The Oxford Handbook of Infidelity
Tara DeLecce
Not Available
The Oxford Handbook of Traumatic Stress Disorders
J Gayle Beck and 1 more
The Oxford Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology and Romantic Relationships
Justin K Mogilski and 1 more
The Oxford Handbook of Psychology and Law
David DeMatteo and 1 more
The Oxford Handbook of Down Syndrome and Development
Jacob A Burack and 2 more
The Oxford Handbook of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
Michael P Twohig and 2 more
The Oxford Handbook of Parasocial Experiences
Rebecca Tukachinsky Forster
The Oxford Handbook of Developmental Psychology and the Law
Allison D Professor of Criminology and 4 more
The Oxford Handbook of Psychology and Spirituality
Lisa J Miller
The Oxford Handbook of Evolution and the Emotions
Laith AlShawaf and 1 more
The Oxford Handbook of Social Cognition
Donal E Carlston and 2 more