Behind the Disappearances
Iain Guest
Not Available
Inter-State Accountability for Violations of Human Rights
Menno T Kamminga
Human Rights of Women
Rebecca J Cook
The International Commission of Jurists
Howard Tolley
Human Rights in Cross-Cultural Perspectives
Abd Allah Ahmad Naim
George J Andreopoulos
Human Rights Education for the Twenty-First Century
George J Andreopoulos and 1 more
Freedom's Ordeal
Peter H Juviler
China, the United Nations, and Human Rights
Ann Kent
The Guatemalan Military Project
Jennifer G Schirmer
Genocide in Cambodia
Pot Pol and 5 more
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Johannes Morsink
NGOs and Human Rights
Claude Emerson Welch
Protecting Human Rights in Africa
Claude E Welch
Giving Meaning to Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights
Isfahan Merali and 1 more
The Origins of Justice
John OManique
Human Rights Under African Constitutions
A Force Profonde
Edward A Kolodziej
Human Rights, Labor Rights, and International Trade
Lance A Compa and 1 more
Women in Israel
Ruth HalperinKaddari
Human Rights, the Rule of Law, and Development in Africa
Paul Tiyambe Zeleza and 1 more
The Performance of Human Rights in Morocco
Susan Slyomovics
Universal Jurisdiction
Stephen Macedo
Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights
Scott Leckie and 1 more
The Pinochet Effect
Naomi RohtArriaza
Human Rights in the World Community
Richard Pierre Claude and 1 more
African Constitutionalism and the Role of Islam
Female Circumcision
Rogaia Mustafa Abusharaf
The Witnesses
Eric Stover
Human Rights in Turkey
Zehra F Kabasakal Arat
The Phenomenon of Torture
William F Schulz and 1 more
A Voice for Human Rights
Mary Robinson and 1 more
Truth and Reconciliation in South Africa
Hugo Van der Merwe and 1 more
Human Rights NGOs in East Africa
Makau Mutua
Economic Rights in Canada and the United States
Rhoda E HowardHassmann and 1 more
The Age of Apology
Mark Gibney and 3 more
Bringing Human Rights Home
Cynthia Soohoo and 2 more
Universal Human Rights and Extraterritorial Obligations
Mark Gibney and 1 more
Learning from Greensboro
Lisa Magarrell and 1 more
Freedom from Poverty
Daniel P L Chong
The International Struggle for New Human Rights
Clifford Bob
International Human Rights Law
David S Weissbrodt and 1 more
Muslims and Global Justice
Reparations to Africa
The Evolution of International Human Rights
Paul Gordon Lauren
Reproductive Health and Human Rights
Laura Reichenbach and 1 more
Science in the Service of Human Rights
Richard Pierre Claude
The Language of Human Rights in West Germany
Lora Wildenthal
Forgotten Genocides
René Lemarchand
Everyday Occupations
Kamala Visweswaran
Human Rights and the Negotiation of American Power
Glenn Tatsuya Mitoma
Sexual Violence in Conflict Zones
Elizabeth D Heineman
Gender and Culture at the Limit of Rights
Dorothy Louise Hodgson
From Human Trafficking to Human Rights
Alison Brysk and 1 more
Guilt, Responsibility, and Denial
Eric D Gordy
Human Rights and Disability Advocacy
Maya Sabatello and 1 more
Democracy Without Justice in Spain
Omar Guillermo Encarnación
Aid in Danger
Larisa Fast
Cultural Heritage in Transit
Deborah A Kapchan
The Anti-Slavery Project
Joel Quirk
Amnesties, Accountability and Human Rights
Renée Jeffery
Intimate Enemies
Kimberly Susan Theidon
Binational Human Rights
William Paul Simmons and 1 more
Human Rights and Adolescence
Jacqueline Bhabha
Immigration Judges and U.S. Asylum Policy
Banks P Miller and 2 more
The Breakthrough
Jan Eckel and 1 more
The Human Right to Citizenship
Medical Humanitarianism
Sharon Alane Abramowitz and 1 more
The Battle for Algeria
Jennifer Johnson
Burns H Weston and 1 more
The Human Rights State
Benjamin Greenwood Gregg
Raphaël Lemkin and the Concept of Genocide
Douglas IrvinErickson
Abortion Law in Transnational Perspective
Rebecca J Cook and 2 more
Francisco Ferrándiz and 1 more
Realizing Roma Rights
Jacqueline Bhabha and 2 more
Human Rights Education
Monisha Bajaj and 1 more
Disability, Human Rights, and Information Technology
Judy Brewer
Manfred Nowak
Human Rights in Thailand
Don Selby
Human Rights Transformation in Practice
Tine Destrooper and 1 more
Mexico's Human Rights Crisis
Alejandro Anaya and 1 more
In Stock
£60.30 £67.00
Beyond Virtue and Vice
Alice M Miller and 1 more
Joyful Human Rights
The Ideals of Global Sport
Barbara J Keys
Religious Freedom and Mass Conversion in India
Laura DudleyJenkins
The Organization of Islamic Cooperation and Human Rights
Marie Juul Petersen and 1 more
The Promise of Human Rights
Jamie Mayerfeld
The Indigenous Paradox
Jonas Bens
Evading International Norms
Zoltán I Búzás
Power, Participation, and Private Regulatory Initiatives
Daniel M Brinks and 3 more
Time for Reparations
For the Love of Humanity
Ayça Çubukçu
Human Rights in Latin America
Sonia Cardenas and 2 more
Frontiers of Gender Equality
Rebecca J Cook and 1 more
Human Rights in Our Own Backyard
William T Armaline and 2 more
P.C. Chang and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Hans Ingvar Roth
Human Rights in the Arab World
Anthony Tirado Chase and 1 more
Through the Morgue Door
Colette BrullUlmann and 1 more
Unmaking the Global Sweatshop
Rebecca Prentice and 1 more
International Conflict Feminism
Vasuki Nesiah
The Holocaust Museum and Human Rights
Jennifer Barrett and 2 more
Women's Work
Jennifer Moore
Human Rights and Transnational Democracy in South Korea
Ingu Hwang
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