Socialism & Marginalism in Economics 1870 - 1930
Ian Steedman
Not Available
The Political Economy of Social Credit and Guild Socialism
Brian Burkitt and 1 more
Towards An Unknown Marx
Enrique Dussel and 1 more
The Tradition of Free Trade
Lars Magnusson
Marshall's Evolutionary Economics
Tiziano Raffaelli
Political Economy of Public Finance in Britain, 1767-1873
Takuo Dome
History of Environmental Economic Thought
Erhun Kula
Classical Macroeconomics
James CW Ahiakpor
David Hume's Political Economy
Margaret Schabas
Making Chicago Price Theory
Daniel J Hammond
Civil Happiness
Luigino Bruni
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Leonidas Montes
Evaluating Adam Smith
William Henderson
At the Origins of Mathematical Economics
Richard Van Den Berg
Keynes's Vision
John Philip Jones
The Science of Wealth
Tony University of Sydney and 1 more
Capital, Time and Transitional Dynamics
Harald Hagemann
The Ideas of Ronald H. Coase
Lawrence W C Lai
Anticipating The Wealth of Nations
Anders Chydenius and 1 more
On the Origins of Classical Economics
The Years of High Econometrics
Francisco Louçã
French Liberalism in the 19th Century
Robert Leroux
A History of Entrepreneurship
Robert F Hébert and 1 more
Subjectivism and Objectivism in the History of Economic Thought
Yagi Kiichiro
Consumption as an Investment
Cosimo Perrotta
Evolution of the Market Process
Michel Bellet
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Economics, Economists and Expectations
William Darity and 2 more
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Yiorgos Stathakis
The Experiment in the History of Economics
Philippe Fontaine
Essays in the History of Economics
Knut Wicksell on the Causes of Poverty and its Remedy
Mats Lundahl
A Bibliography of Female Economic Thought up to 1940
Kirsten Madden and 2 more
Historians of Economics and Economic Thought
Steven G Medema
Economics as an Art of Thought
Peter Earl
Sraffa and Modern Economics, Volume I
Roberto Ciccone
The Spread of Political Economy and the Professionalisation of Economists
Massimo Augello
F.A. Hayek as a Political Economist
Problems and Methods of Econometrics
Ragnar Frisch
Economic Theory and Economic Thought
John Manchester Metropolitan University and 1 more
Keynes and the British Humanist Tradition
David Andrews
Lawrence Waichung Lai
Political Economy, Public Policy and Monetary Economics
Richard M Ebeling
A History of Economic Theory
Aiko Waseda University and 1 more
General Equilibrium Analysis
Pascal Bridel
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Heinz D Kurz
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Riccardo Bellofiore
Keynes's Theoretical Development
Toshiaki Hirai
Open Economics
Richard Arena
The Origins of David Hume's Economics
Willie Henderson
Frank Knight and the Chicago School in American Economics
Ross B Emmett
Criticisms of Classical Political Economy
Gilles Université Paris I and 2 more
The Making of the Classical Theory of Economic Growth
Anthony University of Bristol and 1 more
Production, Distribution and Trade: Alternative Perspectives
Adriano Birolo
A Dynamic Approach to Economic Theory
Ragnar The University of Hong Kong and 1 more
Kalecki's Principle of Increasing Risk and Keynesian Economics
Tracy Denver University and 2 more
Adam Smith and the Economy of the Passions
Jan Horst Keppler
Marshall, Marshallians and Industrial Economics
German Utility Theory
John University of Minnesota and 1 more
Essential Writings of Thorstein Veblen
Charles Northwestern University and 1 more
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Michel Zouboulakis
Hayek's Political Economy
Steve Fleetwood
Studies in Social Economics
Léon Walras
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Gilbert Faccarello
Equilibrium and Economic Theory
Giovanni Alfredo Caravale
Understanding 'Classical' Economics
Heinz D Kurz and 1 more
The Economics of James Steuart
Andrew Skinner
Marx's Concept of Money
Anitra Nelson
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Tatsuya Sakamoto
Money and Growth
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Keynes and the Neoclassical Synthesis
Dario Togati
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Brian Cooper
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Yuichi Shionoya
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Betsy Price
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Sandye GloriaPalermo
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MaryAnn Dimand and 1 more
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Jack Birner
Enrique Dussel
Leading Contemporary Economists
Steven Pressman
Money, Time and Rationality in Max Weber
Stephen Parsons
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Peter Groenewegen
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Mario Pomini
The Economics of Joan Robinson
Maria Cristina Marcuzzo
The Economics of W.S. Jevons
Sandra Peart
Monetary Theory in Retrospect
Filippo The Bank of Italy and 2 more
The Political and Economic Thought of the Young Keynes
Carlo University of Pisa and 1 more
Hayek, Mill and the Liberal Tradition
Andrew Dickinson College and 1 more
