble
Education and Poverty in Affluent Countries
Carlo Raffo
Joyce E Canaan and 1 more
Tracking Adult Literacy and Numeracy Skills
Stephen M Reder and 1 more
Science, Society and Sustainability
Donald Gray
Education in the Black Diaspora
Jurg Steiner
Education and Neoliberal Globalization
Carlos Alberto Torres
The Politics of Structural Education Reform
Keith A Nitta
Emergent Computer Literacy
Helen Mele Robinson
Participation, Facilitation, and Mediation
Claudio Universita di Mondena e Reggio Emilia and 1 more
Educating for Peace in a Time of Permanent War
Paul R Carr
Education and Climate Change
Fumiyo Kagawa
Educational Transitions
Divya JindalSnape
Manufacturing Citizenship
Veronique Benei
Traveller, Nomadic and Migrant Education
Patrick Alan Danaher
International Perspectives on the Goals of Universal Basic and Secondary Education
Joel E Cohen
Mathematical Relationships in Education
Laura Black
Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Policy and Practice
Jennifer University of Sheffield and 2 more
Perspectives on Supported Collaborative Teacher Inquiry
David Slavit
From Testing to Productive Student Learning
David University of Hong Kong Carless
International Case Studies of Dyslexia
Peggy L Metropolitan State College of Denver and 1 more
Social Studies as New Literacies in a Global Society
Mark Baildon and 1 more
Education, Religion and Society
Dennis Bates
Migration, Education and Change
Sigrid Luchtenberg
Picturebooks, Pedagogy and Philosophy
Joanna Haynes and 1 more
Diversity, Intercultural Encounters, and Education
Susana Gonçalves
Education for Civic and Political Participation
Reinhold Hedtke
Intercultural and Multicultural Education
Carl A Grant
Beyond Binaries in Education Research
Warren Midgley
Children's Drawing and Writing
Diane Mavers
Global Pathways to Abolishing Physical Punishment
Joan E University of Manitoba and 1 more
Balancing Dilemmas in Assessment and Learning in Contemporary Education
Anton Havnes
Globalization, the Nation-State and the Citizen
Alan University of South Australia Reid
Julie Mills and 2 more
Universities and Global Diversity
Beverly Lindsay
Pedagogy of Multiliteracies
Heather Lotherington
Teacher Learning That Matters
Mary University of Toronto and 1 more
Memory and Pedagogy
Claudia McGill University and 2 more
Teaching and Learning with Technology
Concetta M Stewart
Personal Epistemology and Teacher Education
Jo Queensland University of Technology and 1 more
The Politics of Knowledge in Education
Elizabeth Rata
Refugees, Immigrants, and Education in the Global South
Lesley Bartlett
Collaboration in Education
Judith J Florida International University and 1 more
Language Teachers and Teaching
Selim Ben Said
Equity and Excellence in Education
Kris Van den Branden
Education and Sustainability
Seonaigh British Columbia Institute of Technology and 1 more
Educational Inequalities
Kalwant Bhopal
Gender, Race, and the Politics of Role Modelling
Wayne Martino and 1 more
Trust and Betrayal in Educational Administration and Leadership
Emerging Teachers and Globalisation
Gerry Czerniawski
Citizenship, Education and Social Conflict
Hanan A Alexander
Neo-liberal Educational Reforms
David Turner
Considering Trilingual Education
Kathryn HennReinke
Critical Issues in Peace and Education
Peter Pericles University of Toronto and 1 more
Boys and Their Schooling
John Monash University and 2 more
The Politics of Education
Christos Kassimeris
Islamic Education and Indoctrination
Charlene Tan
Education Policy, Space and the City
Kalervo N Gulson
Intersectionality and Race in Education
Systemization in Foreign Language Teaching
Wilfried Decoo
Changing Schools in an Era of Globalization
John ChiKin The Education University of Hong Kong and 3 more
Educating for Diversity and Social Justice
Amanda The University of Queensland and 1 more
Postcolonial Perspectives on Global Citizenship Education
Vanessa de Oliveira University of Canterbury and 1 more
Adolescent Literacies in a Multicultural Context
Alister Cumming
Resourcing Early Learners
Sue Nichols and 3 more
Neoliberalism, Pedagogy, and Human Development
Michalis Kontopodis
Biotechnology, Education and Life Politics
