Norms in Technology
Marc J de Vries and 2 more
Not Available
Epistemology and Political Philosophy in Gilbert Simondon
Andrea Bardin
Engineering Ethics for a Globalized World
Colleen Murphy and 4 more
The Moral Status of Technical Artefacts
Peter Kroes and 1 more
Technical Functions
Wybo Houkes and 1 more
Engineering Education for Social Justice
Juan Lucena
Engineering, Development and Philosophy
Steen Hyldgaard Christensen and 3 more
Human Nature in an Age of Biotechnology
Tamar Sharon
Philosophy and Engineering
Diane P Michelfelder and 2 more
Early Engagement and New Technologies
Neelke Doorn and 3 more
Ibo van de Poel and 1 more
International Perspectives on Engineering Education
Steen Hyldgaard Christensen and 5 more
Engineering Identities, Epistemologies and Values
Philosophy of Technology After the Empirical Turn
Maarten Franssen and 3 more
Spanish Philosophy of Technology
Belén Laspra and 1 more
The Online Self
Soraj Hongladarom
Pierre Musso and the Network Society
José Luis García
José Luís Garcia
The Active Image
Sabine Ammon and 1 more
Doing Philosophy of Technology
Joseph C Pitt
The Future of Engineering
Albrecht Fritzsche and 1 more
The Engineering-Business Nexus
Steen Hyldgaard Christensen and 4 more
Chinese Philosophy of Technology
Qian Wang
Continental Philosophy of Technoscience
Hub Zwart
An Introduction to the Philosophy of Engineering
Bocong Li
Doing Good With Technologies
Katinka Waelbers
Values for a Post-Pandemic Future
Matthew J Dennis
The Necessity of Critique
Darryl Cressman
Engineering, Social Sciences, and the Humanities
Steen Hyldgaard Christensen
Portuguese Philosophy of Technology
Helena Mateus Jerónimo
Rethinking Technology and Engineering
Albrecht Fritzsche
The Capability Approach, Technology and Design
Ilse Oosterlaken and 1 more
Technical Artefacts
Peter Kroes
Technical Artefacts: Creations of Mind and Matter
The Philosophy of Computer Games
John Richard Sageng and 2 more
Luciano Floridi's Philosophy of Technology
Hilmi Demir