Constitutional Courts
Andrew Harding and 1 more
Not Available
Mixed Legal Systems at New Frontiers
E Örücü
Foundations of Comparative Law
William Elliott Butler and 2 more
Global Wrongs and Private Law Remedies and Procedures
S Banakas
Using Legal Culture
David Nelken
A Court in the City
Simon Roberts
Pasolini's Italian Premonitions
Maria Federica Moscati
The 1980 Hague Abduction Convention
Robert E Rains
Natural Law and Comparative Law
Russell Wilcox
The Legal Regime of Chinese Overseas Investment
Chenyang XAI
The Interaction of Legal Systems
Vinogradoff Institute Dickinson School of Law
Reflections on the Supreme Court of Ghana
S K DateBah
Interdisciplinary Study and Comparative Law (JCL Studies in Comparative Law No. 15)
Nicholas HD Foster
Turkey and the International Law of the Sea
Ekrem Korkut
Chinese Conflict of Laws: A Restatement and Legisprudence Proposal
Shaoming Zhu
Comparative Legal Reasoning: Essays in Honour of Geoffrey Samuel
Simone Glanert
Transparency Challenges Facing China
Michael Palmer
Comparative Legal Studies 1750 to 1835 Approaches to Conceptualization
Oleksii Kresin