Daniel F Pinnow
Not Available
Advanced Planning in Supply Chains
Hartmut Stadtler
Strategic Enterprise Architecture Management
Frederik Ahlemann
Green China
Taco C R van Someren and 1 more
Exhibit Marketing and Trade Show Intelligence
Klaus Solberg Söilen
Reputation Management
Sabrina Helm and 2 more
Leadership - What Really Matters
Hartmut Stadtler and 4 more
Strategic Outsourcing
Bharat Vagadia
Design for Six Sigma + LeanToolset
Christian Staudter and 5 more
Balanced Growth
Giulia Mennillo and 2 more
Engineering Production Control Strategies
Christoph Karrer
Flowing Stream Strategy
Prof Sushil
Design Thinking Business Analysis
Thomas Frisendal
Software for People
Alexander Maedche and 2 more
Taco CR van Someren and 1 more
SAP on the Cloud
Michael Missbach and 4 more
Enterprise Governance of Information Technology
Steven De Haes and 1 more
Eight Steps to Sustainable Organizational Learning
Theresia Olsson Neve
Business Process Transformation
Chitra Sharma
Customer Relationship Management in the Financial Industry
Federico Rajola
Argang Ghadiri and 2 more
UX Redefined
Johannes Robier
Leading Naturally
Michael Alznauer
Foresight & Strategy in the Asia Pacific Region
The Reputable Firm
Pekka Aula
Programmatic Advertising
Oliver Busch
Operational Excellence
Gilad Isaar and 1 more
New Corporate Governance
Martin Hilb
Managing the Reality of Virtual Organizations
Sandhya Shekhar
Management by Permission
Tony McNulty and 1 more
Market Entry in China
Christiane Prange
Conflict Management
Stephan Proksch
Supply Management
Sathit Jack Parniangtong
Islamic Marketing
Cedomir NestoroviÔc
Business Model Pioneers
KaiIngo Voigt and 2 more
Leadership Strategies for Women
Paul Vanderbroeck
In Stock
£49.49 £54.99
Authentic Governance
and 4 more
Organizational Innovation by Integrating Simplification
Sharda S Nandram
Strategy, Control and Competitive Advantage
Erik Jannesson and 2 more
Enterprise Governance
Global Sourcing and Supply Management Excellence in China
Marc Helmold and 1 more
The Google Model
Annika Steiber
Solution Business
Kaj Storbacka and 1 more
The Road to a Modern IT Factory
Ferri Abolhassan
Integrated Project Management and Control
Mario Vanhoucke
Product Information Management
Jorij Abraham
Global Talent Management
Akram Al Ariss
Aviation Risk and Safety Management
Roland Müller and 2 more
Talent Relationship Management
Armin Trost
The Drivers of Digital Transformation
Transaction Cost Management
Chihiro Suematsu
Applied Asset and Risk Management
Marcus Schulmerich and 2 more
Social - Local - Mobile
Gerrit Heinemann and 1 more
Aerospace Marketing Management
Philippe Malaval and 2 more
Strategic Human Resource Development
Matthias T Meifert and 2 more
Understanding German Real Estate Markets
Tobias Just and 1 more
Overcoming Workplace Pathologies
Gilbert W Fairholm
Project Management Handbook
Jürg KusterLangford
Service Parts Planning With SAP SCM™
Jörg Thomas Dickersbach and 1 more
Liquid Legal
Kai Jacob and 2 more
Intercultural Competence in Organizations
Alex Matveev
Leading and Managing in the Social Sector
S Aqeel Tirmizi and 1 more
Managing for Social Impact
Mary J Cronin and 1 more
Zero Outage
Stephan Kasulke and 1 more
The Timeless Principles of Successful Business Strategy
Eric Viardot
The End of Performance Appraisal
Business Model Design Compass
JinHyo Joseph Yun
£98.99 £109.99
Cyber Security. Simply. Make It Happen
Evolving Business Models
Christoph Franz and 2 more
The Product Manager's Toolkit
Gabriel Steinhardt
Bridging the Innovation Gap
Daniel Huber and 2 more
The Strategic Procurement Practice Guide
Ulrich Weigel and 1 more
China's Technology Innovators
Xiaoming Zhu
Business Process Management Cases
Jan vom Brocke and 1 more
£107.99 £119.99
Performance Management Success
Anthony L Barth and 1 more
Real Estate Due Diligence
Divestitures and Spin-Offs
Joseph Joy
£89.99 £99.99
Hands-On Value-at-Risk and Expected Shortfall
Martin Auer
Temporarily Out Of Stock
£62.99 £69.99
The Scrum Culture
Dominik Maximini
£80.99 £89.99
Industrial Project Management
Stefano Tonchia
Achieving Organizational Excellence
Flevy Lasrado
