A Global Political Economy of Intellectual Property Rights
Christopher May
Not Available
Global Unions?
Jeffrey Harrod
The Political Economy of a Plural World
Robert W Cox and 1 more
The Political Economy of European Unemployment
Henk Overbeek
A Critical Rewriting of Global Political Economy
V Spike Peterson
Global Institutions and Development
Richard Jolly
Contesting Globalization
André C Drainville
André C Drainville and 1 more
Global Institutions, Marginalization and Development
Craig N Murphy
Global Institutions Marginalizing Development
Craig Murphy
Critical Theories, International Relations and 'the Anti-Globalisation Movement'
Catherine University of Strathclyde and 1 more
International Trade and Developing Countries
Amrita Narlikar
Globalization, Govermentality and Global Politics
Ronnie D Lipschutz and 1 more
Neoliberal Hegemony
Dieter Plehwe
Anti-Immigrantism in Western Democracies
Roxanne Arizona State University and 1 more
The Global Standard of Market Civilization
Brett Bowden and 1 more
The Idea of Global Civil Society
Randall Germain
Resisting Intellectual Property
Debora J Halbert
Dieter Plehwe and 2 more
The Political Economy of European Employment
Henk W Overbeek
Global Standards of Market Civilization
Brett Bowden
Critical Perspectives on Global Governance
Jean University of Sheffield Grugel and 1 more
Images of Gramsci
Andreas University of Nottingham and 1 more
Beyond States and Markets
Isabella Bakker
Governing Financial Globalization
Andrew Baker
The Industrial Vagina
Sheila Jeffreys
Sheila University of Melbourne and 1 more
The Global Political Economy of Intellectual Property Rights, 2nd ed
Christopher University of Lancaster and 1 more
The Global Political Economy of Intellectual Property Rights
Cultural Political Economy
Jacqueline Best and 1 more
Jacqueline Best
Savage Economics
David L Blaney and 2 more
Development, Sexual Rights and Global Governance
Amy Lind
Conflicts in Environmental Regulation and the Internationalisation of the State
Ulrich Brand and 3 more
The Transnational Politics of Corporate Governance Regulation
Governing International Labour Migration
Christina Gabriel
Gender and Global Restructuring
Marianne H Universidad de las Américas Puebla and 1 more
Global Public Policy
Karsten Ronit
National Currencies and Globalization
Paul Bowles
Rethinking Global Political Economy
Kurt Burch
The Political Economy of Global Remittances
Rahel Kunz
The Child in International Political Economy
Alison MS Watson
World Financial Orders
Paul Langley
Cosmopolitanism and Global Financial Reform
James Brassett
The Making of Modern Finance
Samuel Knafo
Global Citizenship and the Legacy of Empire
April Biccum
Transnational Financial Regulation after the Crisis
Tony Porter
The Political Economy of Global Capitalism and Crisis
Bill University of Sydney and 1 more
The International Political Economy of Transition
Stuart Shields
Capitalist Restructuring, Globalization and the Third Way
J Magnus Ryner
A Critical History of the Economy
Ryan Walter
The Political Economy of Global Capitalism
Hugo Radice
Global Capitalism
Variegated Neoliberalism
Huw Macartney
The Global Political Economy of Trade Protectionism and Liberalization
Tony University of Sheffield and 1 more
Transnational Capitalism and the Struggle over European Integration
Bastiaan van Apeldoorn
Hybrid Rule and State Formation
Shelley Hurt
The Southern Cone Model
Nicola Phillips
Global Economic Governance and the Development Practices of the Multilateral Development Banks
Susan University of Sydney and 1 more
The Euro, the Dollar and the Global Financial Crisis
Miguel OteroIglesias
The Changing Politics of Finance in Korea and Thailand
Xiaoke Zhang
Susan Strange and the Future of Global Political Economy
Randall Carleton University and 1 more
Gendered States of Punishment and Welfare
Adrienne University of Manchester and 1 more
Asymmetric Crisis in Europe and Possible Futures
Johannes University of Applied Sciences BFI Vienna and 1 more
Corporate Human Rights Violations
Stefanie University of Liverpool and 3 more
The Global Political Economy of Raúl Prebisch
Matias Margulis
Critical Methods in Political and Cultural Economy
Johnna Montgomerie
Beyond Defeat and Austerity
David J Bailey and 2 more
Bitcoin and Beyond
Malcolm CampbellVerduyn
A Global Political Economy of Democratisation
Alison J Ayers
Securing Finance, Mobilizing Risk
John Hogan Morris
Affective Politics of the Global Event
James University of Warwick and 1 more
The Capitalist Mode of Power
Tim University of Wollongong and 1 more
Stefanie Khoury and 1 more
Transnational Capital and Class Fractions
Bob University of Lancaster and 1 more
The State of Copyright
Debora Halbert
Bob Jessop and 1 more
Culture, Political Economy and Civilization in a Multipolar World Order
Ray Silvius
The European Periphery and the Eurozone Crisis
Neil University of Sussex and 1 more
Malcolm Balsillie School of International Affairs and 2 more
Civil Society and Financial Regulation
Lisa Kastner
Neoliberalism and Climate Policy in the United States
Robert University of Sydney and 1 more
Polanyi in times of populism
Christopher University of Warwick and 1 more
Adrienne Roberts
John University College London and 1 more
The Global Governance of Precarity
Nick Bernards
Alison J University of Sussex and 1 more
Matias E Margulis
David Bailey and 3 more
Thinking Ecologically About the Global Political Economy
Ryan KatzRosene and 2 more
Fringe Finance
Rob Aitken
Informal Economies and Power
Anna Danielsson
Neil Dooley
Shelley L Hurt and 1 more
The Language of World Trade Politics
Klaus Dingwerth and 1 more
Power in North-South Trade Negotiations
Peg MurrayEvans
Ethics and Economic Governance
Chris Clarke
Susan Park and 1 more
Urban Displacements
Susanne Soederberg
Susanne Queens University and 1 more
State-Permeated Capitalism in Large Emerging Economies
Andreas Nölke and 3 more
Japanese Resistance to American Financial Hegemony
Fumihito Gotoh
Money Power and Financial Capital in Emerging Markets
Ilias Alami
Gender Politics and the Pursuit of Competitiveness in Malaysia
Juanita Elias
The Exclusionary Politics of Digital Financial Inclusion
Serena Natile
Free Trade Agreements and Global Labour Governance
Adrian Smith and 4 more
Covid-19 and the Global Political Economy
COVID-19 and the Global Political Economy
Tim Di Muzio and 1 more
Capital Claims
Benjamin Braun and 1 more
Households and Financialization in Europe
Marek Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology and 1 more
The Governance of Financialization in Latin America and East Asia
Max University of Bremen and 1 more
Political Economy as Theodicy
David L Blaney
Residential Capitalism
Javier Moreno Zacarés
The Politics of the Eurogroup
Joscha Abels
Gender and Global Restructurings
Marianne H Marchand and 1 more
Max Nagel
Andreas Bieler and 1 more