Key Concepts in Post-Colonial Studies
Bill Ashcroft and 2 more
Not Available
Key Concepts in Language and Linguistics
R L Trask
Fifty Eastern Thinkers
Diané Collinson and 2 more
Eastern Philosophy
Oliver Leaman
Fifty Key Thinkers on the Environment
Joy A University of Durham and 1 more
Joy A PalmerCooper
Fifty Modern Thinkers on Education
Joy Palmer and 2 more
Liora Bresler
Fifty Major Thinkers on Education
Joy Palmer
Fifty Key Classical Authors
Alison Sharrock and 1 more
Alison Sharrock and 2 more
Fifty Key Medieval Thinkers
G R Evans
Fifty Key Figures in Twentieth Century British Politics
Keith University of Huddersfield and 1 more
Gurdjieff: The Key Concepts
Sophia Wellbeloved and 1 more
Sophia Wellbeloved
Key Writers on Art: From Antiquity to the Nineteenth Century
Chris Freelance Writer and 1 more
John Field
Fifty Key Christian Thinkers
Peter McEnhill and 1 more
Fifty Key Theatre Directors
Shomit Mitter and 1 more
Shomit Freelance Writer and 1 more
Primary Education: The Key Concepts
Denis Formerly University of Plymouth and 1 more
Primary Education
Denis Hayes
Andrew Edgar
Habermas: The Key Concepts
Andrew University of Cardiff and 1 more
Secondary Education: The Key Concepts
Jerry University of Sheffield and 1 more
Fifty Major Philosophers
Diané Collinson and 1 more
Kathryn Cardiff University and 1 more
Fifty Key Figures in Islam
Roy Primary PGCE Course Leader at the University of Gloucestershire and 1 more
Fifty Key Literary Theorists
Richard J Malaspina University College and 1 more
Sociology: The Key Concepts
John Scott
Art History: The Key Concepts
Jonathan Universiity for the Creative Arts and 1 more
Fifty Key Sociologists: The Contemporary Theorists
Fifty Key Sociologists: The Formative Theorists
Globalization: The Key Concepts
Annabelle Leicester University and 1 more
Fifty Major Political Thinkers
Ian Adams and 2 more
Ian Adams and 1 more
Economics: The Key Concepts
Donald University of Edinburgh and 1 more
Donald Rutherford
Television Studies
Bernadette Casey
Cultural Theory
Andrew Edgar and 1 more
Cultural Theory: The Key Concepts
Andrew Cardiff University and 7 more
Islam: The Key Concepts
Kecia Ali and 1 more
Design: The Key Concepts
Catherine Kingston University and 1 more
Antonio Marturano and 1 more
Leadership: The Key Concepts
Antonio Marturano
Fifty Key British Films
John White and 1 more
Sarah Barrow
Sport and Exercise Psychology
Ernest Cashmore
Ellis Cashmore
Philosophy of Education
Christopher Winch and 1 more
Martin OBrien and 1 more
Graham Richards
Fifty Key American Films
John Anglia Ruskin University and 1 more
Special Educational Needs: The Key Concepts
Philip University of Northampton and 1 more
Special Educational Needs
Philip Garner
Peter R Sedgwick
Nietzsche: The Key Concepts
Peter R University of Wales and 2 more
Physical Geography: The Key Concepts
Richard John University of Manchester and 1 more
Physical Geography
Richard J Huggett
Fifty Key Figures in Science Fiction
Mark Bould
Music Business: The Key Concepts
Richard Northeastern University and 1 more
Fifty Key Thinkers in Criminology
Keith Hayward
Keith J Hayward and 2 more
Fifty Key Thinkers on the Holocaust and Genocide
Paul R Professor Emeritus and 5 more
Fifty Contemporary Film Directors
Yvonne Tasker
Social Movements
Graeme Chesters and 1 more
Human Resource Management
