The Political Economy of the Southern African Periphery
Betty J. Harris
Not Available
The USA and the Rise of East Asia Since 1945
Jacques Hersh
French Theories of Regulation and Conceptions of the International Division of Labour
Alfredo C. Robles Jr
Foreign Direct Investment in a Changing Global Political Economy
Steve Chan
Children in the International Political Economy
G. Kent
The World Bank and Non-Governmental Organizations
Paul J. Nelson
Disaster and Development in the Horn of Africa
John Sorenson
Asian Industrialization and Africa
Howard Stein
Latin America's New Insertion in the World Economy
Ruud Buitelaar and 1 more
The Global Political Economy of Communication
Edward A. Comor
Out from Underdevelopment Revisited
James H. Mittelman and 1 more
NGOS, States and Donors
D. Hulme and 1 more
Legislative Drafting for Market Reform
Janice Payne
The Aftermath of ‘Real Existing Socialism’ in Eastern Europe
Anne Lorentzen
Subsidy Regulation and State Transformation in North America, the GATT and the EU
Robert O'Brien
Capital beyond Borders
Kenneth P. Thomas
Global Establishment
David Kowalewski
Neoliberalism and Class Conflict in Latin America
H. Veltmeyer and 2 more
The New World Order in International Finance
Geoffrey R. D. Underhill
Globalization, Liberalization, and Policy Change
Stephen D. McDowell
Feminism and International Relations
Sandra Whitworth
Globalization and the South
Caroline Thomas and 1 more
The Role of NGOs Under Authoritarian Political Systems
S. Cleary
Interdependence, Disequilibrium and Growth
John Loxley
The United Nations in Southeast Asia and the South Pacific
Roderic Alley
Negotiating Peace in El Salvador
Tricia Juhn
Beyond the Developmental State
Stephen Chan and 2 more
Steve Chan and 2 more
Dilemmas in Defence Decision-Making
Ann Denholm Crosby
Interdependence, Disequilibrium, and Growth
Industrial Transformation in Eastern Europe in the Light of the East Asian Experience
Jeffrey Henderson
The Tropical Timber Trade Regime
Fred P. Gale
Industrial Crisis and the Open Economy
Human Rights in the Emerging Global Order
Kurt Mills
Bureaucracy and the Alternatives in World Perspective
K. Henderson and 1 more
Dynamic Agroindustrial Clusters
Gabriel Casaburi
Canadian-Caribbean Relations in Transition
Jerry Haar
The Emergence of Insurgency in El Salvador
Yvon Grenier
New Perspectives on International Functionalism
Lucian Ashworth
Financial Globalization and Democracy in Emerging Markets
L. Armijo
How Sanctions Work
N. Crawford
Neta Crawford and 1 more
Labour Worldwide in the Era of Globalization
Ronaldo Munck and 1 more
Innovation in Multilateralism
Michael G. Schechter
Future Multilateralism
N. Crawford and 1 more
International Political Economy and Mass Communication in Chile
Matt Davies
Keith M. Henderson and 1 more
Globalization and the Dilemmas of the State in the South
F. Adams and 2 more
Rural Women and Triple Exploitation in Korean Development
D. Gills
Peace, Power and Resistance in Cambodia
P. Lizeé
Political Economy, Power and the Body
Gillian Youngs
Economic and Political Impediments to Middle East Peace
L. Drake
A Spatial Approach to Regionalisms in the Global Economy
M. Niemann
The Global Political Economy and Post-1989 Change
E. Ashworth
Bangladesh, India & Pakistan
K. Jacques
Ethnicity Kills?
