The Archaeology of Death
Robert Chapman and 2 more
Not Available
Symbolic and Structural Archaeology
Ian Hodder and 1 more
Ranking, Resource and Exchange
Colin Renfrew and 1 more
Specialization, Exchange, and Complex Societies
Elizabeth M Brumfiel and 1 more
Centre and Periphery in the Ancient World
M J Rowlands and 2 more
The Archaeology of Prehistoric Coastlines
Geoff Bailey and 1 more
Quantifying Diversity in Archaeology
Robert D Leonard and 1 more
Documentary Archaeology in the New World
Mary Carolyn Beaudry
Bad Year Economics
Paul Halstead and 1 more
The Uses of Style in Archaeology
Margaret W Conkey and 1 more
Domestic Architecture and the Use of Space
Susan Kent
Ancient Road Networks and Settlement Hierarchies in the New World
Charles D Trombold
Susan Old Dominion University and 1 more
Margaret Wright Conkey
Mary C Boston University Beaudry
Abandonment of Settlements and Regions
Catherine M Cameron and 1 more
Archaeological Theory
Norman University of Michigan and 1 more
Norman Yoffee and 1 more
Factional Competition and Political Development in the New World
The Ancient Mind
Colin University of Cambridge Renfrew
Classical Greece
Ian University of Chicago Morris
Ian Morris
The Abandonment of Settlements and Regions
Catherine M University of Colorado and 2 more
Celtic Chiefdom, Celtic State
Bettina University of Wisconsin and 1 more
Beyond Chiefdoms
Susan Keech McIntosh
Order, Legitimacy, and Wealth in Ancient States
Janet University of Michigan and 1 more
Janet E Richards and 1 more
The Archaeology of Urban Landscapes
Alan University of Melbourne Mayne
Elizabeth M Albion College and 1 more
The Archaeology of Contact in Settler Societies
Tim La Trobe University and 1 more
Paul University of Sheffield Halstead
Susan Keech Rice University and 1 more
Ian Hodder
Specialization, Exchange and Complex Societies
Elizabeth M Brumfiel
Ideology, Power and Prehistory
Daniel Miller and 1 more
Farmers as Hunters
Archaeology as Long-Term History
Archaeology, Annales, and Ethnohistory
A Bernard Knapp
Island Societies
Patrick Vinton Kirch
Colin Renfrew
The Origins and Development of the Andean State
Jonathan Haas and 2 more
Hunter-Gatherer Economy in Prehistory
Geoff Bailey
The Archaeology of Contextual Meanings
Michael J Rowlands and 2 more
Robert D Leonard
Robert Chapman
Approaches to the Archaeological Heritage
Henry Cleere
Peer Polity Interaction and Socio-political Change
Prehistoric Quarries and Lithic Production
Jonathon E Ericson and 1 more
Hunters in Transition
Marek Zvelebil
Marxist Perspectives in Archaeology
Matthew Spriggs
Time, Energy and Stone Tools
Robin Torrence
Structure and Cognition in Art
Dorothy K Washburn
The Transition to Statehood in the New World
Grant D Jones and 1 more
Charles D Washington University and 1 more