Aphrahat Demonstrations I
Kuriakose Valavanolickal
Not Available
Christliche Ikonographie
JeanPaul Deschler
The Ritual of the Clothing of Monks
Francis Acharya
The Gospel of St. Matthew
Curien Kaniamparampil
Burial Service for Nuns
Sebastian Brock
The Book of Judith
J P M van der Ploeg
Themes of Incarnation in the Sedre for the Period of Suboro-Yaldo according to the Mosul Fenqitho
Stephen Plathottathil
A Brief Outline of Syriac Literature
Aphrahat Demonstrations II
Spirituality in the Syriac Tradition
Syriac Writers on Muslims and the Religious Challenge of Islam
Sidney Griffith
Mariological Thought of Mar Jacob of Serugh (451-521)
James Puthuparampil
Dionysius Bar Salibi: Commentaries on Myron and Baptism
Baby Varghese
The Christian Minorities in Turkey
Wilhelm Baum
The Commentary of Dionysius Bar Salibi on the Eucharist
The Commentary of John of Dara on the Eucharist
Bride of Light
The Exodus Commentary of St Ephrem
Alison G Salvesen