Not White Enough, Not Black Enough
Mohamed Adhikari
Not Available
Empire in Africa
David Birmingham
The Sacred Door and Other Stories
Slavery, Emancipation and Colonial Rule in South Africa
Wayne Dooling
Twelve Best Books by African Women
Chikwenye Okonjo Ogunyemi and 1 more
Screening Morocco
Valérie Orlando
African Intellectuals and Decolonization
Nicholas M. Creary
African Video Movies and Global Desires
Carmela Garritano
Paths Toward the Nation
Joseph L. Venosa
Africa Every Day
Oluwakemi M. Balogun and 3 more
Radical Utu
Besi Brillian Muhonja
Isaac Vincent Joslin
Power, Patronage, and the Local State in Ghana
Barry Driscoll
The Nature of Politics
A. A. LaRocco
Mark Duerksen
Portugal and Africa