Anti-personnel Weapons
Not Available
Chemical Weapons
Nonoffensive Defense
Problems and Perspectives of Conventional Disarmament in Europe
United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research UNIDIR
European Security without the Soviet Union
Stuart Croft
Central European Security Concerns
Jacob Kipp
By Fire and Ice
David A. Koplow
The East-West Strategic Balance
T.B. Millar
Soviet Military Doctrine and Western Policy
Gregory Flynn
Semialignment and Western Security
Nils Ørvik
Contemporary Strategy
John Baylis and 3 more
The Defense of Western Europe
L.H. Gann
The Public and Atlantic Defense
Defending Europe
Derek Paul
The Defence Industrial Base and the West
David G. Haglund
Conventional Warfare in the Nuclear Age
Otto Heilbrunn
The Defence of the Realm in the 1980s
Dan Smith
Amy W. Knight
New Directions in Strategic Thinking
Robert O’Neill
The Soviet Far East Military Buildup
Richard H. Solomon
Contemporary Soviet Military Affairs
Jonathan R. Adelman
Red Army and Society
Ellen Jones
Soviet Strategy Toward Western Europe
Edwina Moreton
The Soviet View of War, Peace and Neutrality
P.H. Vigor
Soviet Strategy
John Baylis
Soviet National Security Policy Under Perestroika
George E. Hudson
A World Divided
Geoff Tansey
Between McAlpine and Polaris
George Giacinto Giarchi
Chemical Warfare Arms Control
Julian Perry Robinson
Antiballistic Missile Defence in the 1980s
Ian Bellany
British Security Policy
Arms Control Agreements
Jozef Goldblat
Burden-sharing in NATO
Simon Lunn
The Cold War and its Origins, 1917-1960
D.F. Fleming
Outer Space - Battlefield of the Future?
Security and Intelligence in a Changing World
A. Stuart Farson
Peaceful and Non-Peaceful Uses of Space
Bhupendra Jasani
NATO Arms Co-operation
Keith (University of York and 1 more
Space Weapons and U.S. Strategy
Paul B. Stares
How War Might Spread to Europe
Miroslav Nincic
NATO's Northern Allies
US Troops in Europe
Phil Williams
Soviet Nationalities in Strategic Perspective
S. Enders Wimbush
The USSR and the Western Alliance
Robbin F. Laird
The East German Army
Thomas M. Forster
Soviet Military Thinking
Derek Leebaert
The Pattern of World Conflict
G.L. Arnold
NATO's Changing Strategic Agenda
Colin (Aberystwyth University and 1 more
Seapower in the Nuclear Age
Joel J. Sokolsky
Soviet Decisionmaking for National Security
Jiri Valenta
The Soviet Secret Services
Securing Europe's Future
Stephen J. Flanagan
Outer Space - A New Dimension of the Arms Race
The Soviet Union and Northern Waters
Clive Archer
Soldiers, Peasants, and Bureaucrats
Roman Kolkowicz
The Security Watershed
Alexei G. Arbatov
The Crisis in Western Security
Lawrence S. Hagen
How Russia Makes War
Raymond L. Garthoff
The Cold War and Its Origins, 1917-1960. Volume One 1917-1950
Denna Frank Fleming
Outer Space
Stockholm International Peace Research Institute
Arms Control and East-West Relations
Philip Towle