The Making of Modern Switzerland, 1848-1998
Michael Butler and 2 more
Not Available
The Role of the Masses in the Collapse of the GDR
Jonathan Grix
The Challenge of the German Culture
Wilfried van der Will and 2 more
Germany's New Foreign Policy
WolfDieter Eberwein and 2 more
Germany, Civilian Power and the New Europe
Henning Tewes
German Federalism
Maiken Umbach
The Dual Transformation of the German Welfare State
Peter Bleses and 1 more
The European Policy of the German Social Democrats
James Sloam
Germany's Two Unifications
John Breuilly and 1 more
Germany's Uncertain Power
Hanns Maull
Germany's EU Policy on Asylum and Defence
Gunther Hellmann
The Varieties of Capitalism Paradigm
Matthew M C Allen
Mass Media, Culture and Society in Twentieth-Century Germany
Karl Christian Führer and 1 more
Britain, Germany and the Future of the European Union
Christian Schweiger
Germany's New Right as Culture and Politics
Roger Woods
Germany and the Common Foreign and Security Policy of the European Union
Alister Miskimmon
Power and German Foreign Policy
Beverly Crawford
Nature, Technology and Cultural Change in Twentieth-Century German Literature
Axel Goodbody
Contemporary Germany and the Nazi Legacy
Caroline Pearce
The New German Jewry and the European Context
Y Michal Bodemann