A Companion to Philosophy in Australia & New Zealand
Graham Oppy and 4 more
Not Available
Daniela Tagliafico
Only for Them
Leonardo Caffo
Time And Cross-Temporal Relations
Giuliano Torrengo
Thinking the Antipodes
Peter Beilharz
The Darkness Of This Time
Luigi Perissinotto
Playing with Silence
Mirio Cosottini
Who's Afraid of International Law?
Raimond Gaita and 1 more
New Perspectives on Realism
Luca Taddio
The Voice of No One
Luca Vanzago
Challenges to Living Together
Susan Petrilli
Tracing the Path of Giambattista Vico's Universal Right
Fabrizio Lomonaco
Time Without Becoming
Quentin Meillassoux
Daniele Bertini and 1 more
Rethinking the Nietzschean Concept of Untimely
Annalisa Caputo
Epicurus’s Pharmacy
Diego Fusaro
an Alliance Awaiting the Political Conference DerridaLevinas
Democracy And Truth
Snježana Priji Samaržija
Beyond Anthropocentrims
Roberto Marchesini
On the Darkness of the Will
Nicola Masciandaro
Pragmatism and Vagueness
Claudine Tiercelin
Phenomenology and Pathography of Memory
Pio Colonnello
Althusser and Contingency
Stefano Pippa
Cinema and Ontology
Maurizio Ferraris and 1 more
Thus Replied Zarathustra
Ann Van Sevenant
Rethinking Moral Responsibility
Sofia Bonicalzi
Varieties of Causal Explanation in Medical Contexts
Raffaella Campaner
Biopolitics for Beginners
Ottavio Marzocca
Troubled Legitimization
Ruggero DAlessandro
Imaginaries in Geometry
P A Florenskii
Shaun Gallagher
Gnostic Jihadism
Giacomo Maria Arrigo
Where Thought Hesitates
Tiziano Possamai
Concrescence and Transition
Beyond Quarantine
Annamaria Esposito and 1 more
Wittgenstein and Marx
Felice Cimatti and 2 more
Object Oriented Dialectics
Charles William Johns
Giovanbattista Tusa and 1 more
Fear and Disruption of Habits During the Pandemic
Marco Piazza and 1 more
The Future of the Post
International Conference on The Postmodern Condition Forty Years Later
Richard Price and the Foundation of Virtue
Francesco Allegri
Practical Rationality and Human Difference
Sante Maletta and 2 more
The Ideal and the Real
Marco Stango
Moral Freedom in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
Simona Tiribelli
Essays on Ethics
Pierpaolo Marrone
Being in Conscience
Lambros Philippou
Philosophy and Madness
Francesca Iannelli and 1 more
Just in Time
Aisling Reid and 1 more
The Gesture
Petar BojaniÔc and 1 more
In Reality
Michel Dalissier
Myth and Ideology
Fernando Wirtz
Critique of Liberal Reason
Andrea Zhok
The Creation of Digital Materiality
Liberati Nicola
On Fear
Francesco Cerrato
Normativity and Praxis
Angeles Perona
The Line of the Arch
Marcello Ghilardi
Concepts Of Morphology
Olaf Breidbach