Literary Reading, Cognition and Emotion
Michael Burke
Not Available
Beyond Cognitive Metaphor Theory
Monika Fludernik
Language, Ideology and Identity in Serial Killer Narratives
Christiana Gregoriou
Style and Rhetoric of Short Narrative Fiction
Dan Shen
Analyzing Digital Fiction
Alice Bell
Kafka’s Cognitive Realism
Emily Troscianko
The Pragmatics of Literary Testimony
Chantelle Warner
From Conversation to Oral Tradition
Raymond F Person
Stories, Meaning, and Experience
Yanna B Popova
Rethinking Language, Text and Context
Ruth Page
Making Sense of Narrative Text
Michael J Toolan
A Prosody of Free Verse
Richard Andrews
Similes, Puns and Counterfactuals in Literary Narrative
Jennifer Riddle Harding
Ruth Page and 2 more
Ulysses and the Poetics of Cognition
Patrick Colm Hogan
Metaphor and Persuasion in Strategic Communication
Federica Ferrari
Discourse Deixis in Metafiction
Andrea Macrae
The Rhetoric of Literary Communication
Virginie Université PaulValéry and 2 more
Repetition and Creation
Radosvet Kolarov
Stylistic Approaches to Pop Culture
Christoph University of Vechta and 1 more
Characterising Irony
Steven Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University and 1 more
Virginie Iché and 1 more
Christoph Schubert and 1 more
Steven Pattison
Kafka's Cognitive Realism