Archaeology and the Information Age
Paul Reilly and 1 more
Not Available
The Archaeology of Africa
Thurstan Shaw
The Politics of the Past
Peter Gathercole
What is an Animal?
Tim Ingold
Signifying Animals
Roy Willis
Presented Past
Peter G Stone and 1 more
The Excluded Past
Robert MacKenzie
Bassey Andah
Sander E van der Leeuw and 1 more
Social Construction of the Past
George C Bond
From the Baltic to the Black Sea
Leslie Alcock
Archaeology and Language 1
Roger Blench and 1 more
Sacred Sites, Sacred Places
David L Carmichael
Archaeology and Language II
Roger Blench
Historical Archaeology
Pedro Paulo A Funari
Archaeology and Language III
The Prehistory of Food
Christopher Gosden and 1 more
The Constructed Past
Philippe Planel
Archaeology and Language IV
Destruction and Conservation of Cultural Property
R Layton
The Dead and their Possessions
Cressida Fforde
The Emergence of Agriculture
J Peter White and 1 more
Peter White
Archaeologies of Art
Inés Domingo Sanz and 2 more
Tropical Archaeobotany
Jon G Hather
Archaeologies of the British
Susan Lawrence
Natural Disasters and Cultural Change
John Grattan
Madness, Disability and Social Exclusion
Jane Hubert
Indigenous Archaeologies
Claire Smith
Time, Process and Structured Transformation in Archaeology
James McGlade
The Presented Past
Brian Molyneaux and 1 more
The Archaeology and Anthropology of Landscape
Peter J Ucko and 1 more
Early Human Behaviour in Global Context
M D Petraglia and 1 more
Robert Layton and 2 more
R Blench and 1 more
Pedro Paulo A Funari and 2 more
Archaeology and Language. III Artefacts, Languages and Texts
Matériel Culture
World Archaeological Congress and 3 more
Cultural Resource Management in Contemporary Society
Francis P McManamon and 1 more
Unpacking the Collection
Sarah Byrne and 3 more
The Archaeology of Drylands
Graeme Barker and 1 more
Archaeology of Spiritualities
Kathryn Rountree and 2 more
Time and Archaeology
Tim Murray
The Origins of Human Behaviour
Robert Foley
Tracking the Neolithic House in Europe
Daniela Hofmann and 1 more
Training and Practice for Modern Day Archaeologists
John H Jameson and 1 more
Art and Archaeology
Ian Alden Russell and 1 more
Contesting Ethnoarchaeologies
Arkadiusz Marciniak and 1 more
The Archaeology of Difference
Anne Clarke
Archaeological Approaches to Cultural Identity
S J Shennan
The Meanings of Things
I Hodder
Conflict in the Archaeology of Living Traditions
Archaeological Heritage Management in the Modern World
Henry Cleere
Who Needs the Past?
Centre and Periphery
Tim Champion
Domination and Resistance
Daniel Miller
Cyber-Archaeology and Grand Narratives
Thomas E Levy and 1 more
Transforming Heritage Practice in the 21st Century
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John H Jameson
South American Contributions to World Archaeology
Mariano Bonomo and 1 more
Community Heritage in the Arab Region
Arwa Badran and 2 more
Stephen Shennan
David Austin and 1 more
Chris Gosden and 1 more
Illicit Antiquities
Neil Brodie and 1 more
The Dead and Their Possessions
Cressida Fforde and 2 more
A J Schofield and 2 more
World Archaeological Congress and 1 more