Marketing Renewable Energy
Carsten Herbes and 1 more
Integrated Business Planning
Robert Kepczynski and 3 more
Data Driven
Jeremy David Curuksu
Just in Time Factory
José Luís Quesado Pinto and 4 more
Implementing Integrated Business Planning
Robert Kepczynski and 4 more
Market Segmentation Analysis
Sara Dolnicar and 2 more
Sustainable Fashion
Sarah Margaretha Jastram and 1 more
Valuing Corporate Innovation
Gunther Friedl and 1 more
Digitalization Cases
Nils Urbach and 1 more
Distribution Strategy
Livio Moretti
Building Leadership in Project and Network Management
HansWerner Franz and 3 more
Tobias Redlich and 2 more
Digitally Deaf
Steven M Stone
HRM and Remote Health Workforce Sustainability
Leighann Onnis
Mastering Disruption and Innovation in Product Management
Christoph Fuchs and 1 more
Tom Harris
Nils Urbach
IT Management in the Digital Age
Marketing Wisdom
Kartikeya Kompella
Chinese M&As in Germany
Jan Y Yang and 2 more
Emerging Champions in the Digital Economy
Case Studies in Strategic Management
Gunther Friedl
Future Telco
Peter Krüssel
Enterprise Portfolio Governance
Michael Knapp
Effective Complaint Management
Bernd Stauss and 1 more
Case Studies on Social Marketing
M Mercedes GalanLadero and 1 more
Improving Forecasts With Integrated Business Planning
Ganesh Sankaran and 3 more
Management of Shari'ah Compliant Businesses
Ezlika M Ghazali and 3 more
The New Luxury Experience
Toolbox for Marketing and Management
Ralf T Kreutzer
Transforming Organizations
Jacques Chlopczyk and 1 more
Global Diversity Management
Mustafa Özbilgin and 2 more
New Horizons in Positive Leadership and Change
Satinder Dhiman and 1 more
Personal Brand Management
Talaya Waller
The Nature of Purchasing
Florian Schupp and 1 more
Strategic Management Control
Fredrik Nilsson and 2 more
Social Entrepreneurship and Corporate Social Responsibility
Joan Marques and 1 more
Progress in Performance Management
Mustafa F Özbilgin
Software Product Management
Timo Wagenblatt
Harnessing the Potential of Digital Post-Millennials in the Future Workplace
Alan Okros
Bridging Cultural Barriers
Peter M Haller and 2 more
Social Customer Relationship Management
Rainer Alt and 1 more
Steven De Haes and 3 more
Transfer Pricing in One Lesson
Oliver Treidler
Understanding Artificial Intelligence
Ralf T Kreutzer and 1 more
Governing Digital Transformation
User Experience Is Brand Experience
Felix van de Sand and 3 more
Understanding China's Real Estate Markets
Bing Wang and 1 more
Successful International Negotiations
Marc Helmold
Executive Ownershift
Dan Norenberg
Knowledge Risk Management
Susanne Durst
Standards for Management Systems
Herfried Kohl
The Fundamental Elements of Strategy
Xiubao Yu
AI for the Good
Stefan H Vieweg
Build Your Own Blockchain
Daniel Hellwig and 2 more
Critical Thinking for Managers
Radu Atanasiu
Florian Schupp
Practices of Dynamic Collaboration
Jan De Visch and 1 more
Total Revenue Management (TRM)
Lean Management and Kaizen
Platform Business Models
R Srinivasan
Managing Industrial Services
Thomas Friedli and 2 more
Fredrik Nilsson
Joan Marques
Narrative Organizations
Christine Erlach and 2 more
Successfully Negotiating in Asia
Kim Cheng Patrick Low
Nick Shannon and 1 more
Topics of Family Business Governance
Hermut Kormann
Corporate Sustainability in Practice
Paolo Taticchi and 1 more
Patent Management
Oliver Gassmann and 2 more
Capital, Systems, and Objects
Richard Thomas Watson
The Two Sides of the Business Family
Arist von Schlippe and 2 more
New Work, Transformational and Virtual Leadership
New Living Cases on Corporate Governance
Creating Innovation Spaces
Volker Nestle
Principles of Chinese Management
Haibo Hu
An Insider's Guide to Place Branding
Florian Kaefer
The Corporate Newsroom
Christoph Moss
The Lean Healthcare Handbook
Thomas Pyzdek
B2B Marketing
Uwe G Seebacher
Leadership for a Digital World
Pricing Export Credit
Claudio Franzetti
Toolbox Digital Business
Ralf Kreutzer
The Evolution of Yield Management in the Airline Industry
Ben Vinod
Daniel R A Schallmo
Understanding China’s Real Estate Markets
Bing Wang
Responsible Procurement
