International Finance and Latin America
Stephany Griffith-Jones
Not Available
Circulation in Third World Countries
R. Mansell Prothero and 1 more
Corruption in Developing Countries
Ronald Wraith and 1 more
Beyond the Sociology of Development
Ivar Oxaal and 2 more
The Development of Capitalism in Africa
John Sender and 1 more
The Third World in Soviet Military Thought
Mark N. Katz
Development and Underdevelopment in Historical Perspective
Gavin Kitching
New Trends in Development Theory
P. W. Preston
The Political Economy of Underdevelopment
S. B. D. De Silva
The Origins of Economic Inequality Between Nations
Carlos Ramírez Faría
The Economic and Social Structure of Mauritius
J. E. Meade
Factors in Economic Development
Alec Cairncross
West African Trade
P. T. Bauer
Development Policy in Small Countries
Percy Selwyn
Black Africa, 1945-1980
D. K. Fieldhouse
Economic Integration in Africa
Peter Robson
Development and the Environmental Crisis
M. R. Redclift
The Politics of Family Planning in the Third World
T. E. Smith
Africa and Europe
Amadu Sesay
Assembling for Development
Leslie Sklair
Proletarianisation in the Third World
Barry Munslow and 1 more
Rethinking Development
Education and Development
Roger M. Garrett
Ideology and Social Change in Latin America
June C. Nash and 2 more
Agricultural Development and Economic Integration in Latin America
Montague Yudelman and 1 more
An Introduction to the Politics of Tropical Africa
Richard Hodder-Williams
Socialism and Underdevelopment
Ken Post and 1 more
Poverty, Class and Gender in Rural Africa
The Wealth of Poor Nations
C. Suriyakumaran
Growing-Up Modern
Bruce Fuller
Towards Financial Independence in a Developing Economy
R. A. Sowelem
Distance Teaching for the Third World
Michael Dunlop Young
Planning and Development in Education
J. C. S. Musaazi
Indian Economic Policy and Development
Theories of Economic Development and Growth
Y. S. Brenner
Learning from China?
Bernhard Glaeser
Fiscal Policy in Underdeveloped Countries
Raja Jesudoss Chelliah
Education in the Third World
Keith Watson
The Role of the International Financial Centres in Underdeveloped Countries
Xabier Gorostiaga and 2 more
Education and Development in Latin America
Laurence Gale
Capital Formation and Economic Development
P. N. Rosenstein-Rodan
A Theory of Economic Integration for Developing Countries
Fuat M. Andic and 2 more
The Sociology and Politics of Development
Baidya Nath Varma
Economic Development in East Asia
E. Stuart Kirby
The Green Revolution Revisited
Aid and Inequality in Kenya
Gerald Holtham and 1 more
Export Instability and Economic Development
Alasdair I. MacBean
Development and the Debt Trap
Andrzej Krassowski and 1 more
Infant Mortality, Population Growth and Family Planning in India
S. Chandrasekhar
Food Aid and the Developing World
Christopher Stevens
The Politics of United States Foreign Aid
George M. Guess
Theories of Development
Industrial Structure and Policy in Less Developed Countries
C. H. Kirkpatrick and 2 more
The Theory and Experience of Economic Development
W. Arthur Lewis and 1 more
Urbanisation and Planning in the 3rd World
Robert Potter
Urbanisation, Housing and the Development Process
D. W. Drakakis-Smith
Development and Planning
P. N. Rosenstein-Rodan and 2 more
Does Aid Work in India?
Michael Lipton and 1 more
Agrarian Reform in Contemporary Developing Countries
Ajit Kumar Ghose and 1 more
Third World Industrialization in the 1980S
Raphael Kaplinsky
Images and Behaviour of Private Bank Lending to Developing Countries
Margee M. Ensign
Food and Poverty
Radha Sinha
The African Debt Crisis
Trevor W. Parfitt and 1 more
The Geography of the Third World
Michael Pacione
Development Theory
David Lehmann
Military Regimes and Development
Theophilus Olatunde Odetola
Underdevelopment and Development in Brazil. Volume 2 Reassessing the Obstacles to Economic Development
Nathaniel H. Leff
Patterns of Caribbean Development
Jay R. Mandle
Towards Economic Recovery in Sub-Saharan Africa
Robert K. A. Gardiner and 2 more
Underdevelopment and Development in Brazil. Volume 1 Economic Structure and Change, 1822-1947
Planning African Development
Glen Norcliffe and 1 more
The OPEC Fund for International Development
Ibrahim F. I. Shihata
Poltiical Change in the Third World
Charles Andrain
Women's Roles and Population Trends in the Third World
Richard Anker and 2 more
International Indebtedness and the Developing Countries
George C. Abbott
Hungry People and Empty Lands
The Afro-Asian States and Their Problems
K. M. Panikkar
Population and Development
Geoffrey Hawthorn
Population, Health and Nutrition in the Sahel
Allan G. Hill
America and the Third World
John Girling
Power and Independence
Peter Cutt Lloyd
Regional Security in the Third World
Mohammed Ayoob
Urban Social Movements in the Third World
Frans Schuurman
Interdependent Development
H. C. Brookfield
A New Concept of Development
François Perroux
The Rural World
Louis Malassis
Urbanisation in the Developing World
Persistent Underdevelopment
Seaports and Development
B. S. Hoyle
Export-Oriented Industrialisation
Mohammed Ariff and 1 more
Economic Development in the Tropics
B. W. Hodder
Finance and Economic Growth in Developing Countries
Kanhaya L. Gupta
Poverty, Progress and Development
Paul-Marc Henry
Aid and Dependence
Kathryn Morton and 1 more
Integration, Development and Equity
Colin Kirkpatrick and 2 more
Ajit Kumar Ghose
Harold (Australia National University) Brookfield
Christopher (University of Sussex and 3 more
K. L. Gupta
New Seeds and Poor People
Money and Finance in Africa
Erin Fleetwood
Jay Mandle
Barry (University of Leeds and 1 more
Olatunde Odetola
Glen Norcliffe
Peter Preston
Peter C. Lloyd
Social Policy in Developing Countries
Arthur Livingstone
Development and Underdevelopment
J. P. Cole
The Geography of Underdevelopment
Dean Forbes
Womens' Roles and Population Trends in the Third World
Richard Anker
Latin American Theories of Development and Underdevelopment
Cristóbal Kay
Trade and Developing Countries
Canaganayagam Suriyakumaran
Rich World, Poor World
Geoffrey Lean
Underdevelopment and Development in Brazil: Volume I
Nathaniel H Leff
James Pickett
Underdevelopment and Development in Brazil: Volume II
Ivar Oxaal
Mark Katz
Third World Industrialization in the 1980s
Raphie Kaplinsky
David Drakakis-Smith
Kathryn Morton
W. Arthur Lewis
The Economics of Aid
J. M. Healey
Michael (University of Strathclyde and 2 more
Urbanisation and Planning in the Third World
Carlos Ramirez-Faria
James Meade
The Economies of Africa
African Environments and Resources
Laurence A. Lewis and 1 more
A Third World Proletariat?
Fuat Andic and 2 more
Andrzej Krassowski
Michael Young and 3 more
Conflict Intervention in the Third World
Jagdish Bhagwati
J.C.S. Musaazi
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