Twentieth-Century War Poetry
Philippa Lyon
Not Available
Jane Austen
Sandie Byrne
The Novels of Jeanette Winterson
Merja Makinen
The Fiction of Julian Barnes
Vanessa Guignery
The Fiction of A.S. Byatt
Louisa Hadley
The Novels of Kazuo Ishiguro
Matthew Beedham
Tennessee Williams
Thomas P Adler
William Blake
Sarah Haggarty and 1 more
The Poetry of Ted Hughes
Science Fiction
Dr Brian Lancaster University and 1 more
Contemporary British Poetry
David University of Aberdeen and 1 more
Arthur Miller
Stephen Marino
Children's Literature
Pat Pinsent
Gabriel García Márquez
Jay Corwin
The Poetry of Robert Browning
Britta Martens
Philip Larkin
Dr Robert C Auburn University at Montgomery and 2 more
The Plays of Harold Pinter
Andrew University of the West of England Wyllie and 2 more
Contemporary British Fiction
Nick Keele University and 1 more
Shakespeare - As You Like It
Dana E Aspinall
Victorian Sensation Fiction
Jessica Brunel University and 2 more
Contemporary British Drama
Catherine Rees
In Stock
£72.00 £80.00
Comics and Graphic Novels
Julia Round and 2 more
The Fiction of Margaret Atwood
Fiona Tolan
Asian American Literature
Jinqi Ling
Dr Fiona Tolan
The Poetry of Emily Dickinson
Victoria N Morgan