Maritime Archaeology
Keith Muckelroy
Not Available
World Industrial Archaeology
Kenneth Hudson
Spatial Analysis in Archaeology
Ian Hodder and 1 more
Living Archaeology
Richard A Gould
Symbols in Action
Ian Hodder
Religion and Empire
Geoffrey W Conrad and 1 more
Prehistoric Farming in Europe
Graeme Barker
Ceramic Theory and Cultural Process
Dean E Arnold
Forest Farmers and Stockherders
Peter Bogucki
Problems in Neolithic Archaeology
A W R Whittle
The Evolution of the Polynesian Chiefdoms
Patrick Vinton Kirch
The Collapse of Complex Societies
Joseph A Tainter
Burial and Ancient Society
Ian Morris
Nomads in Archaeology
Roger Cribb
Style and Society in Dark Age Greece
James Whitley
Domestic Ceramic Production and Spatial Organization
Philip J Arnold
Interpreting the Axe Trade
Richard Bradley and 1 more
Ancient Mesoamerica
Richard E Purdue University and 3 more
Richard E Blanton and 3 more
Ecology and Ceramic Production in an Andean Community
A Chesapeake Family and their Slaves
Anne Elizabeth Armstrong State College and 1 more
A Chesapeake Family and Their Slaves
Anne Elizabeth Yentsch
The Archaeology of Rank
Paul K Wason
The Chaco Anasazi
Lynne Sebastian
Art and the Greek City State
Michael Shanks
Europe before History
Kristian Göteborgs Universitet and 1 more
House and Society in the Ancient Greek World
Lisa C University of Michigan and 1 more
Dean E Wheaton College and 1 more
An Ethnography of the Neolithic
Christopher University College London Tilley
Philip J Skidmore College and 1 more
James University of Wales College of Cardiff Whitley
The Archaeology of Political Structure
Olivier de Montmollin
Art and the Early Greek State
Michael Stanford University and 1 more
Roger Central Land Council and 1 more
Paul K Bates College and 1 more
Richard University of Reading Bradley and 2 more
Architecture and Power in the Ancient Andes
Jerry D California State University and 1 more
Making History in Banda
Ann Brower State University of New York and 1 more
The Limits of Settlement Growth
Roland University of Sydney Fletcher
The Birth of the Gods and the Origins of Agriculture
Jacques Institut de France and 1 more
The Chinese Neolithic
Li La Trobe University and 1 more
Stylistic Variation in Prehistoric Ceramics
Stephen University of Virginia Plog
The Iron Age Community of Osteria dell'Osa
Anna Maria Bietti Sestieri
Alasdair Whittle
The Birth of Prehistoric Chronology
Bo Gräslund
Peter Associate Dean for Undergraduate Affairs Bogucki
Maya Postclassic State Formation
John W Fox
Thoughtful Foragers
Steven J Mithen
Production and Exchange of Stone Tools
Robin Torrence
Artefacts as Categories
Daniel Miller
Ian University of Cambridge Hodder
Emerging Complexity
Robert Chapman
Prehistoric Adaptation in the American Southwest
Rosalind L HunterAnderson
Three Thousand Years in Africa
Graham Connah
Coins and Power in Late Iron Age Britain
John University of Reading Creighton
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