The Administration and Supervision of Reading Programs
Shelley B. Wepner and 2 more
Not Available
Literacies Lost
Cyrene Wells (Assistant Professor of Education and 3 more
Stories from Response-Centered Classrooms
Barbara Smith Livdahl (Valparaiso University and 5 more
Exploring Blue Highways
JoBeth Allen and 3 more
Just Girls
Margaret J. Finders
Literacy for Life
Hanna Arlene Fingeret and 1 more
Life at the Margins
Juliet Merrifield
Learning to Read
G. Brian Thompson and 1 more
Inquiry-Based English Instruction
Richard Beach and 1 more
Conversational Borderlands
Betsy Rymes
School's Out!
Glynda A. Hull and 1 more
Making Race Visible
Stuart Greene and 1 more
The Brothers and Sisters Learn to Write
Anne Haas Dyson
Crossing the Digital Divide
Barbara Monroe
Out of This World
Holly Virginia Blackford
Teaching English Today
Barrie R. C. Barrell
New Literacies in Action
William Kist
Research on Composition
Peter Smagorinsky
Richard Beach
Writing in Rhythm
Maisha T. Fisher
The Effective Literacy Coach
Adrian Rodgers and 1 more
Children's Literature and Learning
Barbara A. Lehman
No Quick Fix
Richard L. Allington and 1 more
Lawrence R. Sipe
On Formative and Design Experiments
David Reinking and 1 more
On Ethnography
Shirley Brice Heath and 1 more
Children's Language
Judith Wells Lindfors
On Teacher Inquiry
Dixie Goswami
Teaching the New Writing
Anne Herrington and 2 more
Children, Language, and Literacy
Celia Genishi and 1 more
Harlem on Our Minds
Valerie Kinloch
Change Is Gonna Come
Patricia A. Edwards and 2 more
On Mixed Methods
Robert C. Calfee and 1 more
When Commas Meet Kryptonite
Michael Bitz
Artifactual Literacies
Kate Pahl and 1 more
(Re)imagining Content-Area Literacy Instruction
Roni Jo Draper and 1 more
Writing Assessment and the Revolution in Digital Texts and Technologies
Michael R. Neal
Bedtime Stories and Book Reports
Catherine Compton-Lilly and 1 more
Envisioning Literature
Judith A. Langer
Urban Literacies
Words Were All We Had
María de la Luz Reyes
Restructuring Schools for Linguistic Diversity
Ofelia B. Miramontes and 2 more
Teaching Literacy for Love and Wisdom
Jeffrey D. Wilhelm and 1 more
Jessica Zacher Pandya
Playing Their Way Into Literacies
Karen E. Wohlwend
The Successful High School Writing Center
Dawn Fels and 1 more
Interrupting Hate
Mollie V. Blackburn
Literacy & Justice Through Photography
Wendy Ewald and 3 more
A Call to Creativity
Luke Reynolds
Reading Time
Catherine Compton-Lilly
Reading Girls
Hadar Dubowsky Ma'ayan
Trust Me! I Can Read
Sally Lamping and 1 more
Bridging Literacy and Equity
Althier M. Lazar and 2 more
Learning from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Classrooms
Joan C. Fingon and 1 more
Literacy for a Better World
Laura Schneider VanDerPloeg
Socially Responsible Literacy
Paula M. Selvester and 1 more
Real World Writing for Secondary Students
Jessica Singer Early and 1 more
Teaching Vocabulary to English Language Learners
Michael F. Graves and 2 more
A Search Past Silence
David E. Kirkland
The ELL Writer
Christina Ortmeier-Hooper
Writing Instruction That Works
Arthur N. Applebee and 2 more
ReWRITING the Basics
Race, Community, and Urban Schools
Stuart Greene
Inspiring Dialogue
Mary M. Juzwik
Critical Literacy in the Early Childhood Classroom
Candace R. Kuby
Reading the Visual
Frank Serafini
William G. Brozo and 2 more
Writing and Teaching to Change the World
Stephanie Jones
Transforming Talk Into Text
Thomas M. McCann
Teaching Transnational Youth
Allison Skerrett
The One-on-One Reading and Writing Conference
Jennifer Berne and 1 more
Uncommonly Good Ideas-Teaching
Sandra Murphy
Engaging Writers With Multigenre Research Projects
Nancy Mack
Pose, Wobble, Flow
Antero Garcia and 1 more
Ed Madison
Literacy Theory as Practice
Lara Jean Handsfield and 1 more
Literacy and History in Action
Literacy Leadership in Changing Schools
Shelley B. Wepner and 4 more
Teaching Outside the Box but Inside the Standards
Bob Fecho and 2 more
Partnering With Immigrant Communities
Gerald Campano
Go Be a Writer!
