The Economics and Management of Intellectual Property
Ove Granstrand
Not Available
Handbook of Qualitative Research Methods for International Business
Rebecca Piekkari
Rebecca MarschanPiekkari and 1 more
Handbook of Research in International Marketing
Subhash C Jain
Handbook of Critical Information Systems Research
Debra Howcroft
Handbook of Research on International Entrepreneurship
LéoPaul Dana
Handbook on Responsible Leadership and Governance in Global Business
Jonathan P Doh
Handbook of Trust Research
Reinhard Bachmann
International Handbook of Women and Small Business Entrepreneurship
Sandra L Fielden
Handbook of Research on Family Business
Panikklos Zata Poutziouris
Handbook of Research in International Human Resource Management
Günter K Stahl
Handbook of Research in Entrepreneurship Education, Volume 1
Alain Fayolle
International Handbook of Research on Indigenous Entrepreneurship
Handbook of Research in Entrepreneurship Education, Volume 2
Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurship Policy
David B Audretsch
Reinhard Bachmann and 1 more
Handbook of Organizational Politics
Eran VigodaGadot
Handbook of Qualitative Research Methods in Marketing
Russell W Belk
Handbook of Qualitative Research Methods in Entrepreneurship
Helle Neergaard and 1 more
Handbook on Brand and Experience Management
Bernd Schmitt and 1 more
Panikkos Poutziouris and 3 more
Handbook of Research on Asian Business
Henry Waichung Yeung
Handbook of Research on Global Corporate Citizenship
Andreas Georg Scherer and 1 more
Handbook on Women in Business and Management
Diana Bilimoria
David B Audretsch and 4 more
Handbook of University-wide Entrepreneurship Education
G Page West III
Handbook of Research on Asian Entrepreneurship
Leo Paul Dana
Handbook on Small Nations in the Global Economy
Daniel Van Den Bulcke
International Handbook of Entrepreneurship and HRM
Rowena Barrett and 1 more
Handbook of Organizational Routines
Markus C Becker
Andreas Georg Scherer
Handbook of Microcredit in Europe
Bárbara Jayo Carboni
Handbook of Research on High-Technology Entrepreneurs
Ayala MalachPines
Handbook of Research on European Business and Entrepreneurship
Handbook of Pricing Research in Marketing
Vithala R Rao
International Handbook of Maritime Business
Kevin Cullinane
Handbook of Research on Strategy and Foresight
Laura Anna Costanzo
Handbook of Social Capital
Gert Tingaard Svendsen
Handbook on Law, Innovation and Growth
Robert E Litan and 1 more
Handbook of Research on Social Entrepreneurship
The Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurship in Agriculture and Rural Development
Gry Agnete Alsos
Handbook of Research on Nonprofit Economics and Management
Bruce A Seaman
Handbook on International Corporate Governance
Christine A Mallin
Handbook of Corporate Sustainability
M A Quaddus
Handbook of Research on Energy Entrepreneurship
Rolf Wüstenhagen
Handbook of Employment and Society
Susan McGrathChamp and 2 more
Research Handbook on the Future of Work and Employment Relations
Keith Townsend and 1 more
International Marketing Theory Conference and 2 more
Handbook of Islamic Marketing
Özlem Sandkc
International Handbook on Diversity Management at Work
Alain Klarsfeld
International Research Handbook on Successful Women Entrepreneurs
Handbook of Research on Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Handbook of Marketing Strategy
Venkatesh Shankar
Handbook on the Knowledge Economy. Volume 2
David Rooney and 2 more
Handbook of Marketing and Finance
Shankar Ganesan
Alain Fayolle and 1 more
Handbook of Research on Strategy Process
Pietro Mazzola and 1 more
Handbook of Developments in Consumer Behaviour
Victoria K Wells
Handbook of Research Methods on Social Entrepreneurship
Richard Seymour
Handbook of Research Methods on Trust
Fergus Lyon
The Handbook of Research on Top Management Teams
Mason Andrew Carpenter
Chris A Mallin
Handbook of Accounting and Development
Trevor Hopper
Handbook of Research in International Human Resource Management, Second Edition
