Cassian's Conferences
Christopher J Kelly
Not Available
Dharma and Ecology of Hindu Communities
Pankaj Jain
Religion in the Thought of Mikhail Bakhtin
Hilary BP Bagshaw
Pannenberg on Evil, Love and God
Mark Hocknull
Pentecostal Theology for the Twenty-First Century
May Ling TanChow
Tantric Buddhism and Altered States of Consciousness
Louise Child
Averroes and Hegel on Philosophy and Religion
Catarina Belo
Speaking of God in Thomas Aquinas and Meister Eckhart
Anastasia Wendlinder
The Trinity and Ecumenical Church Thought
William C IngleGillis
Twentieth Century Christian Responses to Religious Pluralism
David Pitman
Creativity, Spirituality, and Mental Health
Kelley Raab Mayo
Theosis in the Theology of Thomas Torrance
Myk Habets
Jürgen Moltmann's Ethics of Hope
Timothy Harvie
Biblical Scholarship and the Church
Allan K Jenkins and 1 more
Concepts of Power in Kierkegaard and Nietzsche
J Keith Hyde
Postmodernism and the Ethics of Theological Knowledge
Justin Thacker
The Challenges of the Pentecostal, Charismatic and Messianic Jewish Movements
Peter Hocken
The Trinity and Theodicy
Jacob H Friesenhahn
Kierkegaard, Pietism and Holiness
Christopher B Barnett
Evagrius Ponticus
Julia Konstantinovsky
Law, Liberty and Church
Gordon Arthur
New Voices in Greek Orthodox Thought
Trine Stauning Willert
The Ecclesiology of Stanley Hauerwas
John B Thomson
Piety and Responsibility
John N Sheveland
A Kryptic Model of the Incarnation
Andrew Ter Ern Loke
The Nature of the Soul
Terrance W Klein
Israel, the Church, and Millenarianism
Steven D Aguzzi and 1 more
Recovering the Female Voice in Islamic Scripture
Georgina L Jardim
Shi'i Reformation in Iran
Ali Rahnema
Sacrifice and the Body
John Dunnill
Leaving Christian Fundamentalism and the Reconstruction of Identity
Josie McSkimming
Revelation, Scripture and Church
Richard R Topping
Eschatology as Imagining the End
Sigurd Bergmann
On the Resurrection of the Dead
James T Turner
The Church, Authority, and Foucault
Steven G Ogden
Debate and Dialogue
Maijastina Kahlos
The Politics of Praise
William W Young Iii
Recognition and Religion
Gaming and the Divine
Frank G Tilburg University and 1 more
The Soul of Theological Anthropology
Joshua R Farris
In Search of New Age Spiritualities
Adam Possamai
John's Gospel as Witness
Alexander S Jensen
The Evolution of Religion, Religiosity and Theology
Jay R Feierman
Resacralizing the Other at the US-Mexico Border
Gregory Lee Cuéllar
Biblical Portraits of Exile
Abi Doukhan
Feminist Eschatology
Emily Pennington
Steven D Aguzzi
Myth and Solidarity in the Modern World
Timothy Stacey
Investigating the Resurrection of Jesus Christ
Andrew Associate Professor at Hong Kong Baptist University Loke
Jr and 1 more
Foucault, Art, and Radical Theology
Petra Carlsson Redell
Divine Power and Evil
Kenneth K Pak
Natural Theology Reconfigured
Zhiqiu Xu
Faith and Freedom
Donald A Colorado State University and 1 more
Pacifism and Pentecostals in South Africa
Marius NorthWest University and 1 more
Sigurd Norwegian University of Science and Technology and 1 more
Maijastina Kahlos and 2 more
The Liquidation of the Church
Kees de Groot
Proclaiming Holy Scriptures
David H Pereyra
Christianity and the Triumph of Humor
Bernard Schweizer
Religious Truth and Identity in an Age of Plurality
Peter Jonkers
Envisioning the Cosmic Body of Christ
Aurica Jax
Frank G Bosman
Theologising Brexit
Anthony Reddie
Vision, Mental Imagery and the Christian Life
Zoltán Dörnyei
Jay R Feierman and 1 more
Laudato Si’ and the Environment
Robert University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign and 1 more
Epistemology as Theology
James Beilby
The Fourth Pentecostal Wave in South Africa
Solomon Kgatle
Metaphysics as Christology
Jonael Schickler and 1 more
Ernan McMullin and Critical Realism in the Science-Theology Dialogue
Paul L Allen
Divine Faith
John RT Lamont
A New Theist Response to the New Atheists
Kevin Vallier
God in the Act of Reference
Erica Appelros
Anamnesis and the Eucharist
Julie Gittoes
Engaging Deconstructive Theology
Ronald T Michener
Eucharistic Sacramentality in an Ecumenical Context
David J Kennedy
Exodus Church and Civil Society
Scott R Paeth
Theology Without Walls
Jerry L Martin
Gregory L Cuéllar
Biblical and Theological Visions of Resilience
Christopher C H Cook
Paradoxical Virtue
Kevin Central Methodist University and 1 more
The Identity of Christian Morality
Ann Marie Mealey
Wolfhart Pannenberg on Human Destiny
Kam Ming Wong
Trusting Others, Trusting God
Sheela Pawar
What's Right with the Trinity?
