The Regulation of Post-Communist Party Politics
Fernando University of Nottingham and 1 more
Not Available
Opposition Parties in European Legislatures
Elisabetta Universidade Nova de Lisboa and 1 more
Party System Change, the European Crisis and the State of Democracy
Marco Nova University of Lisbon and 1 more
Leaders, Factions and the Game of Intra-Party Politics
Andrea Ceron
Informal Politics in Post-Communist Europe
Michal Klíma
Fernando Casal Bértoa and 1 more
Marco Lisi
Elisabetta De Giorgi and 1 more
Party Systems in Young Democracies
Edalina Rodrigues Sanches
Do Parties Still Represent?
Knut Heidar and 1 more
Political Incivility in the Parliamentary, Electoral and Media Arena
Annemarie Walter
Michal Metropolitan University Prague and 1 more
Andrea University of Milan and 1 more
Party Members and Their Importance in Non-EU Countries
Sergiu University of Glasgow and 1 more
Political Candidate Selection
Jeanette Ashe
The Resistible Corrosion of Europe's Center-Left After 2008
Georg Menz
The Resistible Corrosion of Europe’s Center-Left After 2008
Georg Old Dominion University and 1 more
Party Politics in Microstates
Annemarie S University of Nottingham and 1 more
Political Parties Abroad
Tudi Kernalegenn and 1 more
New Paths for Selecting Political Elites
Giulia Université Catholique de Lille and 1 more
Party Leaders and their Selection Rules in Western Europe
Bruno University of Bologna and 1 more
Southern European Challenger Parties against the Mainstream
Davide LUISS Guido Carli and 1 more
Party Families in Western Europe
Peter Egge Langsæher
Party Organization and Electoral Success of New Anti-establishment Parties
Tomáš Cirhan
The Pirate Parties Across Europe
Benjamin Leruth and 1 more
Money Rules
Party Politics in European Microstates
Exploring Party Switching in East-Central European Legislatures
Andrzej Antoszewski and 1 more
Political Parties and the State in the Global South
Albertus Schoeman
Southern European Challenger Parties Against the Mainstream
Davide Vittori
Party Organization and Electoral Success of New Anti-Establishment Parties
Tomás Cirhan
Institutional Roles and Radical Right-Wing Populism
Anna HeapySilander