Sugar's Secrets
Vera M Kutzinski
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French and West Indian
Professor of French and Francophone Studies Richard D E Burton and 1 more
Monsters, Tricksters and Sacred Cows
AJames Arnold and 1 more
Monsters, Tricksters, and Sacred Cows
A James Arnold
The Other America
JMichael Dash
Caribbean Romances
Belinda Edmondson
Autobiography and National Identity in the Americas
Steven V Hunsaker
Edouard Glissant and Postcolonial Theory
Celia Britton
Mary Tyler Peabody Mann and 1 more
Horace Mann and 1 more
Postslavery Literatures in the Americas
George B Handley
Creole Recitations
Faith Smith
Voicing Memory
Nick Nesbitt
Paradise and Plantation
Ian G Strachan
New World Modernisms
Charles W Pollard
Reclaiming Difference
Carine M Mardorossian
Cannibal Modernities
Luís Madureira
Caribbean Literature and the Environment
Elizabeth M DeLoughrey and 2 more
Guarding Cultural Memory
Flora María González Mandri
Writing Rumba
Miguel ArnedoGómez
Miguel ArnedoGomez
Just Below South
Jessica Adams and 2 more
Orphan Narratives
Valérie Loichot
Second Arrivals
Sarah Phillips Casteel
Tree of Liberty
Doris Lorraine Garraway
Signs of Dissent
Dawn Fulton
Universal Emancipation
Exhibiting Slavery
Vivian Nun Halloran and 1 more
Cuba and the Fall
Eduardo González
The Purloined Islands
Jeff Karem
Sex and the Citizen
Pathologies of Paradise
Supriya Nair
The Poetics of Ethnography in Martinican Narratives
Christina Kullberg
The Cross-Dressed Caribbean
Maria Cristina Fumagalli and 2 more
Locating the Destitute
Stanka RadoviÔc
Journeys of the Slave Narrative in the Early Americas
Nicole N Aljoe and 1 more
The Pan American Imagination
Stephen M Park
Market Aesthetics
Elena Machado Sáez
Performance and Personhood in Caribbean Literature
Jeannine MurrayRomán
The Specter of Races
Anke Birkenmaier
A Cultural History of Underdevelopment
John Patrick Leary
Idle Talk, Deadly Talk
Ana Rodríguez Navas
Edwidge Danticat
Nadège T Clitandre
Mourning El Dorado
Charlotte Rogers
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£67.50 £75.00
Caribbean Jewish Crossings
Sarah Phillips Casteel and 1 more
The Sacred Act of Reading
Anne Margaret Castro
The Quebec Connection
JulieFrançoise Tolliver
Fellow Travelers
John A Ochoa
Haitian Revolutionary Fictions
Marlene Daut and 2 more
The Mambi-Land or Adventures of a Herald Correspondent in Cuba
James J OKelly
The Price of Slavery
Rum Histories
Jennifer Poulos Nesbitt
The Epic of Cuba Libre
Eric MoralesFranceschini
Looking for Other Worlds
Régine Michelle JeanCharles
Break and Flow
Charlie D Hankin
The Literatures of Spanish America and Brazil
Earl E Fitz
Difficult Reading
Jason R Marley