G N Bailey
Not Available
Late prehistoric exploitation of the Eurasian steppe
Marsha Levine and 3 more
Towards Reflexive Method in Archaeology
Ian Hodder
Excavations at Tell Brak Volume 2
David Oates and 2 more
Examining the Farming/language Dispersal Hypothesis
Peter Bellwood and 2 more
Excavations at Tell Brak 4
Roger Matthews and 1 more
Material Engagements
Neil Brodie and 2 more
Rethinking Materiality
Elizabeth DeMarrais
Inhabiting Çatalhöyuk
Stone Knapping
Valentine Roux and 1 more
Changing Materialities at Çatalhöyuk
Phylogenetic Methods and the Prehistory of Languages
Peter Forster
Christopher Scarre and 2 more
In Stock
£22.50 £25.00
Excavating Çatalhöyuk
Mediterranean Prehistoric Heritage
Ian Hodder and 2 more
Excavations at Kilise Tepe, 1994-98
David Thomas
Image and Imagination
Colin Renfrew
Testing the Hinterland
Anthony Snodgrass and 2 more
Giorgos Gavalas and 2 more
Simulations, Genetics and Human Prehistory
Being an Islander
James H Barrett
Spong Hill IX: Chronology and Synthesis
Catherine Hills and 1 more
Living in the Landscape
Graeme Barker and 1 more
Preludes to Urbanism
Augusta McMahon
An Age of Experiment: Classical Archaeology Transformed (1976-2014)
Lisa Nevett
Hinterlands & Inlands
Christopher Evans
Pattern and Process
Mark Knight and 3 more
The Isola Sacra Survey
Antonia ArnoldusHuyzendveld and 4 more
Archaeological investigations in the Niah Caves, Sarawak, 1954-2004
Graeme Barker