History of the Wars, Volume III
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The Greek Anthology, Volume II
W R Paton
The Greek Anthology, Volume III
The Greek Anthology, Volume IV
Lives, Volume VI
Ausonius, Volume II: Books 18–20. Paulinus Pellaeus: Eucharisticus
Ausonius and 1 more
Panegyric on Probinus and Olybrius. Against Rufinus 1 and 2. War against Gildo. Against Eutropius 1 and 2. Fescennine Verses on the Marriage of Honorius. Epithalamium of Honorius and Maria. Panegyrics
Prognostic. Regimen in Acute Diseases. The Sacred Disease. The Art. Breaths. Law. Decorum. Physician (Ch. 1). Dentition
Aeneas Tacticus, Asclepiodotus, and Onasander
Aeneas Tacticus and 2 more
Geography, Volume III
Anacharsis or Athletics. Menippus or The Descent into Hades. On Funerals. A Professor of Public Speaking. Alexander the False Prophet. Essays in Portraiture. Essays in Portraiture Defended. The Goddes
Stratagems. Aqueducts of Rome
Lives, Volume XI
Geography, Volume IV
Letters, Volume II: Letters 59–185
The Verrine Orations, Volume I
Geography, Volume V
Geography, Volume VI
Letters, Volume III: Letters 186–248
Minor Latin Poets, Volume I
Publilius Syrus and 1 more
Letters, Volume IV: Letters 249–368. On Greek Literature
Jewish Antiquities, Volume III
The Verrine Orations, Volume II
Poems. Letters
Orations, Volume IV
Moralia, X Love Stories. That a Philosopher Ought to Converse Especially With Men in Power. To an Uneducated Ruler. Whether an Old Man Should Engage in Public Affairs. Precepts of Statecraft. On Monar
Jewish Antiquities, Volume IV
Remains of Old Latin, Volume III: Lucilius. The Twelve Tables
On Medicine, Volume II
Brutus. Orator
Orations, Volume V
Remains of Old Latin, Volume IV: Archaic Inscriptions
Eric Herbert Warmington
Natural History, Volume III: Books 8–11
Select Papyri, Volume III: Poetry
Denys L Page
Generation of Animals
Natural History, Volume II: Books 3–7
Jewish Antiquities, Volume V
Natural History, Volume V: Books 17–19
History of Rome, Volume XIII
Natural History, Volume VII: Books 24–27
Pliny and 1 more
Library of History, Volume XI
Diodorus Siculus
On Animals, Volume II
On Animals, Volume III
City of God, Volume VI
Natural History, Volume X: Books 36–37
City of God, Volume II
Jewish Antiquities, Volume VIII
Soloecista. Lucius or The Ass. Amores. Halcyon. Demosthenes. Podagra. Ocypus. Cyniscus. Philopatris. Charidemus. Nero
City of God, Volume III
Natural Questions, Volume II
De Causis Plantarum, Volume I: Books 1–2
The Library, Volume I
The Persian Wars, Volume II
Leucippe and Clitophon
Achilles Tatius
Cyropaedia, Volume II
Lives, Volume III
Lives of the Caesars, Volume II
Orations, Volume VII
Discourses 61-80
Dio Chrysostom
Pro Archia. Post Reditum in Senatu. Post Reditum Ad Quirites. De Domo Sua. De Haruspicum Responsis. Pro Plancio
Letters, Volume I
Lives, Volume V
History of the Wars, Volume I
Hellenica, Volume II
Valerius Flaccus
Ausonius, Volume I
Orations, Volume II
On Medicine, Volume I
Select Papyri, Volume II
A S Hunt and 1 more
Pro Sestio. In Vatinium
Orations, Volume VI
Lives, Volume IV
Punica, Volume II
Silius Italicus
Library of History, Volume III
Roman History, Volume II
Dio Cassius and 1 more
Attic Nights, Volume II
Moralia, Volume XIV
Discourses 1-11
Roman History, Volume III
Enquiry Into Plants, Volume I
The Gallic War
Clement of Alexandria
Lives, Volume X
Satires. Epistles. Art of Poetry
The Passing of Peregrinus. The Runaways. Toxaris or Friendship. The Dance. Lexiphanes. The Eunuch. Astrology. The Mistaken Critic. The Parliament of the Gods. The Tyrannicide. Disowned
Discourses 31-36
Isocrates, Volume III
On Agriculture, Volume II
How to Write History. The Dipsads. Saturnalia. Herodotus or Aetion. Zeuxis or Antiochus. A Slip of the Tongue in Greeting. Apology for the "Salaried Posts in Great Houses." Harmonides. A Conversation
Minor Latin Poets, Volume II
Florus and 6 more
Discourses 12-30
Library of History, Volume VII
Library of History, Volume II
On the Latin Language, Volume I
Natural History, Volume I
On the Latin Language, Volume II
On Medicine, Volume III
Roman History, Volume IV
Hippocrates, Volume III
On Duties
Lives, Volume VIII
Correspondence, Volume I
Poems, Volume II
Isocrates, Volume I
Select Letters
Pro Quinctio. Pro Roscio Amerino. Pro Roscio Comoedo. On the Agrarian Law
On Great Generals. On Historians
Cornelius Nepos
On Agriculture, Volume I
Greek Mathematical Works, Volume II
Ivor Thomas
Library of History, Volume V
Alexandrian War. African War. Spanish War
Library of History, Volume VI
Library of History, Volume XII
On Animals, Volume I
The Critical Essays [Of] Dionysius of Halicarnassus
Dionysius and 1 more
Critical Essays, Volume II
Dionysius of Halicarnassus
Ecclesiastical History, Volume II
Moralia, Volume VI
History of Rome, Volume IV
Moralia, Volume V
History of Rome, Volume II
Lives, Volume VII
Ecclesiastical History, Volume I