E. Braathen
The Dynamics of Social Change in Latin America
Henry Veltmeyer and 1 more
Globalization and Its Critics
Randall D. Germain
J. W. Wright and 1 more
Globalization and the Politics of Resistance
B. Gills
National Perspectives on the New Regionalism in the Third World
B. Hettne
National Perspectives on the New Regionalism in the North
Rethinking Globalization(s)
Preet S. Aulakh and 1 more
Demobilization in Sub-Saharan Africa
Kees Kingma
Welfare Capitalism in Southeast Asia
M. Ramesh and 1 more
The Political Economy of Drugs in the Caribbean
Ivelaw L. Griffith
From Comrades to Citizens
Glenn Adler and 2 more
The New Regionalism and the Future of Security and Development
Björn Hettne and 2 more
Environment and Security
Miriam R. Lowi and 1 more
Economic Liberalization, Democratization, and Civil Society in the Developing World
Remonda Bensabat Kleinberg and 1 more
Policy Regimes and Industrial Competitiveness
Pradeep Agrawal and 2 more
Sanctions as Economic Statecraft
S. Chan and 1 more
Foreign Aid and Political Reform
G. Crawford
The Political Economy of Nature
R. Boardman
Africa's Challenge to International Relations Theory
K. Dunn
The Political Economy of Gender in the Twentieth-Century Caribbean
V. Barriteau
Global Change
T. Inoguchi
Regionalization and Security in Southern Africa
N. Poku
Perspectives on the Indian Corporate Economy
Ananya Mukherjee-Reed
Freedom and Finance
Mary Ann Haley
Social Forces in the Making of the New Europe
Andreas Bieler
Structure and Agency in International Capital Mobility
Timothy J. Sinclair and 1 more
Globalization Versus Development
K. Jomo
Egalitarian Politics in the Age of Globalization
Craig N. Murphy
The Celtic Tiger in Distress
Peadar Kirby
The Liberal Model and Africa
K. Good
Macroeconomic and Structural Adjustment Policies in Zimbabwe Since Independence (1980)
Clever Mumbengegwi
The International Political Economy of Transformation in Argentina, Brazil and Chile Since 1960
E. Pang
Japan in Crisis
S. Maswood
Innovation and Social Learning
M. Gertler
The Caribbean Banana Trade
P. Clegg
Public Policy in the Age of Globalization
H. Hveem
Structural Flaws in the Middle East Process
State-led Modernization and the New Middle Class in Malaysia
A. Embong
State-Led Modernization and the New Middle Class in Malaysia
Abdul Rahman Embong
Structural Flaws in the Middle East Peace Process
J. W. Wright
Globalization, Regionalization and Cross-Border Regions
Markus Perkmann and 1 more
Syed Javed Maswood
Eul-Soo Pang
Domestic Politics and International Relations in US-Japan Trade Policymaking
C. Meyerson
Corruption, Politics and Development
H. Marquette
The Regional Organizations of the Asia Pacific
M. Wesley
Globalization in the Twenty-First Century
A. Hülsemeyer
Global Civil Society and Its Limits
G. Laxer
Gordon Laxer and 1 more
Corporate Capitalism in Contemporary South Asia
The Military as an Economic Actor
Jörn Brömmelhörster and 2 more
The Intra-Group Dimensions of Ethnic Conflict in Sri Lanka
Kenneth D. Bush
Political Globalization
Morten Ougaard
The Political Economy of Regionalism
F. Söderbaum
Neo-liberalism and AIDS Crisis in Sub-Saharan Africa
C. O'Manique
Global Restructuring and the Power of Labour
Bill Dunn
The Emergent Global Information Policy Regime
Sandra Braman
Democracy and Civil Society in Asia. Volume 2 Democratic Transitions and Social Movements in Asia
Jayant Lele and 1 more
Democracy and Civil Society in Asia: Volume 1
F. Quadir
Democracy and Civil Society in Asia
Fahimul Quadir and 1 more
World Democratic Federalism
Myron J. Frankman
Globalization and the Welfare State
Bo Södersten
Politicising Democracy
John Harriss and 2 more
The Globalizations of Organized Labour
G. Myconos
The IMF and the Politics of Financial Globalization
B. Thirkell-White
The Politics of International Trade in the 21st Century
Wyn Grant
Confronting Globalization
Patrick Hayden and 1 more
P. Hayden
The Political Economy of Regions and Regionalisms
Morten Bøås and 2 more
Internalizing Globalization
Susanne Soederberg and 2 more
New Modes of Governance in the Global System
Mathias Koenig-Archibugi and 1 more
Cooperating on Competition in Transatlantic Economic Relations
C. Damro
Global Restructuring, State, Capital and Labour
A. Bieler and 3 more
Global Forces and State Restructuring
M. Doornbos
The South in International Economic Regimes
The Neoliberal Revolution
Richard Robison
Statecraft, Welfare and the Politics of Inclusion
K. Jayasuriya
International Political Economy and Poststructural Politics
Marieke de Goede