Chris Rowley and 1 more
Social Movements: The Key Concepts
Graeme University of Bradford and 2 more
Fifty Key Anthropologists
Robert J Gordon and 2 more
Robert University of Vermont and 1 more
Helen Beebee and 2 more
Metaphysics: The Key Concepts
Nikk University of Birmingham and 4 more
Fifty Key Texts in Art History
Diana Open University and 1 more
Diana Newall and 1 more
Peter Robinson
Tourism: The Key Concepts
Bible and Cinema: Fifty Key Films
Adele Reinhartz
Mary Evans and 1 more
Gender: The Key Concepts
Mary Evans
Fifty Key Thinkers on Globalization
William D Coleman and 1 more
Race and Ethnicity
Amy Elizabeth Ansell and 1 more
Fifty Key Writers on Photography
Mark University of Wales and 1 more
Mark Durden
Fifty Key Postmodern Thinkers
Stuart Northumbria University and 1 more
Fifty Key Postmodernism Thinkers
Stuart Sim
Post-Colonial Studies: The Key Concepts
Fifty Major Economists
Steven Pressman
International Relations
Martin Griffiths and 2 more
Social and Cultural Anthropology
Nigel Rapport
Social and Cultural Anthropology: The Key Concepts
Fifty Hollywood Directors
Suzanne Leonard
Fifty Modern and Contemporary Dramatists
Maggie University of Manchester and 1 more
Lisa Harrison and 2 more
Politics: The Key Concepts
Lisa Harrison and 3 more
Critical Theory
Dino Franco Felluga
Critical Theory: The Key Concepts
Dino Purdue University Purdue University Felluga
David Beard and 1 more
Musicology: The Key Concepts
Matthew SOAS and 2 more
Fifty-One Key Feminist Thinkers
Lori Jo Marso
Lori Marso
Popular Music
Roy Shuker
Religious Studies
Carl Olson
Key Thinkers on the Environment
Joy A PalmerCooper and 1 more
Education Studies
Dave Trotman and 2 more
Language, Media and Culture
Martin Montgomery
Latinx Studies
Frederick Aldama and 1 more
Key Thinkers on Development
David Royal Holloway and 2 more
David Simon
Digital Journalism Studies
Bob Franklin and 1 more
Bob Cardiff University and 3 more
Digital Learning
Frank Rennie and 1 more
Digital Learning: The Key Concepts
Communication, Cultural and Media Studies
John Hartley
Research Methods
Michael Hammond and 2 more
Michael Hammond and 1 more
Animal Studies
Matthew Calarco
Matthew R California State University and 2 more
Fifty Contemporary Choreographers
Jo Butterworth and 1 more
Jo Butterworth
Fifty Key Figures in Latinx and Latin American Theatre
Paola S Hernández and 1 more
Popular Music Culture
Fifty Key Stage Musicals
Shannon Agnew and 1 more
Peter Filichia and 1 more
Fifty Key Figures in Cyberpunk Culture
Anna University of Glasgow and 1 more
Anna McFarlane and 2 more
Implementation Science
Frances Rapport and 2 more
Frances Rapport
Fifty Key Thinkers in Psychology
Alex Forsythe and 1 more
Fifty Key Video Games
Bernard Perron and 3 more
Fifty Key Irish Plays
Shaun Richards
Fifty Key Figures in Queer US Theatre
Jimmy A Noriega and 1 more
Jimmy A Noriega
Steven C Roach and 2 more
Steven C Roach and 1 more
Fifty Key Theatre Designers
Arnold Aronson
Fifty Key Contemporary Archaeologists
MarciaAnne Dobres
Secular Religions
Tamas Nyirkos
Elizabeth S Parks and 2 more
Fifty Key Improv Performers
Matt Fotis
Music Business
Richard Strasser
Fifty Key Scholars in Black Social Thought
MarieClaude JipguepAkhtar and 1 more
Applied Theatre
Kay Hepplewhite
Postcolonial Studies
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