Handbook of Research on New Venture Creation
Kevin Hindle
Handbook of Research on International Strategic Management
Alain Verbeke
Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurship in Professional Services
Markus Reihlen
Handbook of Business-to-Business Marketing
Gary L Lilien
Handbook of Research on Promoting Women's Careers
Susan Vinnicombe and 2 more
Handbook of Intuition Research
Marta Sinclair
Handbook of Research on Comparative Human Resource Management
Chris Brewster
Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurship and Regional Development
Michael Fritsch
Panikkos Poutziouris and 2 more
Günter K Stahl and 2 more
The International Handbook of Labour Unions
Gregor Gall and 2 more
Handbook of Chinese Organizational Behavior
Xu Huang
Handbook of Research on Crisis Leadership in Organizations
Andrew J DuBrin
Handbook on the Geopolitics of Business
J Mark Munoz
Handbook on the Experience Economy
Jon Sundbo
Handbook of Institutional Approaches to International Business
G Wood and 1 more
Handbook of Work-Life Integration Among Professionals
Debra A Major and 1 more
Victoria K Wells and 1 more
Handbook of Research on Competitive Strategy
Giovanni Battista Dagnino
Richard G Seymour
Handbook of Research on Innovation in Tourism Industries
Gry Agnete Alsos and 2 more
Handbook of Organizational and Entrepreneurial Ingenuity
Benson Honig and 2 more
Handbook of Research on International Advertising
Shintaro Okazaki
Handbook on Organisational Entrepreneurship
Daniel Hjorth
Handbook of Research in Entrepreneurship
Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurs' Engagement in Philanthropy
Marilyn L Taylor and 2 more
Handbook of Research on Mergers and Acquisitions
Yaakov Weber
Handbook of Research on Marketing and Corporate Social Responsibility
Ronald Paul Hill
Handbook of Management and Creativity
Chris Bilton and 1 more
Handbook of Research on Negotiation
Mara Olekalns and 1 more
Handbook on the Entrepreneurial University
Susan Vinnicombe and 3 more
Handbook of Research on Small Business and Entrepreneurship
Elizabeth Chell and 1 more
Handbook on Ethics and Marketing
Alexander L Nill
Research Handbook on Sustainable Co-Operative Enterprise
Tim Mazzarol and 3 more
Handbook of Service Marketing Research
Roland T Rust and 1 more
Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurship
Research Handbook on the Globalization of Chinese Firms
Craig C Julian and 2 more
Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurship and Creativity
Rolf Sternberg and 1 more
Handbook of Research on Islamic Business Ethics
Abbas Ali
Handbook of Research on the Learning Organization
Anders Örtenblad
Alain Klarsfeld and 4 more
Handbook of Research on Managing Managers
Adrian Wilkinson and 2 more
Handbook of Research on Management Ideas and Panaceas
Handbook of Conflict Management Research
Oluremi B Ayoko and 2 more
Ronald Paul Hill and 1 more
Handbook of Contemporary Research on Emerging Markets
Hemant Merchant
Handbook of Measures for International Entrepreneurship Research
N Coviello and 1 more
Handbook of Entrepreneurial Cognition
J Robert Mitchell and 2 more
Handbook of Emerging Market Multinational Corporations
Mehmet Demirbag and 1 more
Handbook of Research on Knowledge Management
Handbook on Research in Relationship Marketing
Robert M Morgan and 2 more
Research Handbook of Entrepreneurial Exit
Dawn R DeTienne and 1 more
Research Handbook of Employment Relations in Sport
Michael Barry and 2 more
Handbook of Human Resource Management in Emerging Markets
Frank M Horwitz and 1 more
Research Handbook on Digital Transformations
F Xavier Olleros and 1 more
Handbook of Service Business
J R Bryson and 1 more
Research Handbook of International and Comparative Perspectives on Diversity Management
Handbook of Manufacturing Industries in the World Economy
J R Bryson and 2 more
Research Handbook on Corporate Social Responsibility in Context
Handbook of Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development Research
Paula Kyrö