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Neri Salvadori
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Matthew Smith
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Crises and Cycles in Economic Dictionaries and Encyclopaedias
Daniele University of Lausanne and 1 more
Generations of Economists
David Collard
The Economic Reader
Massimo M Augello
A History of Econometrics in France
Philippe University of Angers and 1 more
E.E. Slutsky as Economist and Mathematician
Vincent University of Birmingham and 1 more
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Volker Caspari
Stalin's Economist
André Mommen
A History of Homo Economicus
William Dixon and 1 more
Fighting Market Failure
The Analysis of Linear Economic Systems
Christian Bidard
Money and Markets
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Albert Rotterdam School of Management and 3 more
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Terenzio Cozzi
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David George
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Economics Broadly Considered
Jeff E Biddle
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A W Bob Coats
Piero Sraffa
Alessandro Roncaglia
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Economics as Literature
Economics and Interdisciplinary Exchange
Guido Erreygers
The Founding of Institutional Economics
Warren Michigan State University and 1 more
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Sylvie Rivot
Money and Banking in Jean-Baptiste Say’s Economic Thought
Gilles Jacoud
Interdisciplinary Economics
Wilfred University of Groningen and 1 more
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Samuel Hollander
Jean-Baptiste Say
Evert Schoorl
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Robert Cord
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Ajit K Dasgupta
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Serena Di Gaspare
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Michel Verdon
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Bert Mosselmans
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Kiichiro Yagi
Considerations on the Fundamental Principles of Pure Political Economy
Vilfredo Pareto
Contributions to the History of Economic Thought
Antoin Murphy
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Economic Thought and Policy in Less Developed Europe
Maria Eugenia Mata
Minor Marshallians and Alfred Marshall
Classics and Moderns in Economics Volume I
A History of Economic Science in Japan
John Somerset Chipman
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Stavros A Drakopoulos
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A Re-Assessment of Aristotle’s Economic Thought
Ricardo Crespo
An Economic History of Ireland Since Independence
Andy University College Cork and 2 more
The Political Economy of Latin American Independence
Alexandre Mendes Cunha
Real Business Cycle Models in Economics
Warren Young
Robert Leroux and 1 more
The Division of Labor in Economics
GuangZhen Sun
Economic Justice and Liberty
Hueichun Su
Keynes, Sraffa and the Criticism of Neoclassical Theory
Keynes and Modern Economics
Ryuzo Kuroki
Sraffa and Modern Economics, Volume II
Roberto Ciccone and 2 more
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HM Krämer
The Theory of Value and Distribution in Economics
Pierangelo Garegnani and 1 more
Marxist Political Economy
Geoff Pilling
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Atsushi Komine
Ricardo and International Trade
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Economics and Literature
nla Akdere
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Lionel Robbins on the Principles of Economic Analysis
Lionel Robbins Robbins
Asia and the History of the International Economy
AJH University of Wales and 2 more
Otto Neurath and the History of Economics
Michael Turk
Unproductive Labour in Political Economy
Cosimo University of Salento and 1 more
On the Foundations of Happiness in Economics
Maurizio Pugno
Hayek and Popper
Mark Notturno
S A Drakopoulos
A Contemporary Historiography of Economics
Till Düppe
Macroeconomic Theory and the Eurozone Crisis
Alain Alcouffe
Economic Crisis and Economic Thought
Tommaso Gabellini
Shigeyoshi Senga and 2 more
War in the History of Economic Thought
Yukihiro Ikeda
Ricardo and the History of Japanese Economic Thought
Susumu Daito Bunka University and 1 more
On Abstract and Historical Hypotheses and on Value Judgments in Economic Sciences
Luigi Einaudi
José Luís Cardoso and 2 more
Alexandre Mendes Cunha and 1 more
Ricardo on Money
Ghislain Deleplace
Four Central Theories of the Market Economy
Farhad Rassekh
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Deniz Kilinçolu
The Origins of Neoliberalism
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Estrella Trincado and 1 more
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Bertram Schefold
inla Akdere and 1 more
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The Idea of History in Constructing Economics
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JeanBaptiste Say
