The Japan/America Film Wars
Abé Mark Nornes
Not Available
Who Will Take Our Children?
Carlton Jackson
Special Interests, the State and the Anglo-American Alliance, 1939–1945
Inderjeet (University of Manchester and 1 more
The War Years
Loyd E. Lee
Vichy France and the Resistance
Roderick Kedward
While the Pope Kept Silent
Alexander Ramati
Victory or Vested Interest?
G.D.H. Cole and 3 more
US Wartime Aid to Britain 1940–1946
Alan P. (Swansea University and 1 more
The Big Three
David J. Dallin
General Staffs and Diplomacy before the Second World War
Adrian Preston
Churchill in his Time
Brian Gardner
Conscience, Government and War
Rachel Barker
The History of the French First Army
Marshal de Lattre de Tassigny
The Fascist Challenge and the Policy of Appeasement
Wolfgang J. Mommsen
Rommel's Last Victory
Martin Blumenson
Patrick Howarth
Scrap Book of the Working Men's College in Two World Wars
Muriel Franklin
Western Germany
Alfred Grosser
Who Defends Rome?
Melton S. Davis
Out of Step
Joseph Trenaman
Montgomery the Field Marshal
R.W. Thompson
Poland, SOE and the Allies
Jozef Garlinski
Resistance and Revolution in Mediterranean Europe 1939–1948
Tony Judt
Refugees in the Age of Total War
Anna C. Bramwell
Tobruk 1941
Timothy Hall
Ministry of Morale
Ian McLaine
Civil Liberties in Britain During the 2nd World War
Neil Stammers
Soviet Foreign Policy During the Patriotic War
Andrew Rothstein
War and Identity
Colin W. Nettelbeck
Frank W. Chinnock
The Montgomery Legend
Special Operations
The Yankee Marlborough
The World War 1939–1945
Roy Douglas
Film & Radio Propaganda in World War II
K.R.M. Short
Williamson (Ohio State University and 1 more
Hitler's Fall
Psychology and the Soldier
Norman Copeland
R. W. Thompson
Soviet Foreign Policy During the Patriotic War Volume I June 22, 1941-December 31, 1943
H. R. Kedward and 1 more
Józef GarliÔnski
US Wartime Aid to Britain 1940-1946
Alan P. Dobson
The Decision to Drop the Bomb
Len Giovannitti and 1 more
Williamson Murray
Soviet Foreign Policy During the Patriotic War Volume II January 1, 1944-December 31, 1944
The World War, 1939-1945
G. D. H. Cole and 4 more
The Impact of Civilian Evacuation in the Second World War
Travis L. Crosby
Partisan Warfare
Otto Heilbrunn
K. R. M. Short
Churchill in His Time
Resistance and Revolution in Mediterranean Europe 1939-1948
K. R. M. Short and 1 more
The War for Peace
Leonard Woolf
The Battle of Britain
Edward Bishop
General Staffs and Diplomacy Before the Second World War
Adrian W. Preston
Jean de Lattre
The Holocaust and the German Elite
Rainer C. Baum
Markus Nornes and 1 more
The New Economic Warfare
Antonín Basch
Anna Bramwell
Britain's Food Supplies in Peace and War
Charles Smith
Special Interests, the State and the Anglo-American Alliance, 1939-1945
Inderjeet Parmar
The War in Burma
Roy McKelvie
Wolfgang J. Mommsen and 1 more