The Political Economy of International Capital Mobility
M. Watson
21st Century Dissent
G. Curran
Multinational Companies from Emerging Economies
A. Goldstein
National Perspectives on Globalization
Paul Bowles
Regional Perspectives on Globalization
Neoliberalism, Civil Society and Security in Africa
Pádraig Risteard Carmody
P. Carmody
Brand Engagement
Ian P. Buckingham
Development, Civil Society and Faith-Based Organisations
Gerard Clarke and 1 more
Authority in the Global Political Economy
V. Rittberger and 1 more
Post-NAFTA North America
I. Morales
Consumption and the Globalization Project
E. Comor
Globalization, Regionalization and Business
M. Schelhase
The Critical Theory of Robert W. Cox
A. Leysens
Culture and Consensus in European Varieties of Capitalism
I. Bruff
Globalization, Development and The State
Jørgen Dige Pedersen
Power and Politics After Financial Crises
J. Robertson
Volker Rittberger and 2 more
The Political Economy of East Asia
K. Cai
Offshore Finance and Small States
W. Vlcek
American Empire and the Political Economy of Global Finance
Leo Panitch and 1 more
Advancing Governance in the South
P. Riggirozzi
Post-Neoliberalism in the Americas
Laura Macdonald and 1 more
Competitive Regionalism
Mireya Solís and 2 more
Global Health Governance
Adrian Kay and 1 more
Sugar: Refined Power in a Global Regime
B. Richardson
Ben Richardson
Globalizing Social Justice
Jeff Atkinson and 4 more
Globalization and Labour in China and India
P. Bowles
The Political Economy of Sovereign Wealth Funds
Xu Yi-chong and 1 more
Marginalization in Urban China
F. Wu
Chinese Capitalisms
Y. Chu
International Cultural Policies and Power
J. P. Singh
The Politics of Economic Regionalism
Kevin G. Cai
Celtic Tiger in Collapse
The Currency of Power
André Broome
Business, Politics and Public Policy
José Carlos Marques and 2 more
J. Marques
China and the Mortgaging of America
H. Thompson
The International Political Economy of Work and Employability
P. Moore
Promoting Good Governance, Development and Accountability
S. Brown-Shafii
South-South Cooperation
R. Modi
Quality and Legitimacy of Global Governance
T. Cadman
Inter-American Cooperation at a Crossroads
G. Mace
Partnerships and Foundations in Global Health Governance
S. Rushton
Governance Ecosystems
J. Sagebien
Internet Gambling Offshore
A. Cooper
Global Commodity Governance
F. Gale and 1 more
Negotiating Trade Liberalization at the WTO
Eugénia da Conceição-Heldt
The Politics of Intellectual Property Rights and Access to Medicines
Valbona Muzaka
The Political Economy of Capital Market Reforms in Southeast Asia
X. Zhang
Natural Resources and Social Conflict
M. Schnurr
Regions and Crises
Lorenzo Fioramonti
Employment and Development under Globalization
S. Cohn
Latin American Responses to Globalization in the 21st Century
M. Nilsson
Regulating Corporate Governance in the EU
L. Horn
The Future of Entrepreneurship in Latin America
E. Brenes
Neoliberalism in Crisis
Henk Overbeek and 1 more
Latin America After Neoliberalism
C. Wylde
Local Climate Governance in China
M. Schröder
Africa and International Relations in the 21st Century
S. Cornelissen
Challenging Global Finance
Elizabeth Friesen
Rethinking Development Challenges for Public Policy
K. Hanson
The Global Crisis and Transformative Social Change
P. Utting and 2 more
The Politics of Resource Extraction
S. Sawyer
Peter Utting and 3 more
The New Political Economy of Pharmaceuticals
O. Williams
Resilience of Regionalism in Latin America and the Caribbean
J. Briceño-Ruiz
J. Harriss and 1 more
Andrés Rivarola and 1 more
Hans Löfgren and 1 more
Kevin C. Dunn and 1 more
David Hulme and 1 more
Dirty Cities
Leila Simona Talani and 2 more
China's Policymaking for Regional Economic Cooperation
Yang Jiang
Resource Governance and Developmental States in the Global South
Jewellord Singh and 1 more
Alliance Capitalism, Innovation and the Chinese State
Victoria Higgins
Developmental States and Business Activism
Jessica Chia-yueh Liao
EU Leadership in Energy and Environmental Governance
Jakub M. Godzimirski
Governing Climate Induced Migration and Displacement
Andrea C. Simonelli and 1 more
Sovereign Risk and Financial Crisis
Silvia Pepino
The Changing Worlds and Workplaces of Capitalism
Felix Behling and 3 more
The Global Division of Labour
Richard Münch
The Gulf States in International Political Economy
Kristian Coates Ulrichsen
The Political Economy of Rare Earth Elements
Ryan David Kiggins
Transnational Gas Markets and Euro-Russian Energy Relations
Andrei V. Belyi