Pádraig Murphy
Virtual Literacies
Guy Sheffield Hallam University and 1 more
Multidisciplinary Approaches to Educational Research
Sadaf Institute of Education and 2 more
Education, Philosophy and Well-being
Judith University of London and 1 more
Rethinking School Bullying
Ronald B Northwest University and 1 more
Teacher Development in Higher Education
Eszter Simon
Lesson Study
Peter University of Leicester and 1 more
Landscapes of Specific Literacies in Contemporary Society
Vicky Duckworth
The Politics of Teacher Professional Development
Ian Hardy
Working-Class Minority Students' Routes to Higher Education
Roberta Espinoza
Inclusive Education in the Middle East
Eman Gaad
Education, Social Background and Cognitive Ability
Gary N University of Melbourne and 1 more
Evidence-based Practice in Education
Tone University of Oslo and 1 more
Learning and Collective Creativity
Annalisa Sannino
Schooling and the Making of Citizens in the Long Nineteenth Century
Daniel Tröhler
Interdisciplinary Approaches to Distance Teaching
Alan Blackstock and 1 more
Markets for Schooling
Nick Adnett and 1 more
The Future of Physical Education
George Sage
Reconceptualising Agency and Childhood
Florian University of Hildesheim and 1 more
Multilingual Digital Storytelling
Jim Anderson and 1 more
Intersections of Formal and Informal Science
Lucy Avraamidou and 1 more
Technology-Enhanced Language Learning for Specialized Domains
Elena Martín Monje and 2 more
Improvising the Curriculum
Michael Corbet and 3 more
Popular Culture, Pedagogy and Teacher Education
Phil Benson
The Age of STEM
Brigid Freeman
Research for Educational Change
Jill University of the Witwatersrand and 1 more
UNESCO Without Borders
Aigul Tama University and 1 more
The Resegregation of Schools
Jamel K Donnor
Peter Dudley
Vocationalism in Further and Higher Education
Sai Institute of Education and 2 more
Community-based Media Pedagogies
Bronwen Low and 2 more
The Politics of Differentiation in Schools
Martin Mills and 4 more
Vicky Duckworth and 1 more
Raising Literacy Achievement in High-Poverty Schools
Eithne Kennedy
Global Perspectives on Spirituality and Education
Jacqueline Watson
9/11 and Collective Memory in US Classrooms
Cheryl Lynn Duckworth
Arts-based and Contemplative Practices in Research and Teaching
Susan Walsh
Affirming Language Diversity in Schools and Society
Pierre Orelus
Teacher Training and the Education of Black Children
Uvanney Maylor
Negotiating Privilege and Identity in Educational Contexts
Adam Howard and 2 more
Interrogating Critical Pedagogy
Pierre Wilbert Orelus
Vernaculars in the Classroom
Shondel Nero and 1 more
Learning Technologies and the Body
Victor R Lee
African Americans and Homeschooling
Ama Mazama and 1 more
The Politics of Pleasure in Sexuality Education
Louisa University of Auckland and 1 more
Education, Nature, and Society
Stephen Gough
Neo-Liberal Educational Reforms
David Turner and 1 more
Literacy, Play and Globalization
Carmen L Medina and 1 more
Test Fraud
Neal Kingston and 1 more
Teachers and the State
Mike Bottery and 2 more
The Social Construction of Meaning
John Yandell
Secrecy and Tradecraft in Educational Administration
Chinese Students’ Writing in English
Maria The Open University and 1 more
Education, Philosophy and Well-Being
Judith Suissa and 2 more
Liberty and Education
Geoffrey Hinchliffe
Constructing Narratives of Continuity and Change
Hazel Canterbury Christ Church University and 1 more
Towards Methodologically Inclusive Research Syntheses
Harsh University of Melbourne and 1 more
Pádraig Dublin City University and 1 more
Language, Race, and Power in Schools
Pierre New Mexico State University and 1 more
Professional Uncertainty, Knowledge and Relationship in the Classroom
Joseph Mintz
Aristotelian Character Education
Kristján Kristjánsson
Refugee Women, Representation and Education
Melinda Independent Consultant and 1 more
Reflective Practice
Roger University of Waikato and 1 more
History, Theory and Practice of Philosophy for Children
Saeed Naji and 1 more
Narrowing the Achievement Gap
Janet University of Bath and 1 more
The Hidden Role of Software in Educational Research
Tom Liam Lynch
