The Organization of Labour Markets
Bo Strath
Not Available
Economic Ideas and Government Policy
Alec Cairncross
The Mediterranean Response to Globalization before 1950
Sevket Pamuk
The Origins of National Financial Systems
Douglas J Forsyth and 1 more
Land Rights, Ethno-Nationality and Sovereignty in History
Stanley L Engerman and 1 more
Production and Consumption in English Households 1600-1750
Darron Dean and 4 more
Land Rights, Ethno-nationality and Sovereignty in History
Stanley University of Rochester and 2 more
An Economic History of London 1800-1914
Michael Ball and 1 more
An Economic History of Sweden
Lars Magnusson
Freedom and Growth
Stephan R London School of Economics Political Science and 2 more
The Premodern Chinese Economy
Gang Deng
An Economic History of Film
John Sedgwick
Rethinking Economic Change in India
Tirthankar Roy
Agriculture and Economic Development in Europe Since 1870
Pedro Lains
Theories of International Trade
Adam Klug and 1 more
The Mechanics of Modernity in Europe and East Asia
Erik Ringmar
A Cultural History of Finance
Irene Columbia University and 1 more
International Economic Integration in Historical Perspective
Dennis Patrick McCarthy
Europe's Green Revolution and Others Since
Jonathan Harwood
Production and Consumption in English Households, 1600-1750
Mark Overton
Labour-Intensive Industrialization in Global History
Gareth London School of Economics London School of Economics and 1 more
The South Sea Bubble
Helen Paul
Large Databases in Economic History
Mark Casson
An Economic History of the American Steel Industry
Robert P Rogers
Nation, State and the Industrial Revolution
Pedro Lains and 1 more
Reflections on the Cliometrics Revolution
John S Lyons
Social Capital, Trust and the Industrial Revolution
David Sunderland
Early Modern Capitalism
Quantitative Economic History
Joshua L University of Kansas and 1 more
Ireland and the Industrial Revolution
Andy University College Cork and 1 more
Economy and Economics of Ancient Greece
Takeshi Amemiya
Managing Crises and De-Globalisation
SvenOlof Olsson
Pricing Theory, Financing of International Organisations and Monetary History
Lawrence H Officer
Bengal Industries and the British Industrial Revolution (1757-1857)
Indrajit Ray
Industrial Development in Postwar Japan
Hirohisa Kohama
A History of Macroeconomic Policy in the United States
John H Wood
Political Competition and Economic Regulation
Peter Bernholz
German Immigration and Servitude in America, 1709-1920
Farley Grubb
The Standard of Living and Revolutions in Imperial Russia, 1700-1917
Boris Mironov
The British Industrial Decline
Michael Dintenfass
Conceiving Companies
Timothy L Alborn
Production Efficiency in Domesday England, 1086
John McDonald
Monetary Standards and Exchange Rates
Maria Cristina Marcuzzo
The History of Bankruptcy
Thomas Max Safley
Colonial Exploitation and Economic Development
Ewout Utrecht School of Economics and 1 more
The Political Economy of Disaster
Mats Lundahl
Privatization and Transition in Russia in the Early 1990s
Carol Scott Leonard and 1 more
Nationalism and Economic Development in Modern Eurasia
Carl Mosk
Agricultural Transformation in a Global History Perspective
Ellen Hillbom
Economic Analysis of Institutional Change in Ancient Greece
Carl Hampus Lyttkens
Gareth Austin and 1 more
Pacific Centuries
Dennis O Flynn
The State and Business in the Major Powers
Robert Millward
The Role of Banks in Monitoring Firms
Elisabeth Paulet
The Conservatives and Industrial Efficiency, 1951-1964
Nick Tiratsoo and 1 more
The International Tin Cartel
John Hillman
An Economic History of Modern Sweden
Lennart Schön
Britain's Place in the World
George Brennan and 1 more
Sir Alec Cairncross
Europe's Green Revolution and Its Successors
The Management of the National Debt of the United Kingdom 1900-1932
Jeremy Wormell
