The Career Trajectories of English Language Teachers
Penny Haworth and 1 more
Not Available
Can the Japanese Change Their Education System?
Roger Goodman and 1 more
Exploring Cross-National Attraction in Education
Jeremy Rappleye
The Globalisation of School Choice?
Martin Forsey and 2 more
Higher Education and the State
Japan and Continental Europe Conference Role of the State and the Future of Higher Education in the UK
Low-Fee Private Schooling
Prachi Srivastava
Students, Markets and Social Justice
Hubert Ertl and 1 more
The Global Testing Culture
William C Smith
Teaching Comparative Education
Patricia K Kubow and 1 more
International Schools
Mary Hayden and 1 more
European Educational Research (Re)constructed
Mike Zapp and 2 more
Comparing Post-Socialist Transformations
Maia Chankseliani and 1 more
British Scholars of Comparative Education
David University of Oxford and 1 more
Examining?Teach For All
Matthew AM University of Sydney and 1 more
North American Scholars of Comparative Education
Erwin H Epstein
Schoolteachers and the Nordic Model
Jesper Eckhardt Larsen
David Phillips
Examining Teach for All
Matthew A M Thomas and 2 more
Jesper Eckhardt Larsen and 2 more
The Status of the Teaching Profession
Xavier Dumay and 1 more
Globalisation and Teacher Education in the BRICS Countries
Ian Menter and 2 more
The Reform of Teacher Education in the Post-Soviet Space
Ian Menter
Education, Curriculum and Nation-Building
Daniel Tröhler
Polarised Logics of Pedagogy
Michele Schweisfurth
Latin American Scholars of Comparative Education
Jason Beech and 1 more