Alan Utah State University and 1 more
Performing Kamishibai
Tara McGowan
Transatlantic Reflections on the Practice-Based PhD in Fine Art
Jessica Schwarzenbach and 1 more
Collaboration and the Future of Education
Gordon Andrews and 2 more
Navigating Model Minority Stereotypes
Rupam Saran
Progressive Sexuality Education
Mary Lou Monash University and 2 more
Care in Education
Sandra Wilde
Geography and Social Justice in the Classroom
Todd W Kenreich
The Role of Participants in Education Research
Commitment, Character, and Citizenship
Mainstreams, Margins and the Spaces In-between
Karen University of Southern Queensland and 1 more
Family, Community, and Higher Education
Toby S Jenkins
Language, Literacy, and Pedagogy in Postindustrial Societies
Paul C Mocombe and 1 more
Claudio Baraldi and 1 more
Susana Gonçalves and 1 more
Teacher Professional Knowledge and Development for Reflective and Inclusive Practices
Ismail Hussein Amzat and 1 more
A New Vision of Liberal Education
Alistair The Mall School and 1 more
How Arts Education Makes a Difference
Josephine University of Sydney and 1 more
Elena MartínMonje
Jim Anderson
Lucy Avraamidou
Michael Corbett and 2 more
Using Narrative Inquiry for Educational Research in the Asia Pacific
Sheila University of Bristol and 1 more
Drama and Theatre With Children
Charru Sharma
The Education of Radical Democracy
Sarah S University of Lincoln and 1 more
Quality Teaching and the Capability Approach
Alison The Open University and 1 more
School Health Education in Changing Times
Deana Leahy and 3 more
Populism, Media and Education
Maria Ranieri
Evidence-Based Practice in Education
Tone Kvernbekk
My School
Lesley University of Sydney and 1 more
Education, Identity and Women Religious, 1800-1950
Deirdre Raftery
Drama and Social Justice
Kelly Freebody
English Language Teacher Education in Chile
Malba Barahona
Spirituality in Education in a Global, Pluralised World
Marian Federation University and 2 more
Imagination for Inclusion
Derek Bland
Education, Leadership and Islam
Saeeda University of Leicester and 1 more
Transforming Education in the Gulf Region
Khalid Alshahrani and 1 more
Aigul Kulnazarova and 1 more
Jill Adler and 1 more
The Development of the Mechanics' Institute Movement in Britain and Beyond
Martyn Walker
Education in Computer Generated Environments
Sara de Freitas
The Role of Research in Teachers' Work
Lesley Scanlon
Community-Based Media Pedagogies
Bronwen E Low and 2 more
Sai Loo and 1 more
Children's Creative Music-Making With Reflexive Interactive Technology
Victoria Rowe and 2 more
Teacher Leadership
Kokila Roy Katyal and 1 more
Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Schools
Anit Somech and 1 more
Empowering Black Youth of Promise
Sandra L Barnes and 1 more
New Perspectives on Intercultural Language Research and Teaching
Melina Porto and 2 more
The Charter School Solution
Tara L Affolter and 1 more
Reclaiming Discipline for Education
James MacAllister
Teacher Educators’ Professional Learning in Communities
Linor Hadar and 1 more
Learning from Urban Immigrant Youth About Academic Literacies
Jie Clark University and 1 more
Martin Mills and 3 more
Representations of Slavery in Children’s Picture Books
Raphael Rogers
The Changing World of Outdoor Learning in Europe
Peter Becker
Democratic Education and the Teacher-As-Prophet
Jeffery Dunn
Transnationalism, Education and Empowerment
Niranjan Monash University and 1 more
Online Learning and Community Cohesion
Roger Austin and 1 more
Learning Beyond the School
Julian SeftonGreen and 1 more
Roger Barnard and 1 more
Education and Muslim Identity During a Time of Tension
Melanie C Brooks
Janet Goodall
Whiteness and Teacher Education
Edie White
Art and Design Pedagogy in Higher Education
Susan Orr and 1 more
Decoding Technology Acceptance in Education
Caroline University of Winchester and 1 more
Diverse Pedagogies of Place
Peter University of Queensland and 1 more
Saeed Naji
Ismail Amzat
Performative Approaches in Arts Education
AnnaLena Norwegian University of Science and Technology Østern
Governing Literate Populations
Stephen Queensland University of Technology and 1 more
Rethinking Schools and Renewing Energy for Learning