Handbook of Research on Sustainable Careers
Ans De Vos and 1 more
Handbook on International Alliance and Network Research
Jorma Larimo and 2 more
Research Handbook on Entrepreneurial Finance
Javed Hussain and 1 more
Research Handbook on Entrepreneurial Teams
Cyrine Ben Hafaïedh and 1 more
Research Handbook on Work and Well-Being
Ronald J Burke and 1 more
Handbook of Healthcare Management
Myron D Fottler and 2 more
Handbook of Sustainability in Management Education
Jorge A Arevalo and 1 more
Handbook of Qualitative Research Techniques and Analysis in Entrepreneurship
Handbook of Research on International Entrepreneurship Strategy
Pervez N Ghauri and 1 more
Handbook of Research on Corporate Governance and Entrepreneurship
Jonas Gabrielsson
Nicole Coviello and 1 more
Eran VigodaGadot and 1 more
Handbook of Research Methodologies and Design in Neuroentrepreneurship
Mellani Day and 2 more
Handbook on Corporate Governance in Financial Institutions
Handbook of Middle Management Strategy Process Research
Steven W Floyd and 1 more
Research Handbook on Gender and Innovation
Handbook of Employee Commitment
John P Meyer
Research Handbook of Expatriates
Yvonne McNulty and 1 more
Dennis R Young and 1 more
Research Handbook on Entrepreneurial Opportunities
Catherine LégerJarniou and 1 more
Handbook of Research on Retailing
Katrijn Gielens and 1 more
Research Handbook of Marketing in Emerging Economies
Marin Marinov
Research Handbook of Innovation and Creativity for Marketing Management
Eric C C Shiu
Handbook of Research on Leadership and Creativity
Michael D Mumford and 1 more
Handbook on Place Branding and Marketing
Adriana Campelo
Research Handbook on Small Business Social Responsibility
Laura J Spence and 3 more
Handbook of Research on Gender and Marketing
Susan Dobscha
Handbook of Research on Distribution Channels
Charles A Ingene and 2 more
Handbook of Research on Franchising
Frank Hoy and 2 more
Handbook of International Human Resource Development
Thomas N Garavan and 2 more
Handbook of Research Methods in Corporate Social Responsibility
David Crowther and 1 more
Handbook of Marketing Analytics
Natalie Mizik and 1 more
Handbook of Research on Crowdfunding
Hans Landström and 2 more
Research Handbook on Boards of Directors
Jonas Gabrielsson and 2 more
Research Handbook on Entrepreneurship and Leadership
Richard T Harrison and 1 more
Handbook on Customer Centricity
Robert W Palmatier and 2 more
Handbook of Research on New Product Development
Peter N Golder and 1 more
Chris Brewster and 2 more
Handbook of Research on Strategic Human Capital Resources
Anthony J Nyberg and 1 more
Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurship and Aging
Mikaela Backman and 2 more
Bruce A Seaman and 1 more
Research Handbook on Employee Pro-Environmental Behaviour
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Research Handbook of Investing in the Triple Bottom Line
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Research Handbook on Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies
Paresha Sinha and 3 more
Handbook of Research on Management and Organizational History
Kyle Bruce
Handbook on the Temporal Dynamics of Organizational Behavior
Yannick Griep and 1 more
Research Handbook on Organizational Resilience
Edward H Powley and 2 more
Research Handbook on Sport Governance
Mathieu Winand and 1 more
Handbook of Teaching With Technology in Management, Leadership, and Business
Stuart A Allen and 2 more
Handbook on Cross-Cultural Marketing
Glen H Brodowsky and 1 more
Handbook of Inclusive Innovation
Gerard George and 3 more
Handbook of Research on Techno-Entrepreneurship
François Thérin and 2 more
Handbook on the Sustainable Supply Chain
Joseph Sarkis
Handbook of Research on Customer Engagement
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Research Handbook of Global Leadership
Lena Zander
Research Handbook of International Talent Management
Yipeng Liu
Handbook of Research on Business and Technology Incubation and Acceleration
