Feminist Criticism and Social Change
Deborah Rosenfelt and 1 more
Not Available
Feminist Praxis
Liz Stanley
The Horned God
John Rowan
Tearing the Veil
Susan Lipschitz Weiner
The Liberation of Women
Roberta Hamilton
Goodbye Tarzan
Helen Franks
Feminists Read Habermas
Johanna Meehan
Materialist Feminism and the Politics of Discourse
Rosemary Hennessy
Feminist Experiences
Susan Bassnett
The Sceptical Feminist
Janet Radcliffe Richards
Gendered Subjects
Margo Culley and 1 more
Nostalgia and Sexual Difference
Janice L. Doane and 1 more
The Oppositional Imagination
Joan Cocks
Feminists and State Welfare
Jennifer Dale and 1 more
In Other Words
Gail Chester and 1 more
Science and the Construction of Women
Mary Maynard
Men in Feminism
Alice Jardine and 1 more
At the Boundaries of Law
Martha Fineman and 1 more
Problems for Feminist Criticism
Sally Minogue
Married to the Job
Janet Finch
Subordination (RLE Feminist Theory)
Clare Burton
Feminism and Materialism
Annette Kuhn and 1 more
Coming to Terms
Elizabeth Weed
Disputed Subjects
Jane Flax
Ethics and Human Reproduction
Christine Overall
Feminism in France
Claire Duchen
Feminism for Girls
Angela McRobbie and 1 more
Between Men and Feminism
David Porter
Contemporary Western European Feminism
Gisela T. Kaplan
Feminist Challenges
Carole Pateman and 1 more
Feminism and Materialism (RLE Feminist Theory)
Annette Kuhn
Feminist Criticism and Social Change (RLE Feminist Theory)
Deborah Rosenfelt
Feminism in France (RLE Feminist Theory)
Disputed Subjects (RLE Feminist Theory)
At the Boundaries of Law (RLE Feminist Theory)
Martha Albertson Fineman
Between Men and Feminism (RLE Feminist Theory)
Contemporary Western European Feminism (RLE Feminist Theory)
Gisela Kaplan
Feminist Knowledge (RLE Feminist Theory)
Sneja Gunew
Men in Feminism (RLE Feminist Theory)
Alice Jardine
Julia Kristeva (RLE Feminist Theory)
John Lechte
Feminists and State Welfare (RLE Feminist Theory)
Gendered Subjects (RLE Feminist Theory)
Catherine Portuges
Married to the Job (RLE Feminist Theory)
Tearing the Veil (RLE Feminist Theory)
Susan Lipschitz
The Horned God (RLE Feminist Theory)
The Liberation of Women (RLE Feminist Theory)
Nostalgia and Sexual Difference (RLE Feminist Theory)
Janice Doane
Problems for Feminist Criticism (RLE Feminist Theory)
The Oppositional Imagination (RLE Feminist Theory)
Coming to Terms (RLE Feminist Theory)
Ethics and Human Reproduction (RLE Feminist Theory)
Feminist Experiences (RLE Feminist Theory)
Feminism for Girls (RLE Feminist Theory)
Angela McRobbie
In Other Words (RLE Feminist Theory)
Gail Chester
Feminist Knowledge
Sneja Marina Gunew
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