The Rise of Planning in Industrial America, 1865-1914
Richard Wesleyan University and 1 more
The Evolving Structure of the East Asian Economic System since 1700
AJH University of Wales and 2 more
The Political Economy of Mercantilism
Money, Currency and Crisis
RJ van der Spek
Natural Resources and Economic Growth
Marc BadiaMiró
The Economic Development of Europe's Regions
Nikolaus Wolf and 1 more
An Economic History of Famine Resilience
Jessica Dijkman
The Western Allies and Soviet Potential in World War II
Martin Kahn
Regulating Competition
Susanna Fellman
The Second Bank of the United States
Jane Ellen University of Vermont and 1 more
War, Power and the Economy
A González Enciso
Central Banking in a Democracy
John Wood
The History of Migration in Europe
Francesca Fauri
Famines in European Economic History
Declan Curran
A History of Market Performance
RJ Van der Spek
European Banks and the Rise of International Finance
Carlo Edoardo Altamura
Innovation and Technological Diffusion
Harry Kitsikopoulos
The Development of Modern Industries in Bengal
R J van der Spek and 1 more
Joan Ramón Rosés
Jessica Dijkman and 1 more
Modern Advertising and the Market for Audience Attention
Zoe Sherman
Family Firms and Merchant Capitalism in Early Modern Europe
A Global History of Money
Akinobu Kuroda
Port-Cities and Their Hinterlands
W Robert Lee and 1 more
An Economic History of Regional Industrialization
Bas van Leeuwen and 2 more
Paper and the British Empire
Timo Department of History and Ethnology and 2 more
The Political Economy of International Commodity Cartels
Elina University of Helsinki Kuorelahti
The Real Estate Market in the Roman World
Marta Roehampton University and 1 more
An Economic History of the First German Unification
Ulrich Pfister
Institutions and Chinese Economic Development
Li Tan
Port-Cities and their Hinterlands
Robert Lee
The Economy of Classical Athens
Emmanouil M L Economou
The Business of Leisure in 20th Century Britain
R Coopey and 1 more
The Decline of British Industrial Hegemony
The Economy of Renaissance Italy
Paolo Malanima
The Political Economy of Interwar Foreign Investment
Jerzy Lazor
The Development of European Competition Policy
Brian Shaev and 1 more
Industry and Development in Argentina
Marcelo Rougier and 1 more
Economic History of the European Energy Industry
Alberte MartínezLópez and 2 more
The Economy of Ancient Egypt
Mahmoud Ezzamel
Inequality and Nutritional Transition in Economic History
Francisco J MedinaAlbaladejo and 2 more
Networks in the Early History of Capitalism
Stefania Montemezzo
Economic History of Living Standards in Brazil
Daniel William Franken
Ulrich Pfister and 1 more
The Age of Global Economic Crises
Juan Manuel Matés Barco and 1 more
Property, Power and the Growth of Towns
Catherine Casson and 1 more
The Sustainability and Development of Ancient Economies
C A Tisdell and 1 more
Marta García Morcillo and 1 more
Mining and Financial Imperialism
Timo Särkkä
Global Trade in the Early Medieval World
Toslima Khatun
An Economic History of the Spanish Welfare State
Sergio Espuelas
A History of the Global Wheat Trade
Marco Bertilorenzi and 2 more
Tourism and Economic Development
Patrizia Battilani and 2 more
The Conservatives and Industrial Efficiency, 1951-64
Nick Tiratsoo and 2 more
The Management of the National Debt in the United Kingdom 1900-1932
Maarten Roy Prak
The Revolutionary Russian Economy, 1890-1940
Vincent Barnett
The Foreign Exchange Market of London
John Atkin
Currency Convertibility in the Twentieth Century
Jorge Braga de Macedo and 2 more
Currency Convertibility
Peter Bernholz and 1 more
Joshua L Rosenbloom
Intra-Asian Trade and Industrialization
A J H Latham and 2 more
Yasukichi Yasuba
Irene FinelHonigman
Ideas and Economic Crises in Britain from Attlee to Blair (1945-2005)
Matthias Matthijs
Mark Casson and 1 more