Kris van den Branden
The Impact of MOOCs on Distance Education in Malaysia and Beyond
Mohamed Ally
Paradigm Shift in Education
Yin Cheong The Education University of Hong Kong and 1 more
Personal Narratives of Black Educational Leaders
Robert T Palmer and 4 more
Studies in Science Education in the Asia-Pacific Region
May Hung The Hong Kong Institute of Education and 1 more
Educational Leadership as a Culturally-Constructed Practice
Jane Monash University and 1 more
Lectio Divina as Contemplative Pedagogy
Mary Keator
Progressive Rhetoric and Curriculum
Theodore Christou
Assessment in Mathematics Education Contexts
Jonathan D Bostic
Children Writing Poems
Janine Certo
African American English and the Achievement Gap
Holly K Craig
Teaching Young Learners in a Superdiverse World
Youth Voices, Public Spaces, and Civic Engagement
Stuart Greene and 2 more
American Indian Workforce Education
Carsten Schmidtke
Spirituality, Community, and Race Consciousness in Adult Higher Education
Timothy Westbrook
Citizenship Education in the United States
Iftikhar Ahmad
Stories from Inequity to Justice in Literacy Education
Jennifer Rowsell and 1 more
Affect, Embodiment, and Place in Critical Literacy
Kimberly Lenters
Creativity and Learning in Later Life
Shari Sabeti
Young People's Transitions Into Creative Work
Julian SeftonGreen and 2 more
Issues in Teaching and Learning of Education for Sustainability
ChewHung Chang
Designing for Learning in a Networked World
Nina University of Southern Denmark Bonderup Dohn
Applying Cultural Historical Activity Theory in Educational Settings
May Britt Postholm and 1 more
Critical Explorations of Young Adult Literature
Victor MaloJuvera
Supporting Teachers' Formative Assessment Practice with Learning Progressions
Erin Furtak
Education and Pedagogy in Cultural Change
Wolfgang Brezinka
Multiracial Identity in Children's Literature
Amina Chaudhri
Women Education Scholars and their Children's Schooling
Kimberly Scott
Dance, Professional Practice, and the Workplace
Angela Pickard
Peter Becker and 3 more
Melanie Monash University and 1 more
Julian Deakin University and 1 more
Questioning the Language of Improvement and Reform in Education
Nicole University of Sydney and 3 more
Manufacturing the Mathematical Child
Anna University of Durham and 1 more
Teachers and Teacher Unions in a Globalised World
John Carr and 1 more
Mapping the Affective Turn in Education
Bessie Dernikos
Radical Educators Rearticulating Education and Social Change
Jennifer Gale de Saxe
Educating Young Children in WPA Nursery Schools
Molly Arboleda
Moral Thought in Educational Practice
Hugh Sockett
Critical Cosmopolitanism in Diverse Students’ Lives
Eleni M Oikonomidoy
Jie Y Park
Researching and Enacting Change in Postsecondary Education
Charles Henderson
Critical Approaches to Teaching the High School Novel
Crag Hill
Reconceptualizing Curriculum, Literacy, and Learning for School-Age Mothers
Heidi Hallman and 1 more
The Role of the Arts in Learning
Jay Michael Hanes
Building Trust and Resilience among Black Male High School Students
Stuart Arizona State University and 1 more
Sport, Physical Education, and Social Justice
Nick J York St John University and 1 more
A Phenomenological Heart of Teaching and Learning
Katherine H Greenberg
Robert T Palmer and 3 more
AnnaLena Østern and 1 more
Equity, Exclusion and Everyday Science Learning
Emily Dawson
Kris Catholic University of Leuven and 1 more
Teaching Writing to Children in Indigenous Languages
Ari Sherris
Yin Cheong Cheng
Quality and Equity in Education
Leonidas Kyriakides and 2 more
In Stock
£121.50 £135.00
Reconceptualizing the Role of Critical Dialogue in American Classrooms
Amanda Oregon State University and 1 more
Exploring Digital Technologies for Art-Based Special Education
Rick L Garner
Arts-Based Teaching and Learning in the Literacy Classroom
Jessica Whitelaw
Examining the Use of Online Social Networks by Korean Graduate Students
JoongHwan Oh
Educating in Life
Herve Varenne
Quantitative Measures of Mathematical Knowledge
Jonathan Bostic
Schooling and Social Change Since 1760
Roy Lowe
Developing Trauma-Responsive Approaches to Student Discipline
