Biology, Evolution and Generic Review of the Chemosymbiotic Bivalve Family Lucinidae
John David Taylor and 2 more
Not Available
John Ray's Cambridge Catalogue (1660)
John Ray and 3 more
Fauna Cantabrigiensis
Leonard Jenyns and 1 more
Species Plantarum
Carl von Linné and 3 more
Francis Hamilton's Gangetic Fishes in Colour
Francis Hamilton and 1 more
Libellus De Re Herbaria
William Turner
Synopsis Methodica Stirpium Britannicarum, Editio Tertia, 1724/ [By] John Ray; [And] Flora Anglica, 1754 & 1759/ [By] Carl Linnaeus
John Ray and 2 more
Dictionariolum Trilingue
John Ray
Flora of Middlesex, Supplement
Handbook of the Bees of the British Isles
George R Else and 2 more