Bulgaria under Communism
Ivaylo University of Sofia and 4 more
Not Available
Identities In-Between in East-Central Europe
Jan Fellerer
Hungary Since 1945
Árpád von Klimó
Bulgaria Under Communism
Ivaylo Znepolski and 6 more
Romania Under Communism
Dennis Deletant
Historicizing Roma in Central Europe
Victoria Shmidt and 1 more
The Macedonian Question and the Macedonians
Alexis Panteion University and 1 more
Jan Fellerer and 2 more
From Revolution to Uncertainty
Joachim Jena University and 1 more
Milan Rastislav Stefánik
Michal Ksinan
Adam Hudek and 2 more
Communism, Science and the University
Ivaylo Znepolski
The Nation’s Gratitude
Maria Bucur
A Nation Divided by History and Memory
Gábor Gyáni
Victoria R Shmidt and 1 more
Tradition, Literature and Politics in East-Central Europe
Carl Tighe
Alexis Heraclides
Jewish Culture and Urban Form
Magorzata ód University of Technology and 1 more
Biopolitics in Central and Eastern Europe in the 20th Century
Barbara Jagiellonian University and 1 more
The Intellectual Foundations of Modern Ukraine
Andriy Zayarnyuk and 1 more
The Mentality of Partisans of the Polish Anti-Communist Underground 1944–1956
Mariusz Mazur
Milan Rastislav Štefánik
Michal Kšian
Politics and the Slavic Languages
Tomasz Kamusella
Dissident Legacies of Samizdat Social Media Activism
Piotr WciÔslik
Communist Propaganda at School
Joanna Wojdon
Adam Slovak Academy of Sciences Hudek
Central Europe Revisited
Emil Brix and 1 more
Poland in a Colonial World Order
Piotr Puchalski
The Memory of the Second World War in Soviet and Post-Soviet Russia
David L Hoffmann
The Sovietization of Rural Hungary, 1945-1980
József Ö Pázmány Péter Catholic University and 1 more
Languages and Nationalism Instead of Empires
Motoki Nomachi
Stalin and War, 1918-1953
David R Shearer
The Nation's Gratitude
Greek-Albanian Entanglements since the Nineteenth Century
Alexis Panteion University and 3 more
The Open Window into the Soviet Bloc
Jakub University of Wrocaw and 1 more
Putin’s Dark Ages
Dina Georgia Institute of Technology and 1 more
Putin's Dark Ages
Dina Khapaeva
Tracing the Atom
Susanne Bauer and 1 more
Origins of People-to-People Diplomacy, U.S. And Russia, 1917-1957
David W McFadden
KGB Operations Against the USA and Canada in Soviet Ukraine, 1953-1991
S I Zhuk
The Holocaust and Soviet War Crimes Trials in the Cold War Context
Gintar Lithuanian Institute of History Malinauskait
The Rise and Fall of Communist Yugoslavism
Tomaz IvesiÔc
A Cultural History of Serbia
David A Norris
Barbara KlichKluczewska and 2 more
Malgorzata Hanzl
Picturing the Workers' Olympics and the Spartakiads
Przemyslaw Strozek
The Mentality of Partisans of the Polish Anti-Communist Underground 1944-1956
Romania, 1916-1941
The Eastern Bloc and Sub-Saharan Africa
Barbora Buzássyová
Aleksandra Konarzewska
Time and Material Culture
Julie Deschepper and 2 more
Black Humor and the White Terror
Béla Bodó
Contemporary Hungarian Society
Tibor Valuch
Yugoslavia, Nonalignment and Cold War Globalism
Zvonimir StopiÔc and 2 more
Children of German-Polish Relationships
Piotr Madajczyk and 3 more
The Anthems of East-Central Europe
Gy Csaba Kiss
The Forgotten Appeasement of 1920
Andrzej Nowak
Gábor Csikós and 2 more
Gender and World War II in the Yugoslav Media
Iva JelusiÔc
Documents on Israeli-Soviet Relations, 1954-1967. Part 1 1954-1957
Yaacov Roi and 2 more
Documents on Israeli-Soviet Relations, 1954-1967. Part 2 1957-1961
Documents on Israeli-Soviet Relations, 1954-1967. Part 3 1961-1964
Documents on Israeli-Soviet Relations, 1954-1967. Part 4 1965-1967
Observers from Abroad
Martin A Miller
Transgressive Humanism in Mid-Socialist Poland
Nina Seiler
Collective Memory in Post-Soviet Kaliningrad Oblast
Milosz J Cordes
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