J. Petras and 5 more
Governing Through Standards
S. Ponte and 2 more
Towards a New Political Economy of Development
G. Strange
Global Governance and Regulatory Failure
R. Goldbach
Timothy M. Shaw and 2 more
Cities and Spaces of Leadership
Cristina D'Alessandro and 1 more
The Political Economy of Labour Market Reforms
Constructing European Union Trade Policy
Postcolonial International Relations
L. Ling
Mipes;Econ Lib Democ Civil Soci
Economic Liberalization, Democratization and Civil Society in the Developin
A Lent
Antitrust Institutions and Policies in the Globalising Economy
Eleonora Poli
Gabriel Siles-Brügge
Multinational Corporations from Emerging Markets
Andreas Nölke
Özgün Sarmehmet Duman
Rising Powers and Multilateral Institutions
Dries Lesage
Dries Lesage and 1 more
Andrea C. Simonelli
Developmental Local Governance
Eris Dawn Schoburgh and 2 more
Making Medicines in Africa
Maureen Mackintosh and 3 more
Women, Employment and the Family in the International Division of Labour
J. Parpart and 1 more
World Orders, Development and Transformation
E. Sahle
The Political Economy of Russian Aluminium
The World Bank and Transferring Development
Adrian Robert Bazbauers
Revisiting Globalization and the Rise of Global Production Networks
S. Javed Maswood
Capitalising Economic Power in the US
Mattia Tassinari
Bauxite Mining in Africa
Johannes Knierzinger
The Political Economy of Robots
Ryan Kiggins
The Political Economies of Turkey and Greece
Mustafa Kutlay
The Political Economy of the Low-Carbon Transition
Peadar Kirby and 1 more
Mapping China’s ‘One Belt One Road’ Initiative
Li Xing
Water, Energy, Food and People Across the Global South
Larry A. Swatuk and 1 more
Regionalism, Development and the Post-Commodities Boom in South America
Ernesto Vivares
The International Political Economy of Oil and Gas
Slawomir Raszewski
Global Governance and Muslim Organizations
Leslie A. Pal
New Political Economy of Energy in Europe
Foucault and Post-Financial Crises
John G. Glenn
The Political Economy of Underdevelopment in the Global South
Justin van der Merwe and 1 more
EU Development Policies
Sarah L. Beringer
Market Liberalism and Economic Patriotism in the Capitalist World-System
Tamás Ger?cs
The Dark Side of Globalisation
Leila Simona Talani
Governance Beyond the Law
Abel Polese
The Failure of Financial Regulation
Anil Hira
Globalisation and Seed Sovereignty in Sub-Saharan Africa
Clare O'Grady Walshe
Developmental Liberalism in South Korea
Chang Kyung-Sup
Information, Technology and Control in a Changing World
Blayne Haggart
Transnational Crime and Black Spots
Stuart Scott Brown and 1 more
Reconfiguring Transregionalisation in the Global South
Ross Anthony
The Political Economy of Natural Resource Funds
Eyene Okpanachi and 1 more
Emerging Powers, Development Cooperation and South-South Relations
Chithra Purushothaman
Transformative Citizenship in South Korea
The Political Economy of Non-Western Migration Regimes
Rustamjon Urinboyev and 1 more
China and Global Governance
Peng Bo
The International Political Economy of Migration in the Globalization Era
The Political Economy of Climate Finance: Lessons from International Development
Corrine Cash
Global Trade and Trade Governance During De-Globalization
Anna Karhu
The Political Economy of Eastern Europe 30 years into the ‘Transition’
Agnes Gagyi
The Future of the South African Political Economy Post-COVID 19
Mzukisi Qobo
The Political Economy of China—US Relations
The Political Economy of Risk in Finance and the Military
Marc Schelhase
Informality, Labour Mobility and Precariousness
Statecraft and the Political Economy of Capitalism
Scott G. Nelson and 1 more
South—South Regional Financial Arrangements
Diana Barrowclough
The Political Economy of Emerging Markets and Alternative Development Paths
Judit Ricz
The Political Economy of Post-COVID Life and Work in the Global South
Sandya Hewamanne and 1 more
The Political Economy of Sino–South African Trade and Regional Competition
Bhaso Ndzendze
The Political Economy of Global Manufacturing, Business and Finance
Michael Tribe
Cancer Care in Pandemic Times
Geoffrey Banda and 4 more
Judit Ricz and 1 more
The Political Economy of Global Responses to COVID-19
Alan W. Cafruny and 1 more
Michael A. Tribe and 1 more
The Political Economy of Green Bonds in Emerging Markets
Manuel Neumann
The Political Economy of the Eurozone’s Rollercoaster
Konstantinos A. Myrodias
Energy, Capitalism and World Order
Tim Di Muzio and 1 more
The Political Economy of Central Asian Law
Rustamjon Urinboyev