Van Gogh
Pascal Bonafoux
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The Search for Ancient Egypt
Jean Vercoutter
Not Available
Françoise Cachin
Robert Etienne
Georges Jean
The Aztecs
Serge Gruzinski
Hélène Pinet
Henri Loyrette
Sylvie Patin
The Celts
Christiane Eluère
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Michel Hoog and 1 more
The Incas
Carmen Bernand
The Wisdom of the Buddha
Jean Boisselier
The Cathedral Builders of the Middle Ages
Alain ErlandeBrandenburg
Francoise Cachin and 1 more
Architecture of the Renaissance
Bertrand Jestaz
The Crusades and the Holy Land
Georges Tate
Alexander the Great
Pierre Briant
Michel Pastoureau
Leonardo Da Vinci
Alessandro Vezzosi
Denis Guedj
Mughal India
Valérie Berinstain
Signs, Symbols and Ciphers
Standing Stones
JeanPierre Mohen
The Search for Ancient China
Corinne DebaineFrancfort
Hélène Prigent and 1 more
Christian Augé and 1 more
François Delamare and 1 more
The Bronze Age in Europe
JeanPierre Mohen and 1 more
Antoine Terrasse
Coptic Egypt
Christian Cannuyer
Guy Cogeval
Philippe Thiébaut
Françoise PommaretImaeda
O fear the Lord
Gabriel Jackson
Sheet music
Ah, mine heart
Tomorrow go ye forth
I look from afar
Locus iste
Tarik ORegan
Gratias tibi
Ave Maria
Care charminge Sleepe
Columba aspexit
JeanLouis Gaillemin
Four by the clock
Howard Skempton
A Hymn to the Virgin
Francis Pott
Ane Sang of the Birth of Christ
He wishes for the Cloths of Heaven
O thou that art the light
Ubi caritas et amor, Deus ibi est
Salus aeterna
Cecilia Virgo
Michael Berkeley
Creator of the stars of night
Cantica Nova
Aboriginal Australians
Stephen Muecke and 1 more
Esto mihi in Deum protectorem
Jonathan Pitkin
Regina Caeli
Cecilia McDowall
Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis (Truro Service)
The Flight of Song
J.M.W. Turner
Olivier Meslay and 1 more
Lux Mortuorum
Hymn to the Trinity (Honor, Virtus, et Potestas)
Salve Regina
Lux illuxit laetabunda
Andrew Smith
Preces and Responses
Hevene Quene
Kerry Andrew
Ave Regina
Two Poems of Edward Thomas
Marc Dachy
Now I have known, O Lord
Edinburgh Mass
Egon Schiele
JeanLouis Gaillemin and 1 more
The Pyramids of Giza
Jean Pierre Corteggiani
A Dream
Frida Kahlo
Christina Burrus and 1 more
Three Motets
The Spacious Firmament
To Morning
The Ivy and the Holly
Chemistry and Biochemistry
G E Zaikov and 1 more
Let us all rejoice in the Lord
Deus, portus pacis
In the beginning was the Word
Song (I gaze upon you)
Oculi omnium
Justorum animae
I am the great sun
Jussi Chydenius
The spacious firmament
Alan Bullard
Song's Eternity
Ave verum corpus
Stephen Harrap
To you, O Lord, I lift up my soul
New Horizons: 2: Class CD
New Horizons: 1: Class CD
New Horizons: 1: Workbook
Aurea luce
Missa Sanctae Margaretae
As Joseph was a-walking
Novo profusi gaudio
Matthew Martin
New Horizons: 1: Teacher's Book
New Horizons: 2: Workbook
The earth hath voice
New Horizons: 3: Class CD
New Horizons: 2: Teacher's Book
New Horizons: 3: Workbook
New Horizons: 3: Teacher's Book
New Horizons: 4: Class CD
New Horizons: 4: Workbook
New Horizons: 4: Teacher's Book
The Wells Service
View me, Lord
Alan Smith
O Adonai, et Dux domus Israel
Roderick Williams
O Guiding Night
Now may we singen
Before the paling of the stars
Hodie Christus natus est
Cradle Song
Richard Causton
Black Holes
Sean Alan Hayward
O Oriens
O Clavis David
The Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ
Eternal Ruler of the ceaseless round
Libby Larsen
Missa media nocte
Oliver Tarney
The World Imagined
O lux beata Trinitas
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