Candace R. Kuby and 1 more
Reading, Writing, and Talk
Mariana Souto-Manning and 1 more
Inclusive Literacy Teaching
Lori Helman
The Vocabulary Book
Michael F. Graves
Every Young Child a Reader
Sharan A. Gibson and 1 more
'You Gotta BE the Book'
Jeffrey D. Wilhelm
Personal Narrative
Bronwyn Clare LaMay
The Teacher-Writer
Christine M. Dawson
Assessing Writing, Teaching Writers
Mary Ann Smith
Choice and Agency in the Writing Workshop
Frederick L. Hamel
Culturally Sustaining Pedagogies
Django Paris and 1 more
Remixing Multiliteracies
Frank Serafini and 1 more
Social Justice Literacies in the English Language Classroom
Ashley S. Boyd
Social Justice Literacies in the English Classroom
Educating Emergent Bilinguals
Ofelia García and 1 more
Reading the Rainbow
Caitlin Ryan and 1 more
Preparing English Learners for College and Career
María de los Ángeles Santos Guzmán and 2 more
Summer Reading
We've Been Doing It Your Way Long Enough
Janice Baines and 2 more
Educating for Empathy
Nicole Mirra
Seeing the Spectrum
Robert Rozema
A Think-Aloud Approach to Writing Assessment
Sarah W. Beck
Before Words
Judith T. Lysaker
Translanguaging for Emergent Bilinguals
Danling Fu and 2 more
Amplifying the Curriculum
Aída Walqui and 1 more
Arts Integration in Diverse K-5 Classrooms
Liane Brouillette
Letting Go of Literary Whiteness
Carlin Borsheim-Black and 1 more
The Reading Turn-Around With Emergent Bilinguals
Amanda Claudia Wager and 2 more
Digitally Supported Disciplinary Literacy for Diverse K-5 Classrooms
Jamie Colwell and 2 more
Compose Our World
Alison Boardman and 3 more
Playing With Language
Marcy Zipke
Restorative Literacies
Deborah L. Wolter
Writing the School House Blues
From Words to Wisdom
Erica Marie Barnes and 2 more
Understanding the Transnational Lives and Literacies of Immigrant Children
Jungmin Kwon
Words Worth Using
Dianna Townsend
Core Practices for Teaching Multilingual Students
Megan Madigan Peercy and 2 more
Black Immigrant Literacies
Patriann Smith
Teens Choosing to Read
Gay Ivey and 1 more
Critical Encounters in Secondary English
Deborah Appleman
Reading With Purpose
Erika Thulin Dawes and 3 more
Writing Instruction for Success in College and in the Workplace
Charles A. MacArthur and 1 more
Connecting Equity, Literacy, and Language
Althier M. Lazar and 3 more
Teaching Climate Change to Children
Rebecca Woodard and 1 more
Educating African Immigrant Youth
Vaughn W. M. Watson and 2 more
Teaching With Arts-Infused Writing Pedagogies
Kelly K. Wissman
A Cyclical Model of Literacy Learning
Adrienne Minnery and 1 more
Equitable Literacy Instruction for Students in Poverty
Doris Walker-Dalhouse and 1 more