Kirk Eggleston and 4 more
Pioneering Perspectives in Cooperative Learning
Neil Davidson
Kimberly Lenters and 1 more
Service Learning as a Political Act in Education
Kortney Hernandez
Blended Basic Language Courses
Hope Anderson
Innovations as Symbols in Higher Education
J David Johnson
Latina Bilingual Education Teachers
Yukari Amos
Representing the Middle East and Africa in Social Studies Education
Daniel Osborn
Digital Storytelling in Indigenous Education
Yvonne Poitras Pratt
The Complex Web of Inequality in North American Schools
Gilberto Q Conchas
Ernest Morrell
Fear and Schooling
Ronald W Evans
Young People’s Transitions into Creative Work
Julian Deakin University and 3 more
Interculturality and the Political Within Education
Fred Dervin and 1 more
The Transformative Classroom
Douglas W Yacek
Douglas Yacek
Lessons from the Transition to Pandemic Education Across the US Education System During COVID-19
Marni E Fisher
Chew Hung Chang and 2 more
Legacies of Christian Languaging and Literacies in American Education
Mary M Juzwik
May Britt Postholm
Designing for Situated Knowledge Transformation
Exploring Challenging Picturebooks in Education
Gunnar Haaland and 2 more
Challenging Perceptions of Africa in Schools
Barbara OToole
A Critical Analysis of Sexuality Education in the United States
Tiffani Kocsis
Sonic Studies in Educational Foundations
Walter S Gershon
Victor MaloJuvera and 1 more
Pedagogy in the Novels of J.M. Coetzee
Aparna Mishra Tarc
Angela Pickard and 1 more
Bessie Dernikos and 3 more
Integrative and Interdisciplinary Curriculum in the Middle School
Lisa Harrison
Meeting the Challenges of Existential Threats through Educational Innovation
Herner Western Norway University and 1 more
Islamic Schooling and the Identities of Muslim Youth in Quebec
Hicham Tiflati
Leonidas Kyriakides and 3 more
Multidisciplinary Approaches to Art Learning and Creativity
Karen Knutson and 2 more
Curriculum and the Generation of Utopia
João M Paraskeva
Nick J Watson and 2 more
Amanda Kibler and 2 more
Creative Learning in Digital and Virtual Environments
Vlad Petre Glaveanu and 2 more
Relational Aspects of Parental Involvement to Support Educational Outcomes
William Witherspoon Institute at Princeton and 1 more
Navigating Precarity in Educational Contexts
Karen DePaul University and 1 more
Pragmatist Philosophy for Critical Knowledge, Learning and Consciousness
Neil Victoria University and 1 more
Roy Institute of Education and 2 more
Towards Rational Education
Demetris Katsikis
The Realities of Completing a PhD
Nicholas Rowe
Activity Theory and Collaborative Intervention in Education
Yamazumi Katsuhiro
Neil University of Maryland and 1 more
Kirk Gayton Elementary School and 6 more
Assessment for Experiential Learning
Cecilia Ka Yuk Chan
Climate Change Education
Chew Hung Chang
Lessons from the Transition to Pandemic Education in the US
Marni Saddleback College and 1 more
Âse Marie Ommundsen and 2 more
The Nature of Educational Theories
Interculturality and the Political within Education
Fred University of Helsinki and 3 more
Contemporary Global Perspectives on Cooperative Learning
Robyn M University of Queensland and 1 more
New Thinking, New Scholarship and New Research in Catholic Education
Sean St Marys University and 1 more
International Perspectives on Drama and Citizenship Education
Nicholas McGuinn
Lived Democracy in Education
Rune Herheim
Learning as Interactivity, Movement, Growth and Becoming, Volume 1
Mark E The University of New South Wales and 1 more
International Students in Transnational Spaces
Xi Soochow University and 1 more
A Retrospective Study of a Dialogic Elementary Classroom
Lynn Astarita Gatto
Multimodal Signs of Learning
Shirley Palframan
Equity, Teaching Practice and the Curriculum
Ninni Linnaeus University and 1 more
Meeting the Challenges of Existential Threats Through Educational Innovation
Herner Saeverot
New Perspectives on Educational Resources
Karl Christian University of SouthEastern Norway Alvestad
Children’s Right to Silence and Non-Participation in Education
Amy Queens University Belfast and 1 more
Identity and Belonging Amongst Chinese Canadian Youth
Dan Cui
