Stochastic Processes and Financial Mathematics
Ludger Rüschendorf
Not Available
Asymptotic Stochastics
Norbert Henze
The Code of Mathematics
Stefan MüllerStach
Concepts of Function Theory
Jürgen Müller
Musical Scales and Their Mathematics
Karlheinz Schüffler
Fundamental Concepts of Mathematics
Uwe Storch and 1 more
Very First Steps in Random Walks
Tilings of the Plane
Ehrhard Behrends
Elementary Galois Theory
Marc NieperWisskirchen
Encrypt, Sign, Attack
Olaf Manz
Basic Concepts of Global Optimization
Oliver Stein
Modern Cryptography
Albrecht Beutelspacher and 2 more
Abstract Algebra
Marco Hien
Mathematics of Information
Stefan Schäffler