History of Egypt and Other Works
Alciphron. Aelian. Philostratus
Alciphron and 2 more
Library of History, Volume X
Natural History, Volume IX
Library of History, Volume VIII
Roman History, Volume V
Selected Orations, Volume I
History of the Peloponnesian War, Volume II
Julian, Volume I
Barlaam and Ioasaph
John Damascene
Lives, Volume II
Agricola. Germania. Dialogus
Roman History, Volume I
Lucian, Volume II
Cyropaedia, Volume I
Pliny the Younger
Letters, Volume II
The Theological Tractates [Of] Boethius; With an English Translation [From the Latin] by H.F. Stewart and E.K. Rand; [And], The Consolation of Philosophy/[by] Boethius
Boethius and 4 more
History of the Wars, Volume II
The Greek Anthology, Volume V
Lives, Volume IX
Hellenica, Volume I
Correspondence, Volume II
The Persian Wars, Volume III
The Persian Wars, Volume I
The Persian Wars, Volume IV
The Library, Volume II
Greek Lyric
David A Campbell
Scripta Minora
Pro Lege Manilia. Pro Caecina. Pro Cluentio. Pro Rabirio Perduellionis Reo
The Life. Against Apion
Attic Nights, Volume III
History of the Wars, Volume V
Oppian. Colluthus. Tryphiodorus
Oppian and 2 more
Isocrates, Volume II
Epitome of Roman History
Moralia, Volume III
Punica, Volume I
Description of Greece, Volume IV
Description of Greece, Volume V
On Buildings
History of Rome, Volume XII
Dionysiaca, Volume I
Dionysiaca, Volume II
Dionysiaca, Volume III
History of Alexander, Volume I
Quintus Curtius
Natural History, Volume IV
Library of History, Volume IV
Natural History, Volume VI
Rhetorica Ad Herennium
Moralia, Volume VII
Moralia, Volume XII
City of God, Volume I
City of God, Volume IV
Seneca in Ten Volumes. 7
Lucius Annaeus Seneca and 1 more
History of the Empire, Volume I
Diseases 3. Internal Affections. Regimen in Acute Diseases
Metamorphoses (The Golden Ass), Volume II
Julian, Volume II
History of the Wars, Volume IV
Roman History, Volume IX
Moralia, Volume I
Metamorphoses, Volume I
The Civil War (Pharsalia)
Suetonius and 1 more
History of the Peloponnesian War, Volume III
Ennead II
Moralia, Volume XI
Moralia, Volume XV
Enquiry Into Plants, Volume II
On the Republic. On the Laws
Greek Mathematical Works, Volume I
On the Natural Faculties
Julian, Volume III
History of Rome, Volume XIV
Livy and 1 more
On Agriculture, Volume III
Ennead VI.1-5
City of God, Volume V
Moralia, Volume VIII
Orations, Volume III
History of Alexander, Volume II
Moralia, Volume IX
Plotinus and 3 more
Description of Greece, Volume III
Minor Attic Orators, Volume I
Antiphon and 1 more
Roman History, Volume VI
History of the Peloponnesian War, Volume IV
Library of History, Volume IX
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The City of God Against the Pagans
Augustine and 1 more
Moralia, Volume II
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Marcus Porcius Cato and 3 more
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Prudentius, Volume I
Natural History, Volume VIII
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Orations, Volume I
De Causis Plantarum
Theophrastus and 2 more
Greek Lyric. 3 Stesichorus, Ibycus, Simonides, and Others
History of Animals
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Epigrams, Volume III
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Letters to Atticus. Vol. 2
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Memorable Doings and Saying
Valerius Maximus
Letters to Friends
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Bart D Ehrman
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A Loeb Classical Library Reader
Harvard University
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Ian C Storey
Fragments of Old Comedy
Ian Christopher Storey
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Early Greek Philosophy, Volume VII
Early Greek Philosophy, Volume V
Early Greek Philosophy, Volume VIII
Early Greek Philosophy
Gérard Journée and 2 more
Early Greek Philosophy, Volume II
Early Greek Philosophy, Volume III
Early Greek Philosophy, Volume IX
Hygiene, Volume II
History of Rome, Volume X
Fragmentary Republican Latin
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Fragmentary Republican Latin, Volume II
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History of Rome, Volume XI
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Gesine Manuwald
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Roman History
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Historia Augusta
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The Roman Antiquities of Dionysius of Halicarnassus
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Historical Miscellany
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The Orator's Education
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Marcus Aurelius
Marcus Aurelius and 1 more
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Description of Greece
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