Towards a Federal Europe?
Alexandre H Trechsel
Not Available
The Disparity of European Integration
Borzel Tanja
Mutual Recognition as a New Mode of Governance
Susanne K Schmidt
Towards a Federal Europe
Alexander H Trechsel
Innovations in Urban Politics
Jonathan S Davies
Comparative Studies of Policy Agendas
Frank R Baumgartner
The Constitutionalization of the European Union
Berthold Rittberger
Civilian or Military Power?
Helene Sjursen
Learning and Governance in the EU Policy Making Process
Anthony R Zito
The Politics of the Lisbon Agenda
Susana Copenhagen Business School and 1 more
Agency Governance in the EU
Berthold Rittberger and 1 more
The EU's Common Foreign and Security Policy
The Power of the European Court of Justice
Economic Patriotism in Open Economies
Ben Clift and 1 more
EU External Governance
Sandra Lavenex
Political Representation and European Union Governance
Peter Mair
The Political Economy of Europe's Incomplete Single Market
David Howarth
The European Union's Foreign Economic Policies
Andreas Dür
The Role of Political Parties in the European Union
Bjorn Lindberg
The Representative Turn in EU Studies
Sandra Kröger
Europe and the Management of Globalization
Wade Brigham Young University and 1 more
International Influence Beyond Conditionality
Rachel A Epstein
Changing Models of Capitalism in Europe and the U.S.
Richard Deeg
The European Union: Integration and Enlargement
R Daniel Kelemen
Europe’s Place in Global Financial Governance after the Crisis
Daniel Mügge
Speaking With a Single Voice
Eugénia Technische Universitat Dresden and 1 more
EMU and Political Science
Henrik Enderlein
Ben Clift
Morality Policies in Europe
Christoph Knill
Frameworks of the European Union's Policy Process
Nikolaos Zahariadis
Legislative Codecision in the European Union
Anne Rasmussen
Cross-national Policy Convergence
Christoph LMU Munich and 1 more
The European Union and the New Trade Politics
JOHN University of Edinburgh and 1 more
Immigration and Integration Policy in Europe
Tim University of Sussex and 1 more
EU Lobbying: Empirical and Theoretical Studies
David Coen
Negotiation Theory and the EU
Reforming the European Commission
Michael W Bauer
Anthony Zito
Susanne Schmidt
Governance by International Public Administrations
The European Union at an Inflection Point
Alasdair Georgia Institute of Technology and 1 more
Coping with Power Dispersion
Mads University of Roskilde and 1 more
The EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy
The EU Timescape
Klaus University of Potsdam and 1 more
Eugénia da ConceiçãoHeldt and 1 more
Susanne K Schmidt and 1 more
Legislative Lobbying in Context
Jan University of Antwerp and 1 more
European Democracy as Demoi-cracy
Francis University of Zurich and 1 more
European Integration in Times of Crisis
Demosthenes Ioannou
Differentiated Integration in the European Union
Benjamin Leruth
Political Budgeting Across Europe
Christian University of Konstanz and 1 more
The European Union as a Global Regulator?
Alasdair Young
EU Socio-Economic Governance since the Crisis
Jonathan University of Amsterdam and 1 more
The European Union
R Daniel Kelemen and 2 more
Christoph Knill and 1 more
Fiascos in Public Policy and Foreign Policy
Kai Oppermann and 1 more
The Politics and Economics of Brexit
Simon Bulmer and 1 more
Free Movement and Non-discrimination in an Unequal Union
Susanne University of Bremen and 1 more
Ideas, Political Power, and Public Policy
Daniel University of Saskatchewan and 2 more
France and the European Union
Emiliano Grossman
Federal Challenges and Challenges to Federalism
John Erik University of Oslo and 1 more
The Political Economy of Pension Financialisation
Anke Hassel and 1 more
The European Union Beyond the Polycrisis?
Jonathan Zeitlin and 1 more
Christian Breunig and 2 more
European Union Enlargement and Integration Capacity
Tanja Börzel
Transforming Food and Agricultural Policy
Carsten Daugbjerg
EU Socio-Economic Governance Since the Crisis
The Future of the Social Investment State
Marius R Busemeyer and 3 more
Innovative Approaches to EU Multilevel Implementation
Eva University of Exeter and 1 more
Simon Bulmer
Free Movement and Non-Discrimination in an Unequal Union
Susanne K Schmidt and 2 more
Europe's Place in Global Financial Governance After the Crisis
Changing Models of Capitalism in Europe and the U.S
Richard Deeg and 1 more
Jonathan Zeitlin
Anke Hassel
Domestic Contestation of the European Union
Sara B Hobolt
Sara Binzer Hobolt and 1 more
Ideologies and the European Union
Carlo Invernizzi Accetti and 1 more
The Brexit Policy Fiasco
Jeremy Richardson
Strategic Responses to Domestic Contestation
Edoardo Bressanelli and 2 more
Sandra Kröger and 1 more
Susana Borras and 1 more