Theorising Public Pedagogy
Karen Charman and 1 more
Space, Education, and Inclusion
Georg University of Flensburg and 1 more
Developing a Didactic Framework Across and Beyond School Subjects
Søren Harnow University of Southern Denmark and 1 more
The Role and Influence of Prison Education
Anne OGrady
Education, Welfare, and the Knowledge Economy
Manuel SoutoOtero
William Jeynes
Narratives of Qualitative PhD Research
Laura University of Waikato and 1 more
A History of Inspiration through Metaphors of Learning
Robert Nelson
Thinking with Stephen J. Ball
Maria University of East London and 1 more
Social Work Education and the COVID-19 Pandemic
Yael Latzer
Inspiring Purpose in High-Performance Schooling
Mary Anne Heng
Reimagining Boredom in Classrooms Through Digital Game Spaces
Noreen Dunnett
On the Theory of Content Transformation in Education
Tomás Janík and 3 more
Neil Hooley
The Improvising Teacher
Nick Bath Spa University and 1 more
Karen Monkman and 2 more
Living Educational Theory Research as an Epistemology for Practice
Jack Whitehead and 1 more
Sexual Trauma Among Girls in Educational Settings
Jennifer Etesse Herring
Theory and Practice of STEAM Education in Japan
Tetsuo Isozaki
International Perspectives on Educational Administration Using Educational Inquiry
Abdulrasheed Olowoselu and 1 more
Engaging Critical Pedagogy in Education
Fida Sanjakdar and 1 more
The Role of Metaphor and Symbol in Motivating Primary School Children
Elizabeth Ashton
Internationalisation and Marketisation of Higher Education in the UK
Zahra Kemiche
Theoretical and Historical Evolutions of Self-Directed Learning
Caleb Collier
Dialogic Pedagogy
Anne Thwaite and 2 more
Robyn M Gillies and 2 more
Reconceptualising Reflection in Reflective Practice
Misrah Mohamed and 1 more
Lesley Bartlett and 1 more
Selim Ben Said and 1 more
Reinhold Hedtke and 1 more
Autobiographical Writing and Identity in EFL Education
Shizhou Yang
Kalwant Bhopal and 1 more
Kassie Freeman and 1 more
Language Teaching Through the Ages
Garon Wheeler
Holistic Ways of Learning at a Community School
Jessica Poff
The New Publicness of Education
Carl Anders Säfström and 1 more
New Directions in Rhizomatic Learning
Myint Swe Khine
Learning as Interactivity, Movement, Growth and Becoming. Volume 1 Ecologies of Learning in Higher Education
Mark E King and 1 more
Scrutinising Elites and Schooling in Post-Communist Poland
Alexandra Margaret Dunwill
Xi Wu
Global Perspectives on the Role of Dialogue in History Education
Mario Carretero and 1 more
Karl C Alvestad and 2 more
Children's Right to Silence and Non-Participation in Education
Amy Hanna
Troubling Notions of Global Citizenship and Diversity in Mathematics Education
Anna Chronaki and 1 more
Research-Practice Partnerships in Education
Linor L Hadar and 1 more
State of Primary Education in Bhutan
Gembo Tshering
Quiet Classrooms, Educational Soundscapes, and the Power of Silence
Pieter Verstraete
The Eclipse of Reason
Wilfred Carr
Commercialising Public Schooling
Anna Hogan
Neal M Kingston and 1 more
Improving Teacher Education Through Action Research
MingFai Hui and 1 more
Supporting Teachers' Formative Assessment Practice With Learning Progressions
Erin Marie Furtak
Eugénie Angèle Samier and 1 more
Theorizing Pedagogical Interaction
Hansun Zhang Waring
Lawrence R Sipe and 1 more
Florian Esser and 3 more
Women Education Scholars and Their Children's Schooling
Kimberly Ann Scott and 1 more
Play, Creativity and Digital Cultures
Rebekah Willett and 2 more
Transformative Learning and Teaching in Physical Education
Malcolm Thorburn
Contemplative and Artful Openings
Donna Berthelsen and 2 more
Representations of Slavery in Children's Picture Books
Mithu Alur and 1 more
Democratic Education and the Teacher-as-Prophet
Jeffery W Dunn
The Social Psychology of the Classroom
Elisha Y Babad
Molly Quest Arboleda
Heidi L Hallman and 1 more
Crag Hill and 1 more
Mohamed Ally and 2 more
Subjectivities, Identities, and Education After Neoliberalism
Abraham P DeLeon
Jonathan D Bostic and 2 more
Educating for Peace in a Time of "Permanent War"
Paul R Carr and 1 more
Spatial Theories of Education
Kalervo N Gulson and 1 more