Reinventing Government in the Information Age
Richard Heeks
Not Available
National Electronic Government
Martin Eifert
The Politics of Cyberconflict
Athina Karatzogianni
National Governments and Control of the Internet
Giampiero Giacomello
Internet and Society
Christian Fuchs
Hacking Capitalism
Johan Söderberg
Network Governance of Global Religions
Michel S Laguerre
Urban Youth in China: Modernity, the Internet and the Self
Fengshu University of Oslo and 1 more
Migration, Diaspora and Information Technology in Global Societies
Leopoldina University of Udine and 1 more
A Normative Theory of the Information Society
Alistair S Duff
Is There a Home in Cyberspace?
Heike Mónika Greschke
Social Media, Politics and the State
Daniel Trottier
Daniel Trottier and 1 more
Privacy and Capitalism in the Age of Social Media
Sebastian Sevignani
Technologies of Religion
Sam Nanyang Technological University and 1 more
Sam Han
Frontiers in New Media Research
Francis LF Lee
Global Youth in Digital Trajectories
Michalis Kontopodis
The Good ICT Society
Gunilla Bradley
The Politics and Policies of Big Data
Ann Rudinow Sætnan
Disorder and the Disinformation Society
Jonathan Paul Marshall and 3 more