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Schumpeter's Price Theory
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Greed, Self-Interest and the Shaping of Economics
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Lionel Robbins
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Utilitarianism and Malthus' Virtue Ethics
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G R Steele
The Foundations of Political Economy and Social Reform
Till Düppe and 1 more
Schumpeter’s Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy
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Annalisa Università di Roma Tor Vergata and 1 more
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Revisiting Classical Economics
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Aristotle's Critique of Political Economy
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English Economic Thought in the Seventeenth Century
Seiichiro Ito
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Divine Providence in Early Modern Economic Thought
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The Political Economy of the Han Dynasty and Its Legacy
Cheng Lin
Peter Mathias
Macroeconomic Analysis in the Classical Tradition
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Macroeconomics without the Errors of Keynes
The Economic Thought of Michael Polanyi
Gábor Budapest University of Technology Economics Bíró
A History of Utilitarian Ethics
Ideas in the History of Economic Development
Estrella Trincado
Ordoliberalism and European Economic Policy
Malte Dold
A History of Feminist and Gender Economics
Giandomenica Becchio
The Economic Thought of Sir James Steuart
José M Menudo
The History of Ancient Chinese Economic Thought
F. A. Hayek and the Epistemology of Politics
Adam Smith and the Wealth of Nations in Spain
Jesús Astigarraga and 1 more
Classical Liberalism and the Industrial Working Class
Alberto Mingardi
Neo-Marxism and Post-Keynesian Economics
Ludo Cuyvers
Poverty in the History of Economic Thought
Mats Lundahl and 2 more
Metaphors in the History of Economic Thought
Roberto Baranzini
Foundations of Organisational Economics
Monetary Economics, Banking and Policy
Penelope Hawkins
The Macroeconomics of Malthus
John Pullen
Thomas Aquinas and the Civil Economy Tradition
Paolo LUMSA University and 2 more
Poverty in Contemporary Economic Thought
John Locke and the Bank of England
Claude University of Lille and 1 more
Economic Policy and the History of Economic Thought
Stavros University of Athens and 1 more
European and Chinese Histories of Economic Thought
Iwo Amelung and 1 more
David Ricardo. An Intellectual Biography
Sergio Cremaschi
Humanity and Nature in Economic Thought
Gábor Bíró
The Theory of Transaction in Institutional Economics
Massimiliano Vatiero
Adam Smith and The Wealth of Nations in Spain
Jesús Astigarraga
Competition, Value and Distribution in Classical Economics
James Mill, John Stuart Mill, and the History of Economic Thought
Masatomi Fujimoto
Léon Walras’s Economic Thought
Kayoko Faculty of Economics and 1 more
Adam Smith’s Theory of Value and Distribution
Jeffrey T Young
The Collision of Economics and Ethics
Alejandro Nadal
Mendeleev and the Economics of Russian Protectionism
Vincent Barnett
Women's Economic Thought in the Eighteenth Century
Edith Kuiper
Theology, Morality and Adam Smith
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Immanuel Kant and Utilitarian Ethics
Ludo Universiteit Antwerpen and 1 more
Classical Economics, Keynes and Money
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Adam Smith on the Ancients and the Moderns
Gloria Vivenza
Arthur Spiethoff and the German Historical School
Vitantonio Gioia
The Economic Thought of Hilaire Belloc
Alfonso Díaz Vera
Environment and Ecology in the History of Economic Thought
Vitor Eduardo Schincariol
Schumpeter's General Theory of Capitalism
Tristan Velardo
Economic Methodology, History and Pluralism
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Global Commerce in the Age of Enlightenment
Jesús Bohórquez
Roberto Baranzini and 1 more
The Early History of Economics in the United States
Birsen Filip
An Economic Philosophy of Production, Work and Consumption
Rodney Edvinsson
Penelope Anne Hawkins and 1 more
Liberalism and the Philosophy of Economics
Tsutomu Hashimoto
Slavery and Colonialism in the History of Economic Thought
Simona Pisanelli
Hegel on Ethics, the State and Public Policy
S A Drakopoulos and 1 more
Transaction Economics of John R. Commons
Shingo Takahashi
Ricardo on the Theory of Value and Money
Susumu Takenaga
Field Experiments in Economics
Judith Favereau and 1 more
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Francisco Aristimuño
New Perspectives on the Economics of Ronald H. Coase
Matthias Klaes
Progress in Economic and Political Thought
Calvin Hayes
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Economic Careers
Keith Tribe
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Toichiro Asada
Classics and Moderns in Economics
P D Groenewegen
Essays on the History of Economics
Warren J Samuels
Knut Wicksell on Poverty
Richard Van Den Berg and 1 more
Carl Wennerlind and 1 more