Hannah Bacon
Theology and Evolutionary Anthropology
Celia DeaneDrummond and 1 more
Racism and the Weakness of Christian Identity
David Kline
Developing Animal Theology
Clair Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics and 1 more
Past and Present Political Theology
Dennis Vanden Auweele
New Era - New Religions
Andrew Dawson
Schleiermacher's Theology of Sin and Nature
Daniel James Pedersen
Phenomenology and Eschatology
John Panteleimon Manoussakis
Naturalism and Our Knowledge of Reality
R Scott Smith
Neopragmatism and Theological Reason
GW Kimura
Spirit and Sonship
David A Höhne
Narrative Theology and Moral Theology
Alexander LucieSmith
Catholic Social Teaching and Theologies of Peace in Northern Ireland
Maria Power
Multi-Religious Perspectives on a Global Ethic
Myriam Renaud and 1 more
Sustainable Development Goals and the Catholic Church
Katarzyna Cichos
The Use and Abuse of the Spirit in Pentecostalism
Mookgo S Kgatle and 1 more
T. F. Torrance’s Christological Anthropology
Christopher G Fuller Theological Seminary and 1 more
Contextual Theology
Sigurd Bergmann and 1 more
David Pereyra
Active Hermeneutics
Stanley E McMaster Divinity College and 2 more
Religion and Intersex
Stephanie A Vanderbilt Divinity School and 1 more
The Theological Imperative to Authenticity
Christy Wollaston Theological College and 1 more
The Fathers on the Bible
Nicu Dumitracu
Religion in Reason
Tarek R University of Notre Dame and 1 more
The Political Theology of Pope Francis
Ole Jakob Løland
Queer Soul and Queer Theology
Laurel C Schneider and 1 more
Multilateral Theology
Timothy Teck Ngern Lim
Activist Hermeneutics of Liberation and the Bible
Jin Young Choi
Fittingness and Environmental Ethics
Michael S Northcott
Transhumanism, Ethics and the Therapeutic Revolution
Stephen University of Exeter and 1 more
Misusing Scripture
Mark Elliott
Christological Paradigm Shifts in Prophetic Pentecostalism in South Africa
Mookgo Solomon Kgatle
Violence, Entitlement, and Politics
Clair Linzey
Desire and Mental Health in Christianity and the Arts
David Liverpool Hope University and 1 more
Theological Fringes of Phenomenology
Joseph Rivera
Adam Smith and the Invisible Hand of God
Brendan Long
Phenomenology and the Horizon of Experience
Christianity and COVID-19
Chammah Kaunda and 3 more
Evil, Sin, and Christian Theism
Ecoflourishing and Virtue
Steven BoumaPrediger
Eating God
Matteo Al Kalak
The Ethical Philosophy of Anselm of Canterbury
Thomas Ball
God After the Church Lost Control
JanOlav Henriksen and 1 more
Augustine and Contemporary Social Issues
T.F. Torrance's Christological Anthropology
Christopher G Woznicki
The Music of Theology
Andrew Hass and 2 more
The Origin of the Soul
Joshua Farris
Resurrection Remembered
David Graieg
Exploring Theological Paradoxes
Cyril Orji
African Churches Ministering 'To and With' Persons With Disabilities
Nomatter Sande
Stephanie A Budwey
Nicu Dumitrascu
Tarek R Dika and 1 more
Anglican Confirmation 1820-1945
Phillip Tovey
Divine Presence as Activity and the Incarnation
Natural Final Causality and Scholastic Thought
Corey Ladd Barnes
Jin Young Choi and 1 more
Christy Capper
Michael S Northcott and 1 more
Mark Elliott and 2 more
Incarnate Earth
Matthew Eaton
Stephen GoundreySmith
Dalit Theology and Christian Anarchism
Keith Hebden
Divine Revelation and the Sciences
Balázs M Mezei
Conflict and Catholic Social Ethics
Taylor Ott
Theology of Work
Gregorio Guitián
Seventh-Day Adventism in Africa
Gabriel Masfa
The Fall of Humankind and Social Progress
Arttu Mäkipää
Theology on the Border
Daniela Lucia Rapisarda
David Torevell
Joseph Rivera and 1 more
Tuvalu, Theology and the Geopolitics of Climate Change
Maina Vakafua Talia
Infinite Risk Theology
Stefano Salemi
Barth and Ecotheology
Adrian E V Langdon
Augustine and Frontiers of Pluralism
Boleslaw Z Kabala and 2 more
Anglican Confirmation 1945-2000