Principles of Neurotheology
Andrew B and 1 more
Not Available
Explorations in Neuroscience, Psychology and Religion
Kevin S Seybold
Cyborg Selves
Jeanine ThweattBates
Naturalism, Theism and the Cognitive Study of Religion
Aku Visala
Human Identity at the Intersection of Science, Technology and Religion
Christopher C Knight
The Cognitive Science of Religion
James A Van Slyke
Theology and Modern Physics
Peter E Hodgson
The Roots of Religion
Roger Trigg
Interreligious Perspectives on Mind, Genes and the Self
Joseph Tham and 2 more
God, Evolution, and Animal Suffering
Bethany N University of Oxford and 1 more
The Intelligent Design Debate and the Temptation of Scientism
Erkki Vesa Rope Kojonen
Science and the Truthfulness of Beauty
Robert Gilbert
Against Methodology in Science and Religion
Josh Samford University and 1 more
Bethany N Sollereder
Joseph Pontificio Ateneo Regina Apostolorum and 1 more
Ramified Natural Theology in Science and Religion
Rodney Holder
Intersections of Religion and Astronomy
Aaron Ricker
Christian Moral Theology in the Emerging Technoculture
Brent Waters
God's Action in Nature's World
Nathan Hallanger
Mind, Brain and the Elusive Soul
Mark Graves
Theology, Psychology and the Plural Self
Léon Turner
Reconstructing a Christian Theology of Nature
Anna CaseWinters
New Directions in Theology and Science
Peter University of Queensland and 1 more
Rodney D Holder
Mutual Enrichment Between Psychology and Theology
Russell Re Manning
Divine and Human Providence
Ignacio Alberto Silva and 1 more
Chris Corbally
Conjunctive Explanations in Science and Religion
Diarmid A Finnegan
The Philosophical and Theological Relevance of Evolutionary Anthropology
Martin Breul
The Multiverse and Participatory Metaphysics
Jamie Boulding
Providence and Science in a World of Contingency
Ignacio Alberto Silva
Peter Harrison and 1 more
Science and Religion in India
Renny Thomas
God and the Book of Nature
Mark University of Edinburgh and 1 more
Emerging Voices in Science and Theology
Bethany N Sollereder and 1 more
Science and Religion in Western Literature
Michael Fuller
Julian of Norwich and the Ecological Crisis
Claire FosterGilbert
Progress in Theology
Gijsbert van den Brink and 2 more
Perspectives on Spiritual Intelligence
Marius Dorobantu and 1 more
Exemplars, Imitation, and Character Formation
Eric Yang
Diarmid A Finnegan and 3 more
The Digitalised Image of God
Ximian Xu
Martin Breul and 1 more
Maximus the Confessor and Evolutionary Biology
Andrew P Jackson
Design Discourse in Abrahamic Traditions
Erkki V R Kojonen and 1 more
Miracles in Said Nursi and Thomas Aquinas
Edmund Michael Lazzari
New Frontiers in Islam and Evolution
Shoaib Ahmed Malik and 1 more