States of Imagination
Thomas Blom Hansen
Not Available
German Women for Empire, 1884-1945
Lora Wildenthal
Thomas Blom Hansen and 1 more
The Cunning of Recognition
Elizabeth A. Povinelli
States of Memory
Jeffrey K. Olick
Remaking Modernity
Julia Adams
Julia Adams and 2 more
The Politics of Method in the Human Sciences
George Steinmetz
The Remains of War
Thomas M. Hawley
Militarized Modernity and Gendered Citizenship in South Korea
Seungsook Moon
Markets of Dispossession
Julia Elyachar
Affective Communities
Leela Gandhi
Colored Amazons
Kali N. Gross
Native Sons
Gregory Mann
Nostalgia for the Modern
Esra Özyürek
Disciplining Statistics
Libby Schweber
Liberalism without Democracy
Abdeslam M. Maghraoui
Liberalism Without Democracy
Abdeslam Maghraoui
Paper Families
Estelle T. Lau
Beyond Belief
Srirupa Roy
Salt in the Sand
Lessie Jo Frazier
Subject Lessons
Sanjay Seth
Creating Market Socialism
Carolyn L. Hsu
Class and the Color Line
Joseph Gerteis
The Art of the Network
Paul Douglas McLean
American Empire and the Politics of Meaning
Julian Go
Ruling Oneself Out
Ivan Ermakoff
The Assassination of Theo van Gogh
Ron Eyerman
The Assassination of Theo Van Gogh
Punishing the Poor
Loïc Wacquant
Loïc J. D. Wacquant
Blood and Culture
Cynthia Miller-Idriss
The Spectacular State
Laura L. Adams
Ruins of Modernity
Julia Hell and 1 more
Europe's Indians
Vanita Seth
City of Extremes
Martin J. Murray
Inequalities of Love
Averil Y. Clarke
The Other Zulus
Michael R. Mahoney
Bourdieu and Historical Analysis
Philip S. Gorski
Sociology & Empire
German Colonialism in a Global Age
Bradley Naranch and 1 more