Is Nothing Sacred?
Don Cupitt
Not Available
Michael Strawser
Deconstruction in a Nutshell
Jacques Derrida and 1 more
Knowing Other-Wise
James H Olthuis
Ethical Hermeneutics
Michael D Barber
Reflection Revisited
James C Swindal
Circulating Being
Thomas Busch
The Question of Christian Philosophy Today
Francis J Ambrosio
Flight of the Gods
Ilse Bulhof and 1 more
Emmanuel Levinas
Edith Wyschogrod
Emmanuel Lévinas
The Face of the Other and the Trace of God
Jeffrey Bloechl
Ilse Nina Bulhof and 1 more
The Trespass of the Sign
Kevin Hart
Journeys to Selfhood
Mark C Taylor
Heidegger's Philosophy of Science
Trish Glazebrook
The Question of German Guilt
Karl Jaspers
Phenomenology and the Theological Turn
Dominique Janicaud and 1 more
Phenomenology and the "Theological Turn"
Dominique Janicaud
The Idol and Distance
JeanLuc Marion
The Intrigue of Ethics
Jeffrey Dudiak
The Politics of Exodus
Mark Dooley
Rethinking Philosophy of Religion
Philip Goodchild
The Word and the Cross
Stanislas Breton
The Enigma of Gift and Sacrifice
Edith Wyschogrod and 2 more
Scheler's Ethical Personalism
Peter H Spader
The Unforgettable and the Unhoped For
JeanLouis Chretien
In Excess
JeanLuc Marion and 2 more
William J Richardson
Hand to Hand
JeanLouis Chrétien
Martin Heidegger and the Problem of Historical Meaning
Jeffrey Andrew Barash
Hans Urs Von Balthasar and the Dramatic Structure of Truth
D C Schindler
The Call and the Response
Thinking Difference
Julian Wolfreys
Being Jewish/reading Heidegger
Allen Michael Scult
Debates in Continental Philosophy
Richard Kearney
Between Chora and the Good
Charles P Bigger
Experience and the Absolute
JeanYves Lacoste
Givenness and God
Ian Graham Leask and 1 more
Is There a Sabbath for Thought?
William Desmond
Sovereignties in Question
Jacques Derrida
The Phenomenology of Prayer
Bruce Ellis Benson
The Ground of the Image
JeanLuc Nancy
Simon Wortham
The Implications of Immanence
Leonard Lawlor
Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe
John Martis
Aspects of Alterity
Brian Treanor
On the Anarchy of Poetry and Philosophy
Gerald L Bruns
Interstices of the Sublime
Clayton Crockett
Bettina Bergo and 2 more
Bettina Bergo
On the Ego and on God
JeanLuc Nancy and 2 more
Derrida Vis-À-Vis Lacan
Andrea Hurst
The Visible and the Revealed
Noli me tangere
The Animal That Therefore I Am
Material Phenomenology
Michel Henry
Difficulties of Ethical Life
Shannon Sullivan and 1 more
Fielding Derrida
Joshua Kates
Shannon Sullivan
What Should We Do With Our Brain?
Catherine Malabou
Event and World
Claude Romano
Gazing Through a Prism Darkly
B Keith Putt
The Exorbitant
Kevin Hart and 1 more
Heidegger, Hölderlin, and the Subject of Poetic Language
Jennifer Anna GosettiFerencei
Saintly Influence
Interpreting Excess
Shane Mackinlay
Apparitions - Of Derrida's Other
Kas Saghafi
Apparitions--of Derrida's Other
Words of Life
William Robert
Phenomenology 'Wide Open'
A Passion for the Possible
Brian Treanor and 1 more
The God Who Deconstructs Himself
Nick Mansfield
Heidegger's Technologies
Don Ihde
Phenomenologies of the Stranger
Castoriadis's Ontology
Suzi Adams
Richard Kearney and 1 more
Re-Treating Religion
Miracle and Machine
Michael Naas
The Metamorphosis of Finitude
Emmanuel Falque
How Are We to Confront Death?
Françoise Dastur
JeanLuc Nancy and 1 more
The Early Heidegger's Philosophy of Life
Scott M Campbell
On Becoming God
Ben Morgan
Postmodern Apologetics?
Christina M Gschwandtner
Françoise Dastur and 1 more
Coming to Life
Sarah LaChance Adams and 1 more
Futurity in Phenomenology
Neal DeRoo
The Conditions of Hospitality
Thomas Claviez
Speculative Grace
Adam Miller
Theopoetic Folds
Roland Faber and 1 more
Roland Faber
The Essential Writings
JeanLuc Marion and 1 more
David Nowell Smith
Corpus II
Event and Time
Material Spirit
Gregory C Stallings and 2 more
The Rebellious No
Noëlle Vahanian
Under the Gaze of the Bible
The End of the World and Other Teachable Moments
The Trace of God
Edward Baring
Edward Baring and 1 more
Vladimir Jankélévitch
Aaron T Looney
Negative Ecstasies
Jeremy Biles
Jeremy Biles and 1 more
Carnal Hermeneutics
There Is
Quiet Powers of the Possible
Tarek R Dika and 1 more
Walter Benjamin and Theology
Colby Dickinson and 1 more
Colby Dickinson
The Wedding Feast of the Lamb
The Decolonial Abyss
An Yountae
Transcendence and the Concrete
Jean André Wahl
Phenomenologies of Scripture
Adam Y Wells
Questioning Phenomenology
The Guide to Gethsemane
Murderous Consent
Marc Crépon
A Theology of Failure
Marika Rose
Pauline Ugliness
Ole Jakob Løland
Merleau-Ponty's Poetic of the World
Galen A Johnson and 2 more
Nothing Absolute
Kirill Chepurin and 1 more
The Political Logic of Experience
Corpus III
Jean-Luc Nancy Among the Philosophers
Irving Goh
A Philosophy of Prayer
George Pattison
The Ruse of Techne
Dimitris Vardoulakis
The Play of Goodness
Jacob Benjamins
Prolegomena to Charity
Bruce Ellis Benson and 1 more
Styles of Piety
S Clark Buckner and 1 more
The Experience of God
Crossover Queries
Simon Wortham and 1 more