Stefan Aichbauer and 5 more
Thomas Friedli
From Big Data to Intelligent Data
Fady A Harfoush
Technology for Innovation
Isak Bukhman
Warranty Chain Management
Albert Liao
Lead Community Fundraising
Linda Mareen Neugebauer and 1 more
Measuring Productivity in Education and Not-for-Profits
Kenneth Moore
Malte Ackermann
A Holistic Approach to Process Optimisation
Martin Hofmann
Richard Thomas Watson and 1 more
XR Case Studies
Timothy Jung
The Global Impact of Social Innovation
Alexander Ruthemeier
People Analytics
Rahul Ghatak
Case Studies on Sustainability in the Food Industry
Samuel O Idowu and 1 more
Global Manufacturing Management
Marketing to the Aging Population
George P Moschis
Managing Business Family Dynasties
Tom A Rüsen and 2 more
Agile Marketing Performance Management
Sascha Stürze and 3 more
Digitalization Cases Vol. 2
Nils Urbach and 5 more
Defining Enterprise Data and Analytics Strategy
Prakash Sah
Lean Management for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises
Ganesh Mahadevan and 1 more
Organisational Excellence and Resilience
Rita Berger
Successful Management Strategies and Tools
Neuromarketing in Business
Benny B Briesemeister and 1 more
A Systems Thinking Decision-Making Process
Vincent P Barabba
The Modern Lean Enterprise
Alexander C Tsigkas
Doing Business in India
Anurag K Agarwal
Jürg Kuster and 3 more
Big Data in Energy Economics
Hui Liu and 3 more
Sustainable Aviation
Judith L Walls and 1 more
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Sustainability and Environmental Social Governance (ESG)
Tracy Dathe and 3 more
Variable Takt Principle
Peter Bebersdorf and 1 more
Supply Chain Risk Management
Marc Helmold and 3 more
Aircraft Valuation in Volatile Market Conditions
Bijan Vasigh and 1 more
HR Leadership During Bankruptcy and Organizational Change
Charles J Alaimo
Crisis Management for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs)
Susanne Durst and 1 more
The Right Sensory Mix
Diana Derval
Cultivating Organizational Excellence
Albert Ferdinand Aalders
Commodity Marketing
Margit Enke
Strategy in Action
Angel Gaviero Besteiro
Managing Complexity in Social Systems
Christoph E Mandl
Casebook of Chinese Business Management
Mingyue Fan and 2 more
Mergers & Acquisitions
Maximilian Dreher and 1 more
Data Governance for Managers
Lars Michael Bollweg
Digital Marketing in the Automotive Electronics Industry
Uli Schneider and 1 more
Complementary Management
Boris Kaehler
Resetting Human Resource Management
Hermann Troger
The Illusion of Control
Performance Excellence in Marketing, Sales and Pricing Leveraging Change, Lean and Innovation Management
The Economic Value of Digital Disruption
Vijay Kumar
The Neurology of Business
Martin Pfiffner
Data-Driven Retailing
LouisPhilippe Kerkhove
Moments of Leadership
Hanspeter Zürcher
The Researcher Entrepreneur
George Vekinis
How Digital Intelligence Drives Business Growth
Zhizhuan Business Research Institute
The Silicon Valley Model
Annika Steiber and 1 more
Strategy Praxis
George Tovstiga
Jürg KusterLangford and 5 more
Rising Stars
B Rajesh Kumar
Intellectual Property Management for Start-ups
Martin A Bader
Methodology for Digital Transformation
Xiaodong Ma
The Era of New Services
Lefei Li
Digital Pricing
Frank Frohmann
Customer Success Management
Michael Kleinaltenkamp and 2 more
Hybrid Annuity Model (HAM) of Hybrid Public-Private Partnership Projects
Abhinav Mittal and 2 more
Effective Strategy Execution
Bernd Heesen
Blockchain Driven Supply Chain Management
Muhammad Shujaat Mubarik and 1 more
Management Innovation and Big Data
Zheng Qin and 2 more
Innovation in Life Sciences
Avo Schönbohm
Marketing and Sales Automation
Uwe Hannig and 1 more
Innovation of Digital Economy
Jianlin Zhang and 4 more
Managing People in Projects for High Performance
Upasna A Agarwal and 3 more
Virtual and Innovative Quality Management Across the Value Chain
Business Opportunities and Risks in China
Tracy Dathe and 2 more
Designing Luxury Brands
Navigating Uncertainty Using Foresight Intelligence
Bruce Garvey and 1 more
Holistic Innovation
Svenja Damberg and 2 more