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Handbook of Research on Employee Voice
Adrian Wilkinson and 3 more
Handbook of Research on Identity Theory in Marketing
Americus Reed and 1 more
Handbook on Diversity and Inclusion Indices
Eddy S Ng and 3 more
Research Handbook on Start-Up Incubation Ecosystems
Adam Novotny and 3 more
Handbook of Research on Stress and Well-Being in the Public Sector
Research Handbook on Entrepreneurial Behavior, Practice and Process
William B Gartner and 1 more
Research Handbook on Luxury Branding
Felicitas Morhart and 2 more
Research Handbook of Responsible Management
Oliver Laasch and 3 more
Research Handbook on Gender and Negotiation
Handbook of Digital Innovation
Satish Nambisan and 2 more
Research Handbook on Strategic Entrepreneurship
Vishal K Gupta and 3 more
Handbook on Digital Business Ecosystems
Sabine Baumann
Research Handbook on Innovation in International Business
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Handbook of Research on Customer Loyalty
Debbie I Keeling and 2 more
Research Handbook on Foreign Exit, Relocation and Re-Entry
Jorma Larimo and 4 more
Handbook of Research on Ethnic and Intra-Cultural Marketing
Edward Elgar Publishing
Handbook on HR Process Research
Karin Sanders and 2 more
Handbook of Digital Entrepreneurship
Mohammad Keyhani and 4 more
Research Handbook on Line Managers
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Research Handbook on Corporate Board Decision-Making
Oliver Marnet
Handbook of Research on Artificial Intelligence, Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Elias G Carayannis and 1 more
Research Handbook on Diversity and Corporate Governance
Sabina Tasheva and 1 more
Handbook of Research on Creativity and Innovation
Jing Zhou and 1 more
Research Handbook on Design Thinking
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Research Handbook on Project Performance
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Research Handbook on Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Family Firms
Sascha Kraus and 2 more
Handbook of Cultural Intelligence Research
David C Thomas and 1 more
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Handbook of Multi-Level Climate Actions
Mark Starik and 3 more
Research Handbook on Nonprofit Governance
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Handbook of Theories for Purchasing, Supply Chain and Management Research
Wendy Tate and 2 more
Research Handbook on Digital Strategy
Carmelo Cennamo and 2 more
Research Handbook of Innovation for a Circular Economy
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Research Handbook on Public Leadership
Stephen Brookes
Research Handbook on Knowledge Transfer and International Business
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Research Handbook on Corporate Governance and Ethics
Till Talaulicar
Research Handbook of Women's Entrepreneurship and Value Creation
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Handbook on the Business of Sustainability
Gerard George and 4 more
Research Handbook on Inventory Management
JingSheng Song
Research Handbook on the Governance of Projects
Ralf Müller and 2 more
Research Handbook of Global Families
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Research Handbook on International Corporate Social Responsibility
Anthony Goerzen
Handbook of Research on Gender and Leadership
Susan R Madsen
Mohammed Keyhani and 4 more
Research Handbook on Organisational Integrity
Muel Kaptein
Research Handbook on Complex Project Organizing
Graham Winch and 2 more
Handbook on Digital Platforms and Business Ecosystems in Manufacturing
Research Handbook on Artificial Intelligence and Decision Making in Organizations
Ioanna Constantiou and 2 more
Research Handbook on Human Resource Management and Disruptive Technologies
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Handbook of International Business Policy
Philippe Gugler and 1 more
Handbook on Teaching and Learning in Operations Management
Yufeng Zhang